Because it seems that humanity, instead of progressing, is regressing

Here is presented to the history of humanity, to the future history of humanity, that period that has been defined as the "Age of Aquarius", a period that has been described by initiates and not, as a moment of general initiation to those who they are the mysteries of life beyond the physical plane.

An initiation towards a new stage of evolution, a moment of passage from a lower stage of consciousness to a higher stage: for this to be possible, the whole of humanity is, in some way, diverted towards those teachings that can more easily help it to look inside itself to seek those truths which, by their virtue, can make this man grow, apparently so far behind on the path of evolution.

Of course, with these words of mine I do not mean that humanity is diverted to spiritualism, much less that it is diverted to parapsychology or to any particular spiritualistic current or so-called such.
Instead, I mean that the famous Masters of karma, of which we have spoken to you in the past, defining them as those who in some way hold the reins of the journey of man, have prepared on his way a whole series of knowledge and concepts that, little by little, have infiltrated knowledge and in the knowledge of men without them, perhaps, even realizing it. Here, so, that terms such as "karma","reincarnation","evolution”And so on have now become part of general culture and are considered terms quite understandable by anyone. In short, a ground paved by the concepts that men must introject to take the step towards a greater understanding of reality has been prepared for humanity.

But, alas, as always in all these years, your friend Scifo tells you: "In everything that happens there is, by divine law, aambivalence".

If, therefore, there is this push towards greater evolution, at the same time mechanisms are set in motion that try to rebalance the state of things and, therefore, to slow down evolution.
Thus, from these moments of conflicting pressures problems arise over problems, confusion, disorder… to the point that those who find themselves in spiritualistic environments end up feeling even disoriented by what is happening around them.

How are these forces set in motion, and what can they be?
Certainly having brought to the knowledge of the mass spiritual teachings such as the knowledge of the existence of a world beyond the physical world, or the possible participation, the possible intervention of Guides (embodied or disembodied) who can come to dialogue in some way , has set in motion a whole series of internal mechanisms to that part of humanity that is not yet ready to make the leap in quality.
In fact, creatures, do not forget that not all of humanity can make this qualitative leap and you can also understand this simply by thinking that it, except in special cases, it is generally possible for individuals belonging to the old race (the third, ed) which are three quarters of their evolutionary path, therefore a not indifferent evolution.
However, together with these individuals they are embodied individuals of the new race (the fourth, in a much higher proportion than those of the third, ed) who are still at the beginning of their journey and therefore do not have inwardly the bases to understand or to exploit in the right way the concepts that Reality and the Masters of karma have placed on the path of man.

These concepts, these teachings, can yes, therefore, serve to understand, to improve but they can also, in turn, be used to expand, set in motion, satisfy the needs of one's own Io.
Thus, if on the one hand spiritual teachings flourish aimed at trying to make the individual man understand the true reality of his inner self, at the same time a whole series of characters flourish who take advantage of these teachings to manifest more or less true gifts, to propagate messages more or less logical, to try to exploit the trust of others in order to acquire personal advantages.

Those of you who frequent the spiritualistic environment (and spiritist in particular), will be realizing that the situation is truly chaotic: characters who seemed solid seem to wobble on their pedestal and are made a market, more or less open, of all that doctrine, that theory which should - only and simply - serve to help men.

Magicians, sorcerers, pranotherapists, "great masters", and so on and so forth, they bloom suddenly, almost as if the age of Aquarius was not only about to begin, but was at its end! And this does nothing but feed those unconscious fears that are inside people who are not yet convinced of their reality.

We tonight want to take advantage of this meeting to remind you that if you really think, if you really believe that you have understood the teachings, if you really believe that there is a certain logic in them, if you really feel that they correspond to what you think is or can to be Truth, then it is, however and always, your duty not to give credit to all that undergrowth of individuals who make teaching a tool to serve themselves.

What I still want to remind you is that the reality and beauty of the teaching - whatever the source it comes from - is that teaching must serve to unite and not to separate; in the very moment in which to follow a teaching and to carry on one's own faith, one places oneself in contrast with others, one places this teaching or this faith in front of others as if it were a barrier (even if only with one's partner or one's partner), this shows that nothing of the true being of teaching has yet been understood.

Teaching, true teaching, what feels right, is always and only done - I repeat - to unite and not to separate, as its purpose is to make each individual reach the end of the journey.
And the end of the journey of each individual is not feeling separated from the rest of reality, but coming to unite, to merge with it to become one and only Reality. Scifo

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2 comments on “Why it seems that humanity, instead of progressing, is regressing”

  1. It is consoling to know that what happens is regulated by the law of balance. Analyzing the facts only with the logic of the rational, it is difficult to get a reason for all the suffering and injustice that seems to prevail over this humanity. An act of profound trust and the ability to grasp reality beyond what appears. Not always easy. The indications of the guides allow me to have a broader view and I recognize that in different forms their teachings, with different sensitivities, are increasingly internalized by a greater number of people.

  2. The prevalence of the incarnation of the fourth race explains the reason for so much confusion and too many social "injustices" which we witness helplessly, the fact remains that it is sad to see the suffering to which too many people are subjected due to the selfishness and misunderstandings of others.


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