Questions about the paranormal: races, mediumship (dp3)

Question - It has been said that there are about 10.000 years to go until the end ofevolution of the old race; Is it possible that in the race that is about to end its cycle of incarnations, there are individuals who are unable to conclude the incarnation cycle with their own race and continue evolution with the new race?

Keep in mind that when we give you patterns and numbers, these patterns and numbers are given in a precise and fixed form, mostly to facilitate your understanding. 
If we talk about 50.000 years, certainly the evolution of the race does not end at midnight of the fifty thousandth year!

What happens then? It should happen that all the laggards, and there may be many, of course, find themselves exceeding this time frame granted to them to evolve and still need, which I know io, say 2.000 or 3.000 years. Here, in this case, and in most cases that are not so many for the reason that I will explain immediately after, they are still part of the journey with the new race that is incarnating, together with all those entities that they still need. 

However, I said, there are not so many; because?
Remember that with the term race we mean a group of souls who are related to each other in some way, is it true? They have completed 50.000 years of evolution together, for better or worse, beyond the common matrix and have created bonds, karmic bonds, debts and so on.
Towards the end of the hypothetical date, of the expiration of 50.000 years more or less, as we said, clearly most of the echelon of souls will no longer be incarnated: there will be, I know, assuming they were (and this is a highly indicative) one billion embodied individuals, suppose there are no more 980 million. 

Agree? Now these 980 million souls who have finished their cycle of 50.000 years now find themselves within the Akasic plane, they do not go about their business, they are no longer indifferent as they were in life, in the times of their first evolution. , towards the brothers, but they continue to follow them.

They have a considerable strength as they are united among themselves and this energy of theirs is projected towards these latecomers and helps them; it helps them by pushing them, stimulating them, causing them to accelerate their path; it is therefore an offer of the hand, a help that allows the whole echelon to come together more or less in the time span expected at the end of their evolution. Weather

D - Not to be confused with the guiding spirit!

It is another matter; it is something more similar, if very different, to the concept of the Masters of karma. Weather

Q - When an individual dies after a long agony from diseases of various kinds, what kind of karma can he have moved in previous lives that led to such a painful effect? Perhaps he had made a fellow suffer in that way and as an effect, now, he finds himself suffering something similar?

It is not possible to generalize such a discourse, but if we want to make a hypothesis, it could be that this person who, before dying, spends long months, or even years, in suffering, could pay for a karma from a previous life in which made sure that a child was not born.
Then, just as it has prevented a child from seeing the light, the karmic law will force him to continue to see the physical light even if he would prefer to abandon it.

It is not possible, as you see at this point, to be able to say, beyond the particular case, what are the reasons for which a certain type of karma has been created, as a certain type of reaction can be caused by many different actions to the base. Weather

D - So there are billions of reasons, billions of intentions; you have to see case by case. 

Also because it must be taken into account that the feel and the intention are correlated and, therefore, each individual has his feeling, each individual has his intention and each intention is never exactly identical to that of the other individual, as his feeling is not. Weather

Q - Why is there a need for more than one breed and how do they differ? In understandable terms, what went before and what after? Why do we only know four races?

Now I smile because you say, “we know four races”, and in reality you don't even know yours.
Why the presence of several races on the same planet? Meanwhile, it is due to reasons of energy saving, to remain in the themes so dear to your current society, as using a planet only for the evolution of one race would really waste, in some way, a possibility that instead can be used for different Stingray.

But beyond this there is another reason, precisely linked to the evolution of the races that incarnate on the planet, as with each successive race the incarnating individualities start from a slightly more advanced point than the previous one, then the first race serves to prepare a basis for the next one that will start from a later point in evolution and the second in turn will prepare for a later point in the evolution of the other and on and on and on, as he would say our friend Scifo. Weather

D - For a medium to be able to be in the optimal conditions to favor the approach, the incorporation of you Guides, the medium needs to have a more subtle astral and mental body, now these subtle bodies belong to the medium from birth or do they refine later? Is there a possibility of an improvement in mediumship or does one have it from the very beginning?

In the meantime, we need to clarify the fact that bodies do not need to be very thin for entities to appear. Partly because there are many ways, if desired, to get around the obstacle, partly because the need for a more or less rarefied body also depends on how rarefied the entity that presents itself is. So there is a close correlation, clearly, between the possibility of evolved entities and less evolved bodies to present themselves.

Then there is a physiology of mediumship, the physiology not only of the physical body, but also of the other bodies of existence.
Undoubtedly, the individual is already born with an astral and mental body predisposed to allow, to give him the possibility of functioning as an intermediary for the entity; However, the predisposition of these bodies is not enough, it is also necessary that the physical body itself is predisposed, that is, it has activated certain glands that are in the physical body so that the energies of a certain type can get in motion, move and, therefore, ensure that entities can somehow come to communicate, to manifest within the physical plane.

Is it possible to improve these mediumistic abilities of the individual?
No doubt there are no techniques that give mediumship, no doubt there are no nurtures or other things that cause mediumship to arise, be born, or become much, much better.
However, there is the possibility, through special warnings, of relieving the bodies that serve mediumship so that there is less tension in these bodies; and fewer tensions, inevitably, lead to greater ease on the part of the entities to manifest themselves, as they have to worry less about contrasting vibrations and energies. If you look at the figures of mediums with whom entities of a certain level intervene, they present particular characteristics that can be connected to not very strong desires, simple life habits, not strong influences of the ego and so on. All characteristics that basically indicate a fine constitution of both the mental body and the astral body. Weather 

Q - Does the fact that mediums sometimes feel very tired after the sessions depend on their bodies or on the energies that develop during the session?

Most of the time they are tired it is because they have somehow absorbed the tensions, the unbalanced energies of those present. I'm sorry to say, but unfortunately it is. Sometimes there are tensions that can keep us out more easily than others.

As for the consumption, the expenditure of energy, unless there are physical phenomena (and here the speech is clearly different because the consumption of energy is more massive) if there are no great tensions in the environment, the mediums, after the intervention of Guides and Masters, they are calmer and more relaxed, indeed most of the time they are also devoid of those tensions they had before the intervention of the Masters. This is a small benefit that we always try to bring. Weather

D - Sorry, but from what I know, for example, the medium of CF77 despite the fact that there were many people in the sessions, therefore with various types of energy, did not show a very big fatigue.

Let's say he was so available that he waited for others to understand that perhaps it was time to get out of the way and leave him alone… a sensitivity that people so often lack. Weather

D - I wanted to go back to the question I asked during our last meeting and which concerned the subject of mediumship. If I have not misinterpreted myself, Moti had replied that there must not be a big difference in evolution between the individual-medium, his spirit-Guide and the other Guides who present themselves within the Circle of the medium himself, as if highly evolved spiritual guides presented themselves directly, the medium could be damaged in the structure of the bodies that make up the individual-medium. Is that right or, as usual, am I misunderstood?

Let's say that the speech is not so simple to be able to do, much less to be able to generalize. In part we can refer to that discourse that had been begun on fusion of feelings and on the fact that a certain high feeling includes all feelings of a lower degree. This concept has also been mentioned recently. 

Why, you ask, can we also be linked to this? Because, clearly, an entity of an evolution superior to the instrument he uses, already understands the feeling of the same instrument (in addition to his own, of course), therefore, clearly, it will have greater points of contact, facilitations, more vibrations. similar to those of the medium, vibrations that allow him to pass through the bodies that make up the individual-medium, and therefore to intervene in the physical plane to communicate with the bystanders. 

However, it is equally true that even entities less evolved than the medium find in this a degree of feeling identical to theirs, since he has already passed through the feeling that these entities currently possess, so in reality they too may be able to manifest themselves in the physical plane. through a tool that is more advanced than them. 

That this does not happen in most cases in which there is a real mediumship, we owe it to the fact that there is the "direction" of the Guides who have their own program and must adhere to it, so they will allow the intervention of minus entities that do not contribute to carrying out this program.

Where the discourse becomes slightly more complex, it is in the case of entities that possess an evolutionary level well above that of instruments. In fact, it is clear that these entities also contain within their feeling the lower degree of feeling of the instruments they use, so, as I mentioned before, they have contact points through which they have the possibility to pass and, therefore, to to intervene. 

However, they cannot intervene in a total way, with all their feeling because a feeling of such stature, if it were to occur through the mental, astral and physical senses of the various bodies of the instruments, would cause a disturbance of vibrations such as to cause damage even with physiological repercussions, to the limit. 

What does this mean? Does it mean that a very evolved entity cannot be presented, perhaps, through an instrument? No, not at all! As you say: "made the law found the deception". In fact, there are ways to get around this type of obstacle. One of the most used, also because it is the simplest, is that of use a bridging entity, which has an evolution relatively close to that of the instrument to be used and which acts as a spokesperson presenting itself, let's say, with the signature of the major entity and which, therefore, is only a bit like a microphone that collects the voice of the entity greater to present it through the channel of the instrument. Another way, which however is much more complex, is the one used in the cases of a truly exceptional mediumship such as that of the medium of the Cerchio Firenze 77 circle. 

It consists of the constitute a set of astral and mental bodies suitable for the particular occasion, so that the highly evolved entity can use them through the instrument without causing disruption of its energies. So create some kind of robot, as they said to the Florentine Circle, an entity without a real individuality, but rather used as a tool to use the possibilities of the medium. Georgei

D - Sorry Georgei, but the fact of "creating" the bridge can have repercussions on the feeling of the instrument, which somehow feels that it is not the entity with the greatest evolution that speaks but, rather, the one that acts as a bridge. Could this decrease the sensations, the feeling of the instrument which, as a result of this, could feel psychologically less satisfied by the intervention of the entity that acts as spokesperson compared to the more evolved entity?

But look, let's say that if the instrument is sensitive enough it will undoubtedly notice if it is the entity that intervenes directly or if it is another entity that acts as a bridge. 

This, for example, happened in the past with these two tools, when an entity appeared that acted as a bridge with Ananda for the fairy tales. So much so that the instruments were unable (at least until Ananda presented himself personally) to feel, to perceive the entity that bridged Ananda as a real entity, as there was actually, a certain differentiation of evolution between the entity that acted as a bridge and the entity that, instead, expounded the message in question which were the fairy tales. Georgei

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