The akasic body and the mechanisms of fertilization [IF23]

What happens when fertilization is about to take place? Both the egg and the spermatozoon, as well as hair, saliva or other, are parts of matter that the individual, in his internal laboratory, processes and then expels as necessary to carry out certain functions or certain cycles, or biological necessity. -evolutionary of the species.

Yes, it is associated with these parts of Akasic matter, but it is undifferentiated and unstructured Akasic matter, not actually belonging to the individuality to which the leaving egg belonged. Do you understand what I mean? I try to explain myself better: it is not easy to make you understand!

We have an akasic, astral, mental, physical body for each individuality; suppose it is a woman. The woman, once a month more or less, for biological needs and for evolution, of continuation of the species, it emits an ovule for a certain period of years. 

This ovule is made up of the materials of the various planes, for there is nothing that is not constituted by the matter of all planes, however, it is practically aggregated to the new ovum through the mechanisms, processes of individuality; in the same way as your saliva could be, which it does not have a part of your Akasic body, but it is matter of the various planes aggregated to be expelled and continues to remain undifferentiated, while including some Akasic matter which does not belong to a particular individuality. 

If anything, if you really want to say it, it is a part of matter that contains some Akasic matter belonging "to the great carpet", therefore to the community of the whole reality which includes the whole Akasic plane, all the Akasic matter. Was I clearer that way?

The same thing, of course, applies to the boy, who creates, starts the sperm and this sperm - as we once said - begins its journey towards the egg.

Now, one thing is to be emphasized - for the sake of the other instrument - in this mechanism, which is the fact that the Akasic body of the new individuality that will manifest itself on the physical plane first comes into contact with the mother of the individual who is being formed: he will get in touch with that egg which is about to be somehow ousted (end of a process) by the mother; and therefore the woman, the feminine being, undoubtedly acquires a primary importance, preceding the masculine one.

And this concept, if you think about it, is related to the concept of the ancients of the Great Mother; this is because, through knowledge also coming from other ancient civilizations - mine (Atlantean, ed), for example - this conception of the feminine was born as the first part of the human species that came into contact with the ultra-sensitive reality to give way to that mysterious phenomenon that was a new life on the physical plane. 

Readings for the interior: every day, a short spiritual reading of the Ifior Circle and of the Florence 77 Circle, on Whatsapp. 
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Of course we said that the akasic body contacts this egg, and what does it do? It does not - as you said - vibrate the egg: I did not say that it makes the egg vibrate, I said that creates a vibratory halo around the egg and the speech is quite different.

That egg of per , being undifferentiated matter at the outset, it already has its own particular vibration which is what it necessarily has to have in order to have its qualities as an egg, otherwise it would not be an egg if it vibrated in a different way.
It may have - yes, of course - some vibration variations within a certain range; however, without a doubt, if it has to attract that sperm and none other than that, it would be a bit difficult and complicated to be able to produce an egg, that particular egg, with that particular vibratory code. Right?
Much easier, however, to create this halo of vibratory attraction around the egg. 

This halo attracts that particular spermatozoon which has complementary and attractive vibrations towards the vibrations of the egg, comes into contact with the egg, the vibrations repel the other spermatozoa - so much so that they absolutely cannot penetrate the ovum - and the latter "lucky" (we will see later, over time, if this is true!) Will plant his conquering flag inside the ovum, giving way to a new life, now masculine now feminine according to the needs, the needs of the Akasic body that will be incarnated.

D - Scifo, sorry; and there is an important point: why that sperm?

Why exactly that type of sperm ... 
We say that the Akasic body emits vibrations around the egg, but the choice of the moment in which this happens on the physical plane is made according to the "drawingAnd, therefore, it must be done at the moment in which there is the corresponding spermatozoon that can fertilize the egg, otherwise there could be 10.000 eggs and 10 billion spermatozoa that there would be no reproduction.

Indeed, if we really wanted to be more precise, we could assume that it is the egg, with the connected vibration (because, to attract that sperm, it can somehow give a signal to the male's sperm before they are emitted and put in motion that sperm) knows how to ensure that just that sperm is included in that emission, for example. Think about it. Scifo

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2 comments on “The Akashic body and the mechanisms of fertilization [IF23]”

  1. The earthly origins of the archetype of the Mother Goddess are very beautiful.

    Amazing how in the Great Design everything follows an impeccable logic, impossible to imagine by human minds.


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