Fable of communicating one's interiority

In a distant country lived a monarch, King Tlav.
King Tlav, despite having all the things he desired, having honors, riches, lands and subjects (all that, in short, he needed for a life without problems) suffered from a problem and it just did not leave him in peace.
The fact is that, despite all his wealth, despite all his possessions, he felt alone, he didn't feel understood, he didn't feel helped by any of the people around him.
One night he dreamed of a beautiful, very bright character - perhaps a teacher, perhaps an angel - who said to him: "King Tlav, io I know your problem and, so that you know it, I tell you: your problem is caused by the fact that others know nothing about you ».
Upon awakening, King Tlav felt dizzy from that dream and inwardly he was certain that he finally knew what the core of his problem was. So he decided to put into practice that teaching that had come to him through such an extraordinary way and, in fact, all the people the king met the next day and who stopped to talk with him, listened to him while he told them how many lands he had, what it was the music he preferred, which dance he liked most, which woman he liked most and so on.
Determined to do everything to solve his problem, he carried out this attempt for months and months, however his problem remained unsolved because no one really continued to know anything about him.

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5 comments on “Fable of communicating one's inner self”

  1. Already.
    These lines from Quasimodo came to mind:
    Each one is only on the heart of the earth,
    pierced by a ray of sunshine,
    and it is immediately evening.

  2. In its clarity and simplicity it is very interesting and explanatory! The human who believes that expressing one's interiority means declining the characteristics of individuality thus incurring two errors: the first note of believing to express one's interior and the second of fixing those characteristics as permanent, as a label to which adhere, making change, impermanence more difficult over time. I smile when I think back to the elementary school theme entitled: "Describe yourself".


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