Helping society to change

[…] Selfishness seems to reign, wickedness seems to rule it, personal interests - economic and otherwise - seem to win over those ideals, over those words that you have always sent me.

Ior I wish I could do something so that what you told me, that io I felt and shared, he was able to make others understand that the true sense of being in this world is not that of possessing, of earning, of having the power… yes: the power!

My brother, this bewilderment that totally involves me leads me very often to depression, almost to abandon my weapons, to stop, to be only a spectator of that apparent political, social and - why not? - also individual, which seems to be around us.

Please, therefore, once again, to give me that push, that comfort, that stimulus so that I can find the courage to be one among many, but united and close to these many. Authorless

My brother, who once again turn to me as the spokesperson for an alleged truth to ask for comfort in that so difficult valley that you are crossing; brother who expects from me a solution to the problems that surround you, who dreams of being able to have at least you - you who are close to the teachings, to spirituality - a better, optimistic, more hopeful vision of what the future may be , yours, your children, your friends, your relatives ...

You see, brother, just you who know the words we have said all these years, you should by now have within yourself the understanding, the awareness that, alone, can give you the strength to hope, and not only simply to hope, but even to believe with the depths of your heart, that everything that happens around you can - in the end - prove to be a good, a good born of the need to make you and all the others understand that, together with you, they live on physical plane.

If you, brother, reminded you that being present within the world we call "matter" means to experience to understand and, from this understanding, to draw an improvement within yourself, then your questions would fall by themselves.

Undoubtedly, there are apparently not many reasons around you to hope that everything will work out in the best way: turbulence, disasters, wickedness actually seem to be on the agenda and constitute the main plot on which the society in which you are based is based. to live.

But you, brother, consider, you and everyone else around you as if you were a body, a human body, in which there is a physiological part that tries to re-establish, to find, to create a balance that, for some reason, for some reason, has been lost, has been upset: in this condition - you know - the reaction of the physicist is never a quiet reaction: there are physiological upheavals, there is fever, there are epidermal reactions...

The same thing is identical for the society in which you live in that, despite being made up of many particles, by many individuals, nevertheless it forms a single large body that tries to find balance within it by creating, on the vestiges of a society that by now it has had its time, a new altar for the Truth; And this cannot be done without torments, without turbulence - as well as in the physiological field - without turmoil, without torment, without turbulence.

So here again I tell you that what happens is not a symptom of negativity: this confusion that you see around you does not prelude to a storm that will destroy humanity in some hypothetical holocaust, but it is instead a reason to rejoice because from confusion, from doubt, from whys, from torments, perhaps even violently expressed, it can be deduced that the individual has by now his conscience formed and, although not quite close to the Truth, nevertheless he feels that it exists, he feels that there is something better to find.

And he tries to find it, confusedly, perhaps in the wrong way, struggling in all those traps that he himself has created around himself, but that no doubt, sooner or later, he will be able to overcome.

And then you will see the birth of that new world in which everyone will be equal, in which the affections will not be limited only to one's family, to one's children, but will be a common manifestation towards all other individuals; and not only that, but the affection will no longer be only between individual and individual, but between individual and nature, in a balance that alone can give the certainty, the inner security that you are part of a Whole and not isolated, closed particles. each in its own world in contrast to that of the others.

Ultimately, your own confusion is nothing more than a reflection, in your little one, those feelings, that malaise that give rise to questions, doubts and whys in you and, therefore, it is precisely for this reason that we say to you: " Rejoice and hope, because nothing that happens, what has happened and what will ever happen has any other function than to obtain the best possible good for all of you ”. Weather

Readings for the interior: every day, a short spiritual reading of the Ifior Circle and of the Florence 77 Circle, on Whatsapp. 
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So, brothers, if your words are true - and I have no reason to doubt that they are - I personally, personally, finding myself confused among the confused, lost among the lost, sheep among wolves, innocent - apparently - among the guilty ones, what can I do to give my little contribution so that all this changes? Andrea

It would be easy to answer, as someone whispered, "know yourself".
Yes, because, if you think about it, saying "know yourself" can also mean nothing. Who among you knows himself? To what extent is it necessary to know oneself? How much do you have to know about yourself to find that peace, that tranquility, that serenity, that awareness that can also help those around?

Because remember that if you do not find peace, trust, awareness in yourself, you can hardly really do something for others as well.
So what to do?

In reality the answer is very simple: what you have to do is try to find in yourself the right intention in carrying out the actions, try to do what you feel like doing, try to communicate your serenity to others; try, when you are happy, to do feel to others that you are happy and, therefore, to remind them - perhaps closed in their unhappiness - that happiness still exists, if you want to find it. Therefore, be an example of happiness so that others do not forget that happiness exists. 

It means feeling a lump in the throat from sadness and not masking it but, in front of others, even at the cost of appearing stupid or sissy, letting this sadness out and maybe crying, so that others remember that there are other people around them, perhaps even more unhappy and sadder than them, and who need their balance and their help, and who therefore can - if they want to - be useful to others: because being useful to others is always a great reason to find strength within.

What else to do, creatures? It is enough to operate in society by doing one's job, without emulating those who work not because they believe it is right to do so, but because they always and in any case think they can derive some kind of benefits from it; in short, it means living your life not only in the name of yourself, but always bearing in mind that you are part - as your brother said before - of a single organism, and that healthy cells are the ones that can heal the sick ones. 

In the end, it means being yourself in front of yourself but, more than anything else, in front of others, not masking their disappointments, their problems, their confusions, because we must remember that the others in us - in you - observe themselves, and if we put on masks, if we do not show how we are, how can they discover what does it belong to them?

We must not feel exploited by others, but we must remember that living on the physical plane means doing one's own interest, perhaps for one's own needs, one's need for affection, or for something else; tend to exploit others to obtain what is most pleasing or needed to grow, to understand, but do not be afraid when others demand the same thing from us.
Then, be ready to exploit, to understand others, but also be ready to be exploited from others so that they can gain their understanding.

Does all this seem difficult to you? No, creatures: just remember to do it and want to do it. Scifo

Yes, of course, these beautiful words, but you who know many beautiful things, who know the truths, since we have been here for a long time, we follow you, we hear you, we are passionate about what you say ... maybe we have our preferences, we prefer one rather than the other, but then we know very well that deep down you are all a little bit the same and then it doesn't even make much sense to make distinctions between one and the other ...

You who are so evolved, so great, so good - but let's stop: I would not like to seem like someone who thinks she has particular rights for witnessing these things, but nevertheless I do not hide the fact that I think that you, deep down, certainly indeed, I say this without being there for laps - maybe a little more for us you could also do it.

There are moments of suffering, problems of thousands of types that haunt us every day, and, sure, we are good, diligent, good schoolchildren, good disciples, we follow you with affection, but do a little more for us: words don't always my dear, they are enough! Margeri

I can understand what you just said, dear sister, but you must realize that precisely because of what we say we cannot do much more than what we are already doing.

Yes, we see your pains and sufferings, but we cannot take them away from you. If you expect us to do this to you and for you, dear sister, you have understood nothing of our coming among you!
How could we arrogate to ourselves the right to take away from one of you the possibility of experiencing a fact of your life ?!

You could ask me to save a person you love, and how can we, sister, for example, do such a thing? That person needs what she is experiencing; it can only be so!

You yourself, who love that person, derive from your pain, from your suffering, from your understanding; and if we took away this pain, this suffering, we would commit a much graver crime than that which others commit on your plane of existence; because I assure you, my sister, that the most serious crime that can be committed is to prevent others from living what they are experiencing, to go against the plan that the Absolute has created for each of you.

I am not saying by this that what you are experiencing in pain, in suffering, in joy, in happiness, must be lived as my people so often think: in passivity, waiting for things to happen, without trying to do anything to change it.
In reality you can modify it, since you alone are actors and responsible for what surrounds you; but we can do nothing, nothing would be right for us to do in this sense. 

This is why, brothers, sisters, we can only come and try to explain the reason for what you are experiencing and make you understand that it must be faced with confidence and serenity, and sometimes with resignation.

We know that it is not easy, we know that all of you often place hopes in us that cannot be fulfilled, we know that not fulfilling your hopes very often leads to your distance from us, but this is part of the game of your experiences and , no doubt, it never brings us suffering as we know that what happens - this too - is for your very good.
Om tat sat. Ananda

On the other hand, if we or anyone else could intervene on individual films, we would return to a conception of God worthy of that backward Catholicism that we are contesting, in some way - as some of you well know - in that we would return to that figure of fickle and capricious divinity who perhaps helps those who spend a little more time to ask her a prayer.

For years, even if we have actually spoken little until today, we continue to want to propose the idea of ​​a logical and rational God, who allows the individual films of all individuals to intertwine, that in these films there is also the pain, suffering because the qualitative leap to reach consciousness - the "feeling" if you prefer to call it that - superior must inevitably pass through that experience.

So, in the name of this logical and rational divinity that is in each of us and in each of you, we can only bring you our words of comfort but, alas, let your individual films take the course that there, in the Eternal Present, dear children, they exist, and that your conscience sometimes makes you feel fragmentarily as real. Vito

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11 comments on “Helping Society Change”

  1. We are all connected. Today, current events and contemporaneity remind us of this even more strongly. Each with its own role, which is basically ugaule for everyone: discovering themselves part of a single organism.
    Thank you.

  2. The first part is very current, given what is happening throughout the world due to Covid 19. Emphasizing that everything is necessary for the learning of Consciousness can be a comfort to those who are losing confidence these days, because they do not fully understand this. teaching.

  3. The post seems written precisely for the reality we live now. This means that we tend to forget that every historical period, even close, has its turmoil and upheaval. I was struck by the passage which states that society as a whole behaves like the human body: to find the balance it has lost, it experiences moments of suffering, confusion, uncertainty, but everything is for our good.

  4. In the end, everything will be fine. Phrase that today with covid-19 is so fashionable.
    In reality this can only be said from the individuality as a result of the multiple reincarnations.
    As for the individual, however, the single incarnation, it will go as it should go.
    Although there is no Design, of any God, on us, no experience will be lost but will be used to broaden the feeling.
    A logical and rational God, for us who had become attached to an affectionate and caring Mother, is not always easy to accept and internalize.

  5. The path is obligatory. Nobody can or should remove the obstacles. I think that at some point in the evolutionary path, it is easier not to identify with the victim and to welcome the events.

  6. There are many food for thought.
    I dwell on the responsibility of each one, accepting which we go beyond the traditional vision of a God from whom to await an intervention. This is now clear to me. There is no god to invoke and plead with. There are only my / our sleeves to roll up.
    Other clarity gained: each experience brings the necessary teaching, individual and collective.
    The escape route is just one of many illusions.

  7. There are many food for thought.
    I dwell on the responsibility of each one, accepting which we go beyond the traditional vision of a God from whom to await an intervention. This is now clear to me. There is no god to invoke and plead with. There are only my / our sleeves to roll up.
    Other clarity gained: each experience brings the necessary teaching, individual and collective.
    The escape route is just one of many illusions.

  8. These pages are full of ideas!
    The example of healthy and diseased cells in the human body is clear.
    Negativity does not exist!
    The welcome of what is.
    And I also hear this phrase resound: "being useful to others is always a great reason to find strength within"

  9. Just as individuals are looking for continuous balances that follow one another and that are the result of experiences, society too evolves with the same dynamics.

    Within societies, everyone, through their behavior, can be the engine that pushes change, the condition of seeking a new balance.

    The responsibility that is not addressed only to ourselves but opens to the community in which we live and within which we represent the drive, the seed, the example that spurs other individuals to be able to reach understandings is fundamental again. .

    What distinguishes the one who follows a spiritual path is the awareness of all this. Awareness of one's own function as well as recognizing the function of others towards oneself.


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