Living to understand [IF44-2focus]

We must recognize that these are concepts that stimulate curiosity andIo as a whole. Who would not wonder who he was in his previous life or if he belongs to the old race, the "more evolved" one, or to the new, more "child" one?

The basic mistake is that these questions they have no real importance for the individual: having been an emperor in a previous life does not constitute a mark of distinction for the current ego, while it could be if one has been good, just, wise and altruistic.

But these positive elements, if they had been achieved and were sincere and not simple masks worn to embellish oneself, are also possessed in this life, so the knowledge of possessing those qualities already for one, two or fifty lives takes nothing away and adds nothing. to what you are now.

The same goes for belonging to one race instead of another: whether it belongs to the old or the new race and how long it is not an important element, as what really matters is what one has arrived at. understanding and this goes beyond belonging to one race or another.

You might argue that knowing that you belong to the old race means knowing that you have already walked a good half of the way.
So? Does this mean that you have understood many things?

This is not necessarily the case: what you have experienced up to now in your previous lives may only have been largely, for you, the laying of the basis for understandings that, perhaps, you will acquire in a thousand or ten thousand years! Therefore - we say - you just have to focus your attention and your interest on what you are today because it is what gives you the elements on which, today, you must work to grow.

The notions of race and reincarnation are complex in their totality, but we are speaking to you in simplicity, so that anyone who hears our words may, regardless of their knowledge or not of certain concepts, not feel out of place or incapable. to follow our speeches, getting lost in the maze of difficult words or concepts carried in a too complex way: we might as well tell you to read this book on that page, leaving the task of presenting the teaching to the words we have said in the past.
But we cannot forget that we are here at your service, and it is precisely this sense of responsibility towards you that shows us the way to try to be understood as much as possible by you.

We could, without a doubt, repeat and expand on things that we talked about earlier:

  • that seven races will incarnate on planet Earth,
  • that the first and second were Lemuria and Atlantis,
  • that the third and fourth races are currently embodied there, and so on.

But the purpose of these meetings is not to stimulate fantasies, sometimes dangerous because they can make you lose sight of reality, or to satisfy your curiosity. The aim is to make you understand the essential concepts of teaching, without which the entire architecture of teaching would lose its meaning, while trying to give a logical consequence to our words, thus making sense - to those who have the sensitivity - the vastness and complexity of the building, leading you to think that perhaps by understanding what we are saying, your own life could be transformed.

  • Readings for the interior: every day a short spiritual reading of the Cerchio Ifior and the Cerchio Firenze 77, up Whatsapp and Telegram.
  • Summary of the philosophical teaching of the Ifior Circle: HOW CONSCIOUSNESS CREATES PERSONAL REALITY, you can order here the book. If you're reading this and want support, write.
  • If you will understand that you have been incarnated in both males and females, many of the barriers you are used to creating with your fellow men will become more fragile.
  • If you understand that sometimes you are been rich and sometimes poor and that you do not know what your next life will be like, but that from both experiences you will have drawn everything that matters most, that is understanding, you will be able to kick envy and the desire to possess, away from you.
  • If you will understand that you have been or can be both masters and servants, you will soften your presumption or your frustration and you will be able to try, in both situations, to always give the best of yourself.
  • If you understand that you have been or that you will be white, black, yellow or red the very concept of racism will suffer, internally, a serious blow and, when you happen to notice your racist behavior you should no longer struggle to recognize that it is not the difference of others from yourself that is the real problem, but that it is you who hide your inner shortcomings behind your biased and intransigent positions.
  • If you understand that every person who is close to you (from the child to the occasional acquaintance) is close to you because, in the course of some life, some karmic bonds that made that closeness necessary in joy or pain, you will come to love moments of joy more deeply and you will face moments of pain with greater decision and courage, aware that postponing or not dissolving your inner causes will only make you find them again. a later life.
  • If you understand that the karma (which you so often confuse with fate, feeling helpless towards it) that you find yourself facing is not a punishment but giving yourself the possibility of repairing ancient errors by adjusting the imperfect understanding that you had, it will be possible for you not to be overwhelmed by it but roll up your sleeves to try to understand fully, so as not to make mistakes and dissolve the karmic effect.
  • If you will understand that pain as a punishment does not exist, that luck or bad luck are created as a consequence of what you understand or not, and that "chance" does not exist but that what comes your way happens to make you face the experiences you need to grow, you will have a different vision of you, of others, of the world and of life itself.

All this can give you a different perspective of what you were struggling to accept, and this can only make you more peaceful in your days.

This is the reason why we are here, we talk to you, we try to meet you and we tell you that we want, for yourselves, that you also know how to go out to meet each other, remembering that your own needs and requirements exist, but without forget or override those of others. Baba

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6 comments on “Live to understand [IF44-2focus]”

  1. Thanks to the Guides for revealing this knowledge so useful to get an account of the events
    In fact, it doesn't matter who we were or who we will be. The important thing is the awareness with which we live today.

    • Deep gratitude emerges.
      They are extremely clear and meaningful words, to which the mind recognizes a logic.
      Then they can easily be doubted and considered phony, especially if compared to the sediments of the Christian tradition, or at least to those that have been interpreted and disseminated.
      Perhaps the difference in the acceptance or not of the words of the Guides is made by the hearing of the listener.
      They find a good echo in me.
      Obviously I have a very evolved feeling that does not boast 🙂 😀 😉

  2. true, when I celebrated within myself the beauty of intuition I felt that I owed the being that I am to previous lives, reason asked me to know them more deeply because it could be important in the same understanding of the current self while the same intuition diverted me from this aspiration, intuition being divine ignores the waste of energy

  3. Today's reading "Go in humility" goes well with this text of the Ifior.
    It doesn't matter who you were or who we will be.
    We live in the present moment, aware that nothing belongs to us.


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