Questions about intuition resulting from the ego, or an understanding gained

D - Hearing about the feel, what we call intuition came to mind and I tried to make assumptions about it. Is intuition part of feeling?

So, first of all I would say that, perhaps, it would be good to clarify what is meant by intuition, also because, as you rightly noted while you were talking, there is a tendency to confuse intuition and intention a little. 
How would you define intuition? And here this time I catch you in error because nobody, I bet, has bothered to look up the term in the dictionary! Scifo

D - In my opinion, intuition could be, I would say, like a kind of feeling ...
D- Io I would define it as a kind of more immediate passage facilitated by the impulse that comes from the Akasic body ...
D - In my opinion, in fact, since it is something that happens suddenly and there is no time, therefore, to rationalize it, I would say that, coming from the akasic body it has a lot to do with the feeling of the akasic body itself ...
D - A link that comes in a more direct way ...
D - A stimulus ...

Intuition is the understanding of a Truth beyond logical, rational, deductive or inductive processes. 
That is the understanding of a Truth, without it passing through the elaboration of your mental, astral and physical (brain) senses. 
Or better still, to give an example: suddenly you have an idea in your head that you know is right, you don't know where and why it comes from, but it is so clear, precise and satisfying that you understand, without shadow of doubt, that it is true, even if I cannot rationalize the reason for this certainty ... Am I clear? Scifo

Now, no doubt the individual who has an intuition has an intuition which contemplates the understanding of a Truth. Not, mind you, of the Truth, but of a Truth, of a part of the Truth.

Which means that this intuition does not necessarily lead to a correct behavior, since having intuited a part of the Truth is always an intuition of something fragmentary, separate from the rest and therefore, depending on the situation, it can be misused ... and I'll spare you tonight the connection with the discourse of intention, as at this point, of course, one could easily rely on the discourse of intuition used in the right or wrong way, depending on the intention of those who use this intuition. Scifo

Q - Well, we said that intuition always comes suddenly without any need to go through the elaboration of the mental body. Here, but then I ask myself: can there also be wrong intuition, that is, something of which one is convinced that it is intuition when it is not?

What you call intuition, which then reveals itself to you as wrong, is such because it passes through your logical, rational processes, and is, therefore, the intuition of your ego, and being such it is subjected to the needs of your ego, it is modified, personalized, subjectivized, relativized, and so on and so forth.

Which means that you think, reason about a person, maybe, you have the intuition of how that person can be in a certain way, or why this person can be in a certain way and then, at the end of the day, you realize that this intuition was completely wrong, or if it isn't completely wrong, it is at least partly wrong. 
This is precisely because it was not an intuition born of the inner understanding of yours Be, but it was born, instead, from the elaboration of your ego. Scifo

D - Sorry Scifo, but before you, in the definition you gave, you said that intuition is something that presents itself in front of you clear, limpid and that just satisfies you, it follows that you do not realize when it is to arrive. However, if this intuition is followed by a thought that determines an action, we ask ourselves the reason for this action, even a posteriori if anything, or not? Or do we go back to the discourse that, if the intention was good and the action also did not ask why?

One moment, one moment, because here we are making a real soup of speech! In the meantime, I would say to clarify for a moment what we were talking about before, since there is a substantial difference between intuition as we understand it (of which I have given the definition earlier) and intuition as you understand it. how commonly used intuition is usually used by you in observing others.
That is, in applying yourself, your ego, your needs, your thoughts and your feelings, to try to understand, to discover what others are.

While the intuition that I gave the definition of, concerns something that belongs to yourself, that is, you intuit a part of the Truth, you intuit for example, that I know ... that you are truly responsible towards your children, you intuit it, you know for sure , are you sure by now that it is, okay? 

And then act accordingly. The friend M. asked before :. "But then, after carrying out the action, we ask ourselves why?"
Of course you can also ask yourself, there is no problem with that, on the other hand you often ask yourself it in other situations actually, right? The fact is, you may also wonder if the intuition was really right or not ... Scifo

Readings for the interior: every day, a short spiritual reading of the Ifior Circle and of the Florence 77 Circle, on Whatsapp. 
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D – No, I don't want to go that far, I simply wanted to say if the very fact of asking oneself the motivation of the action is already in itself a symptom of the goodness or otherwise of intuition and consequently of the action…

No. I would say that asking or not does not matter, as the intuition is there anyway. The fact that you then ask yourselves something about him is not that it has much importance: by now you have acquired what you have intuited. Scifo

Q - But, can that well-being that is perceived when intuition happens can be compared to the sensation of spontaneous joy, of well-being that happens to us when something is understood in our Akasic body? You mentioned something about it a while ago, I think ...

Let's say it is connectable…. Scifo

D - ... connectable, that is to say it means that it is not exactly the same thing, even if the mechanism is similar ... Provided that I have not misunderstood.

Exactly, that's it. But you see, this is a subject that is not very easy to explain using only words. An example should be found that would make you understand the mechanism of intuition. 

What is it that gives birth to this intuition? Because you see, you tend to link the birth of this intuition to the fact that it derives from reasoning, from a deduction or something like that, and it is inevitable that it is, as you are used to thinking and reasoning like this.
But, instead, the process is completely different and here is the difficulty! I would say it's a process, in a way mechanical, outside your willingness to understand or not… at least in that moment.

So, you know that you have this blessed Akasic body with its disorganized matter, which is gradually organizing itself. 
In fact, you experience on the physical plane, you acquire these experiences, the experiences teach you something (right or wrong) these teachings return to the akasic body and are indelibly transcribed in it, experiences and useful elements are marked in it, forming a small area where there is a little order, a little more organization, okay? 

Now, imagine the Akasic body as if it were a leopard skin, with many spots, where each spot can be represented by a nucleus of experiences that are concentrated to form, then, the pattern of this spot. Can you imagine it?
Here, at the moment in which this stain is being formed, when the last experience made is transcribed within the stain completing the same, here is the understanding of something and this understanding results in what we have called intuition. Scifo

D - Well, but on a human level then, what we indicate as intuition, I know, scientific or medical, etc., how can it be defined to differentiate it from the intuition you spoke of which is more interior, more personal?

It seemed to me that this was clear enough from what we said earlier. Intuition, as defined by one of you, a normal human being, is nothing more than a process that derives, in reality, from a mental and therefore rational and / or sensorial work of the individual. 

But be careful! It does not necessarily have to be a conscious work, it can also be an unconscious work that, in some way then, in the end, completes itself without the individual consciously realizing it and takes concrete form in that thought that you define intuition.

However, at the base, there is always an ego processing of the individual, of his mental body and also of the astral. So, I repeat again: the main differentiation is that for the intuition as we Guides define it, there is no direct intervention of the Ego, of the astral and mental bodies to create understanding, but rather understanding comes by itself, when the piece within the Akasic body is fully formed and therefore constitutes the complete core of understanding a given factor. Scifo

D - But when the piece is completely formed, the understanding is also complete, the intuition to get to the physical body must go through the other bodies, yes or no?

But certainly yes ... Scifo

D - Well, then how is it that it crosses them: unscathed, or polluted, considering that the astral and mental bodies constitute the ego of the individual?

We've said in the past that once you understand something you can't forget it, right? Good. Thus, once the individual has truly understood and acquired something, he will no longer be able to behave differently from what he truly understood. This means that, when there is understanding, it manages to pass unscathed through the mental and astral bodies, without being diverted or transformed

The same thing happens with intuition, it is nothing more than an understanding, and since it has now been acquired, intuition is followed by a sense of well-being, a sense of pleasure and this sense of pleasure is transformed into a supporting wave. , which crosses the various bodies of the individual and reaches his conscience. Scifo

D - Ah, so it is also the physiological aspect that interacts, in a certain way!

You guys you constantly have understanding, but this does not always turn into conscious intuition.

Precisely in those moments that you yourself mentioned earlier, moments in which you feel that sense of well-being that comes avalanche on you, well, in those moments you do not realize that you have understood something, even if, in reality, the intuition is there. was. While it does not come in understandable form to your physical plane consciousness, it has been there nonetheless. Scifo

D - That was exactly what I meant. Many times something can be transcribed in the Akasic body, but in fact, the individual living in the physical plane does not know that he has understood it.

Without a doubt! Scifo

Q - Yes, but does this understanding reflect, in some way, on the behavior of the individual in the physical plane, or will he always continue to behave in that particular way?

We said it just now. If the individual has understood (but if he has truly understood, not if it is an illusion of understanding like the one that most of the time you possess) if he has truly understood he will behave in the right way, in the right situation ... without even asking himself if it is right or not, because it will be spontaneous, it will translate into spontaneity and naturalness. Scifo

D - So we can say that, where there is an "involution" there is certainly no understanding ...

More than "involution" I would say that where there is a stasis there is no understanding ... or rather there is no great understanding, because understanding, in fact, is always there, even when it seems that the individual is in stasis. The individual who is really in continuous stasis is very difficult to exist. Scifo

Readings for the interior: every day, a short spiritual reading of the Ifior Circle and of the Florence 77 Circle, on Whatsapp. 
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4 comments on “Questions on the intuition fruit of the ego, or of an understanding achieved”

  1. I did not imagine that intuition was a consequence of an acquired understanding and that when an understanding has occurred there is still intuition even if we do not realize it.

  2. I have sometimes called myself an intuitive person. This is because, while recognizing my poor mnemonic capacity which results in the difficulty of elaborating a complex logical thought, I discovered in retrospect that the push that led me towards a certain direction was right. This became clearer to me when listening to me became more attentive and external conditioning less relevant. Can what I say make sense?

  3. So intuition is the manifestation of a level of understanding made possible by so many small understandings already stored. It is like the ignition of a fire that occurs only when certain essential conditions are present, causing a sudden change of state.
    I also seem to understand that intuition and responsibility have the same root: what we feel as responsibility is nothing other than the expression of not always conscious understandings / intuitions.

  4. Rationally it always comes from simplifying and cataloging, while Everything always turns out to be connected and complex. Thank you!


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