The evolutionary process of consciousness, form and matter [evo1]

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First in a series of three posts on the subject ofevolution. Baba explains with the usual clarity and simplicity one of the pillars of the philosophical teaching.

In the phantasmagoric scenario that the Absolute dreamed of to represent Reality on the stage of its immense theater, the evolution concept it can be assimilated to the plot which, in some way, establishes the track, the obligatory path along which history and the plots that compose it must be channeled.

It is difficult for you who observe from the relative to understand the logic of the “Everything Is”, that is, of the fact that everything already exists in its entirety and appears as a picture already painted, in any case. It is for this reason, children and brothers, that to explain the development of Reality to you we started from your point of view, that is from the point of view of the spectator who observes the play, lives and interacts with the story and the actors who from time to time they go up on stage, and only vaguely realizes that, in reality, the story is already all there, down to its smallest detail, in the mind of those who conceived the plot, the scenography and the direction.

Fearing that you might not accept or fully understand what we have been telling you for so long, we have spoken to you about evolution as reaching a different stage from the one you started with. little highlighting the fact that even evolution is an illusion. On the other hand, our children, he who is immersed in the illusion of becoming thinks and acts in becoming in such an engaging way that it is of little importance for him to correctly understand that that becoming is an illusion (and with it suffering and the inner problems) which will fall in the moment in which his feel it will have been structured in such a way as to allow it to look with more conscious eyes not only at its existence but at becoming itself.

This is an obligatory future stage in the unraveling of evolution, but to get to it it is necessary to go through the illusion with all its problems, and our task, in these years of teaching with you, has been precisely to seek to make you understand that, however it may be, illusion is not empty and meaningless, but exists as a necessary and indispensable phase for the existence of Reality.

We observe, therefore, evolution, looking at it from the perspective of becoming while remaining aware that becoming itself, at a certain point, will end up being an illusion.

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Within becoming, everything is interpenetrated, everything interacts and every effect has a cause, just as every cause produces an effect. It is not without difficulties, our children, to be able to give you a complete and comprehensive vision of becoming, and it is even more difficult to induce you to give up your habits of thought which tend to make you categorized into categories given the elements you acquire.

Evolution includes a myriad of elements that intersect with each other, interacting, and we would like the moment we talk to you about three stages of evolution (evolution of form, evolution of matter and evolution of consciousness) you did not think that they are phases distinct from each other or subsequent to each other: they are related to each other and, for the most part, act simultaneously and in an inseparable way, to the point that, without one of them, the others not only lose their reality, but also find themselves lacking their purpose and the essential elements to be able to build evolution itself.

The evolution of consciousness it has its raison d'être in the need to broaden the individual feeling, bringing it into a more and more direct contact with the recognition and overcoming of illusion. However, if there were no evolution of form individuality would not have the tools most suitable for her to evolve her consciousness, as well as, if there were no evolution of matter, the form would not be able to evolve and, consequently, there could be no evolution of consciousness.

Let us try, brothers, to explain in the simplest way what we mean by evolution of form and matter.

With "evolution of the form"We mean that, in order to be able to interact with the experiences that the individual has to face (implementing the evolution achieved and tending to its expansion), he must have the right tools.
It is therefore necessary that on the physical plane the individual finds vehicles commensurate with his evolution. But, for this to happen, it is imperative that these physical vehicles be available: the troglodyte's body was able to express the evolution that the troglodyte possessed, but would never be able to express the sensitivity expressed by the evolution it possessed. , for example, a Leonardo Da Vinci.

Thus, to obtain a vehicle more suitable for expressing a more refined feeling, various factors are set in motion: for example the physical laws of nature that induce modifications on the physical body, or the environmental conditions that, in the long run, affect both the physiology of the individual, and on the social scenario in which he finds himself having to experience.

You see, dear, somehow Darwin's concept on the evolution of the species is confirmed by us as regards the evolution of form, however, in our conception of evolution there is a substantial difference which, while not disregarding the reality, for example, of genetic modifications as means of change of the human vehicle (and not only human but, also, plant and animal), nevertheless does not accept the mechanism that this conception can induce to embrace, but identifies a very specific purpose towards which the evolutionary process of the form tends (i.e. the constitution of a physical vehicle suitable for expressing the feeling reached) and a logical element triggering the process of transformation itself (i.e. the need to adapt the physical body to the evolutionary needs of those who animate it).

It is in this context that theevolution of matter: you know that the individual is not formed only by the physical body and the physical matter which composes it, but which also possesses a body of astral matter which enables him to desire and feel emotions, and one of mental matter which gives him the ability to reason and logically elaborate what he comes into contact with while going through the experiences of his life.

Now, these bodies are born as a consequence of what is the feeling reached by the individual and change from life to life (therefore, in a certain sense, they evolve) forming with increasingly refined astral and mental matter.

Imagine the whole evolutionary process as a sort of circle that repeats itself similar every time but never the same: with each immersion in the lower planes the Akasic body creates the new bodies of the individual on the basis of the feeling it has reached; these new bodies contribute to forming the psycho-social environment in which the individual acts; the psycho-social environment is added to the physical one to create the conditions suitable for the evolution of the entire race, leading it to broaden the feeling of each individual who composes it.

This new feeling will restart the next incarnational cycle, starting a new multiplication of effects starting, however, from a different starting point from the previous one which will lead to the need to use different astral matter and different mental matter and, consequently, different matter. physical and different physical vehicle.

Ultimately we affirm that it is the spirit that, in order to broaden its feeling, produces effects that affect the matters of the mental, astral and physical planes, giving way to a succession of effects that will lead to the point of inducing changes. even in the development of the physical body of the human race, not by chance, not mechanistically, but by adapting to the fabric of Reality and striving for the very specific purpose of its own enlargement.

It is evident, children and brothers, that if this were not the case and if the modification of the physical body, over the millennia, had had to undergo only random genetic modifications induced by the environment or by the combination of dominant genes, the human race would now have disappeared from the face. of the Earth, or there would be a very great uniformity of physical bodies and mental and emotional capacities ... and it is evident that, fortunately, this is not the case!

In the phantasmagoric scenario that the Absolute dreamed of to represent Reality on the stage of its immense theater, we are comforted by the awareness that there are no extras but that all, and to the same extent, are irreplaceable protagonists of its Reality. Baba

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3 comments on “The evolutionary process of consciousness, form and matter [evo1]”

  1. When we say that becoming is an illusion we do not want to give a negative value judgment, but only to affirm that the basis of the world of becoming is "empty" and therefore not less worthy of being lived.
    In these passages emerges the need to keep together, in order not to lose the unity of the Real, Being and becoming.

  2. This teaching is critically important for understanding the evolution of consciousness, which is ultimately illusory

  3. It comes to me to consider the illusion of becoming as that relating to the illusion that it is the sun that revolves around the earth.
    Even knowing that this is not the case, we observe the sunrises and sunsets as if the sun really was born and disappeared every day.
    As for the concept of evolution, evolution of form and matter are closely linked.


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