From the first vibration to the archetypes [IF78focus]

[…] It is clear that the Drawing brushed by the Absolute is of an apparently enormous and amazing complexity, especially for those who observe it from the relative, like all of you. It seems of such enormous complexity that it is apparently very difficult to be able to keep all the pieces that make it up in order.

However, if you try to look at all this with a less amazed eye, you may realize that one of the basic elements present in the whole Drawing, in all its branches, in all its nuances, in all its unfolding in Reality, is consisting of repetition of the same element.

The repetition of the same element accompanied us, for example, if you remember carefully, when we explained the composition of matter to you; if you think that the concept of "elementary unit"It was a concept that served us to explain all the matter of all the various planes, as it was a concept-model of some kind, an idea of ​​some kind that was repeated identical - albeit with different shades - inside of the various planes of existence that we have dealt with.

This, in the end, can be considered a simplifying example to understand from a concept, from an idea alone, the development of something that, otherwise, would have been very difficult to understand. Having this basis, it was possible to talk about all the planes of existence, the various types of materials and then try to go into the various details through the reactions of matter ...

Now, this concept of repetition of a basic module on which Reality is structured can also be glimpsed in the last speeches we have made. What are they, in fact, when you think about it, theimprinting, instinct, The transient archetypes e The permanent archetypes if not the same basic concept that is repeated with different shades throughout all of Reality!
Now you have to explain to me what the repeating concept is, since the elements seem to be so different from each other!

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[...] The common element can be seen in the fact that, if you think carefully about everything we have said in the past: imprinting, instinct, transient archetypes and permanent archetypes (and for permanents, if I'm not mistaken, I said so specifically) are all closely connected and dependent on the action of the "vibration first".

Now, if this is true for the "first vibration" it is also true for the other elements. Let's see for a moment to understand why. To do this, it is necessary to re-observe for a few moments together the birth ofevolution as far as a "race" is concerned.

You know that, theoretically, in the beginning, all matter on the various planes of existence is immobile; therefore devoid of movement and, for this very reason, being devoid of movement, it does not possess any characteristics, which is why it has been defined "undifferentiated matter". At a certain point it is emitted - and we skip the whole part of how it is put, of the various movements that lead to this emission - what we have defined "vibration first", Or that sort of musical note that constitutes the vibratory base that gives an imprint to the evolution of the cosmos, or that" first vibration "that crosses all the matter of the cosmos and sets evolution in motion.

Naturally, when the undifferentiated matter is crossed by the "first vibration" it does not remain indifferent to this crossing of matter; this is a simple physical law that any of you can understand, right? When, through something that is stationary, something that pushes or moves passes, part of that movement, of that push is communicated to the still matter which, in turn, will somehow absorb this movement, this push, and propagate it all over. 'environment; which means that, at that moment, matter will begin to no longer be totally undifferentiated, but will begin to have some certain characteristics.

Now, it must be understood that the "first vibration" is not - like everything, in Reality - a random vibration, but possesses in its own logic and its why; it has within itself (if vibration could be personified in some way) an idea, an intent to make the cosmos evolve in a certain way of a certain direction. 

This "first vibration" is therefore the one - as I have tried to convey to you - which gives the typical particularities of that cosmos. Now, of course, this implies that each cosmos can have as a basis, as a "first vibration", a "first vibration" different in characteristics from the others. Right?

D - The vibration first, since io I thought I associated it with the permanent archetypes, are they more vibrations or is it a unique vibration for a cosmos?

It starts as a single vibration but, then colliding with the various materials, at that point, interacting with the other materials, it expands, transforms itself by touching another material. So, suppose - as some esotericists say and as it is said in certain magical environments - that the "first vibration" can be assimilated, as the basis of your cosmos, to the number 7, here is that this 7, this vibration that represents 7, is the one that identifies your cosmos and that, through the passage between the various materials, transforms them in such a way as to harmonize them around this 7, to this "first vibration" which, in fact, will somehow become the basic warp of the cosmos itself.

Now, the "first vibration" crosses all matter and its crossing, as we have said, starts the evolution of matter, the evolution of form, the evolution of consciousness. Thus, from these clashes of "first vibration" and of matter that passes through a little at a time, reality begins to come to life, to form, to manifest itself as you know it, coming to constitute that dichotomy between akasic matter and physical environment that leads, through the vibrations of the "first vibration" of all the vibrations it has created in matter, to the creation of the Reality of each of you in the course of evolution.

This means that the need for imprinting - because imprinting is a necessity, as well as being a process - arises precisely from the fact that, at the passage of the "first vibration", there is a response on the part of matter and that the "vibration before ", when it arrives on the physical plane, it provokes a similar counter-response, and this counter-response brings a different vibration towards the Akasic matter it passes through, so as to impress in this a first form of differentiation, a fracture in the great Akasic mass, in a way to create what you have defined, if I'm not mistaken, "Akasic islands".

Here, then, that in this way you can understand how the imprinting can be a direct derivation of what is the "first vibration", but this here is the first form, the first derivation, the first effect at the level of akasic matter from part of the "first vibration"; because continuing the "first vibration", however it may be, to resonate in the matter of the cosmos, continuing the matter of the cosmos to respond to this vibrating note, here is that evolution begins to accelerate in some way, and here we pass to forms of more evolved life, such as crystalline forms, then vegetable forms, then animal forms.

Obviously, at this point, imprinting is no longer enough; it is necessary that the "vibration first" cause something, an effect of some kind that helps this acceleration of evolution, helps it to complete itself, to diversify in order to then unfold the whole Great Design, otherwise it would not be possible to create that variety of shapes, of images, of things that create Reality. 

And this second effect, this second manifestation of the "first vibration" is what gives life to instincts, which are the effects of the "first vibration" through natural laws, which affect the akasic matter when the "first vibration" comes back and causes the akasic matter to differ even more and disintegrate more and more to move towards that constitution of an individual physical body and an akasic body.

D - The "first vibration" causes this modification and the beginning of the imprinting: this is valid for the whole cosmos, and therefore for all that is in that cosmos, therefore it is valid for all 7 races equally, or every race has the its differentiation, its particularity, both as an imprinting, as an instinct, and as archetypes?

We say that the "first vibration" gives a basis which is the same for the whole cosmos. What then changes from one race to another is due to the different response that causes the "vibration first" in various situations and which leads to a different imprinting, and then perhaps to different types of instinct but, more than anything else, to the constitution then archetypes, which are clearly different - especially transitory ones - from race to race; also because the "vibration before", as we said at the beginning, already knows where it has to go, what it wants to do; he already knows, in his reality, what the Great Design is and therefore he knows how to orient the evolution of the cosmos.

We have therefore seen - summing up very briefly - how the "first vibration" is the basis of the necessity of imprinting and how it is also the basis for the constitution of what have been defined as the "instincts".

Now, it seems clear to me, considering from this perspective what we have said in recent years, that starting from the "first vibration" it is also easy to understand how the same transient archetypes are ultimately a consequence of the "first vibration", as it is obvious that if the "first vibration" starts from the higher planes to reach the physical plane and everything it touches, everything with which it somehow comes into contact, with which it communicates in a vibrational way, responds to what is its base note, it seems clear to me […] that through this impulse, and its relative response, the human being understands or does not understand something.

This understanding or non-understanding leads to the creation of ideas which, when they enter into common with those of other individuals, end up forming what we have defined transitory archetypes; that is, a sort of ideas that are valid for a limited - or more or less large, but not total - portion of people embodied on the physical plane and which are the driving force of society for a certain period of time.

For example, to give a practical and immediate example in your daily life, it was created in the West the transitory archetype of physical beauty. That of the physical aspect, of the external aspect, of being "fit" and so on, has begun to take on such strength, among a part of the population of the West, to create a transitory archetype. Perhaps you never thought of it in this way.

[…] This transitory archetype, which is always and in any case born from the thrusts, from the addresses posed by the "first vibration", you will say: "What function does it have?". If it exists, it must also have a function; right? So let's see, in your opinion, what function can an archetype of that type have?

[...] If the transitional archetype holds, it is a nonsense hypothesis, for a hundred people: there is this archetype that, in some way, is an idea towards which these hundred people tend because they created it as an optimal goal to reach. All right? Earth-earth let's put it this way, the concept.
But don't forget that these 100 people, each of them, it has the same archetype but has a different evolution and needs; therefore each of these people will tend to realize the archetype according to "his" way of him, not according to that of the others.

Certainly the archetype unites all these people, because they all have the drive in this direction, but the way to pursue this direction will be different for all of them; so there will be those who will do it because they have become aware of their body, there will be those who will do it because they want to be beautiful, there will be those who will do it because in that way (feeling beautiful) eliminates their inferiority senses, there will be those who will do it to show off…; out of 100 people most likely there will not be two with the exact same reason why they practice, follow, try to reach or realize this transitory archetype. Agree?

Q - Scifo, can I ask a question? The transitional archetype is formed on the Akasic plane. You, on the other hand, speak - socially speaking - which is an idea. Can you explain the relationship between idea and the formation of matter on the Akasic level?

[…] Let's say that the answer is quite logical and simple: the transitory archetype clearly interacts in some way, certainly; it is a constructed thing but it has effects. And these effects have repercussions on the underlying matter; just as they arise, after all, from the individual's experiences in the underlying matter, so do the effects in the underlying matter as well. Here, therefore, that in some way the direct substrate of what is the transitory archetype arises from the ideas that are formed within the mental body of the individual.

Q - And in the Akasic body of the individual do they manifest themselves due to the individual's misunderstanding?

Ah well of course, of course. Keep in mind one thing, it is a fact that I may not have emphasized much, this: the very fact that they are transitory archetypes means that they are archetypes that must be overcome. If they must be overcome, it means that they are not definitive archetypes, that they are not archetypes that can be stable, which therefore are not the optimal archetypes, ideal to be achieved in order to achieve evolution.

D - Of course, so they are a platform to be able to understand and get closer to the definitive one.


Q - I wanted to ask you: can the crystallization of a transitory archetype take place, which cannot be overcome? I am reminded, for example, of the Muslims, the Taliban, with their fanaticism, who cannot overcome that way of acting.

You see, creatures, actually the transitional archetype itself is a crystallization; it is a crystallization, however, particular because - even though it is something fixed, as a concept - movement is also inherent in it, because the individual tends towards this concept; therefore it is a rather atypical crystallization compared to the one we talked about the other times; that is, there is something stationary which however causes a movement.

Here, then, that it can be said that in reality the transient archetypes are crystallizations, however these crystallizations fall within the need for a logic for evolution, they are created to acquire evolution, to acquire understanding and are somehow dissolved, transformed, nullified when the understanding of these people who created it is reached.

[...] After having understood how the "first vibration" enters the constitution of imprinting, instinct and even transitory archetypes, it is obvious that one can easily come to observe the influence of the "first vibration" as regards the permanent archetypes. It's obvious?

[...] It is not so obvious, also because you have to remember that the permanent archetypes, although in some way connected to the other elements we have mentioned (since they all have the function of helping, of accelerating evolution; the common function is this, just as it is the common element that pushes the "vibration first"), the permanent archetypes, as opposed to the other elements (imprinting, instinct, transitory archetypes, ed) that ultimately arise from the response coming from the physical plane for the experience of whoever is doing it instead permanent archetypes arise directly from the "first vibration" and they are established within the Akasic plane - just to make things simpler, which are not so simple but it is not interesting to complicate them further - they are established where they are located, not under the pressure of the individual's understandings, but under the impetus of where the "vibration first" wants, and who has emanated it, that the cosmos is directed. 

So they pre-exist, they are among the first things that come to be located within the cosmos and they are the threads that the Great Puppeteer has placed (through the "first vibration") throughout the entire cosmos to move evolution in the sense that he wishes it to be moved.

- permanent archetypes they exist to attract evolution, particularly of human beings, towards those basic concepts which constitute the main nucleus of understanding and evolution within a cosmos and which are essentially concepts of an abstract order.

While i transient archetypes they can possess both a part of abstract conception and a part of concrete, practical, useful, material conception within the situations that the individual is experiencing; the permanent archetypes, on the other hand, are abstract concepts that are difficult to understand and specify that exist to drive the evolution of the individual and attract him towards the search for those goals that he feels are escaping him.

If you remember, from the beginning we have always said that each of you continues to live your life despite the various problems you go through, because you continue to be attracted by the Spark, by this bond that has remained with the Absolute, by this search, from this dissatisfaction, from this attempt to return to the true Father who exists beyond the cosmos. Here, from this point of view you can consider the permanent archetypes as the bells - we said - that continue to toll periodically to make each of you remember that the Father is waiting for our return home.

[…] The "first vibration" practically "envelops" the whole cosmos, therefore it acts on the whole cosmos at the same time. Unfortunately, you have the concept of time, so you cannot understand the fact that the "first vibration" can act simultaneously on all matter; this is a difficult element to understand, of course, because it is conceptually impossible for you to truly understand fully. However, the reality is this: there is no before element, there is no after element. On the other hand, if it were not so, the Eternal Present could not even exist, could it? Scifo

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2 comments on “From Vibration Prima to Archetypes [IF78focus]”

  1. Vast speeches, apparently understandable but at the same time harbingers of doubts and perplexities.

    Eg. to think that the instinct of the lion and the gazelle, the wolf and the ring, are moved by the same vibration before, appears difficult.

    We continue to stay on track, trusting that doubts and perplexities will dissipate over time and in the continuation of the reading of further material.

    In the meantime, allowing oneself to be questioned, stimulated but without pretending to understand and preserving the doubt.

  2. Truly a large fresco that gives the possibility to place the many pieces that have been provided in recent years.

    In these words, the wisdom of millennia of philosophical, mystical and religious thoughts returns.

    The "return to the Father", which is mentioned in the final part, has all the air of being a permanent archetype that guides this cosmos in which we are.


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