Transient archetypes and permanent archetypes [IF48-1focus]

The topic at a glance
Transient archetypes that change with experiences e permanent archetypes which are milestones of reference for the Akasic body in his evolution.

[...] Now, indeed, for those who examine - as almost all of you have done carefully - what has been said in previous meetings, it may appear that there are such contradictions that the whole castle is based on such fragile foundations that only by using a better means, that is by saying “in reality it is so because it is the Absolute who did it”, can “goat and cabbage” be saved.

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The fact is, creatures, you tend to rush too much, you tend to want to go very fast in the teaching without fully realizing that the topic is really so vast, complex and difficult that, if we follow the rhythms that yours Io would like them to be given to our speaking, you would not really understand anything more than what we are saying.

That is why we are going very slowly and many times we return to topics already presented to show some new nuance or some element that has been lost along the way and which, however, was important to consider.

[...] "But our beloved-hated Scifo evidently begins to go a little crazy, as he used to speak, at the beginning, di archetypes that are forming, therefore in some way dynamic and evolving, and in a second time of pre-existing archetypes.
Here or one or the other "you said, right? And no one has the brilliant idea that, in reality, both of them are true; and here, alas, I have to touch on a topic that will confuse your ideas a little more and that must be related to the discourse of "so high so low". 

You know that your physical plane has been classified (as far as matter and its composition are concerned) as a part of quaternary matter and a part of matter in ternary, that is as a part of matter that can be classified, according to the density, very similar, and then another part of matter which, although part of the physical plane, nevertheless has characteristics that differentiate it from the other matter.

If you remember, not long ago, speaking of the mental plane, we mentioned the existence of a lower mental plane and a higher mental plane; do you remember?
Now, "so high so low" said the sage, this division into "lower" and "higher" (which, mind you, is a division given for your possibility of conceptual understanding) has its validity also for what concerns the Akasic plan; there is that is a part of the Akasic plane which can be defined as superior and a part of the Akasic plane which can be defined as inferior; in which, although the same type of matter is present in both parts, there is nevertheless a diversity of actions and reactions, and combinations, between the higher and the lower.

Now, those archetypes I was talking about at the beginning, which are in the process of forming (and which we will later see with more tranquillity) come as a direct consequence of the instincts, they belong to the lower akasic part of the body, the one "closer to you"; while instead the archetypes I was talking about the last few times, the pre-existing ones, those to which (suggesting the image of a climber trying to climb a mountain) individuality tries to cling, layer after layer, to reach the top of the akasic plan , those instead belong to the higher akasic plan.

[…] The fixed ones belong to the higher subplanes, those closest to the Logos, to give you an idea; instead those modified, which - I repeat - come directly, as a consequence ofimprinting that continues to act, this process that continues to act through instinct, belong to the lower subplanes instead.

It is a bit, very ideally related, what can be the discourse on the individual's bodies: the three lower bodies, which are the ones that change with each incarnation, and instead the Akasic body and the higher ones that remain the same throughout the whole life. evolution of the individual. We agree? The same thing is repeated, in a small way, within the Akasic plane, and then, in reality, within all the planes, even if this nuance is different for non-permanent bodies.

[...] There is a part of the Akasic plan, the subtlest part of matter of the Akasic plane, in which these horizontal layers of vibrations exist which constitute the archetypes that will then form the plot for the evolution of the individual and therefore of the race; then there are, instead, the archetypes that are modified that belong to a different portion of the Akasic plane, which is the coarser one, closest to the mental plane, on the astral plane and on the physical plane; and it's that which is subjected to the mutations coming from the experiences made by the individual in the course of the incarnation. I am going very, very slowly, but it is difficult to find the words not to confuse you even more.

Q - So is there a differentiation between the archetypes related to individualities and archetypes related to race?

No, not really, I wouldn't say that. Let's say that the archetypes that change are archetypes that have been created from the experiences of a part of the race, therefore from the clash of the race with the physical environment in which it experiences itself and that change as evolution the race changes; while the fixed ones are the archetypes that act as a link, as an address for continuing, indicating the goal, the way to what is the true path that the race must take.

What does this mean? It means that the archetypes that are modified, that can be modified, that change according to the epochs, the environments, the customs are something changeable, they are something that the individual at a certain point finds himself experiencing (because remember that there is always this passage, then, of vibration between the Akasic plane and the individual who must incarnate) but there is no certainty that it is a right archetype. It is somewhat similar, in some way, to the findings in the Akasic body of what he understood.

I don't know if I have been able to explain what I mean; I will try to do it better: we had said in the past that the Akasic body of the individual tries to understand things and therefore to increase his own feel, and what he acquires, what he has understood, he then sends back as a vibration to have a new experience, to understand if what he has understood he has truly understood in the right way or not.
Now these archetypes that change they are ideas, conclusions of the Akasic body which, however, have not been verified, so they may not be understandings; that's why they change a little at a time.

The true archetypes are those which, on the other hand, belonging to the Akasic matter and being already structured as a vibration, they are certainties.
When they are reached, the Akasic body is sure that it has reached this certainty; and here then, if you think a moment carefully, you will be able to understand that from the passage through these archetypes in evolution, in formation, through the clash with reality, with the environment of the individual, here is that the individual is able to to fix something in one's feeling and this fixing something in one's feeling corresponds to achievement of a fixed archetype within the Akasic plane.

Q - Sorry, is it always impossible to have an example of both?

I think I couldn't do it either! Scifo

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3 comments on “Transient Archetypes and Permanent Archetypes [IF48-1focus]”

  1. I think that the summary contained at the beginning of the post is of great help to understand the subject, which is very complex.


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