Crystallization reveals the attempt to hide from oneself

CrystallizationMoment of inner stasis of the embodied individual, which causes a blockage of the pushes towards theevolution and understanding. To get out of crystallization, sometimes the right stimulus coming from the vicissitudes of life or the internal one going back to the thrusts of consciousness is enough but, in cases where the individual is unable to get out of it, existence will be forced to resort to the extreme weapon , or suffering: to escape it theIo he is, in fact, forced to act and therefore to restart the interaction of the various components of the individual and of the life he is living, in search of a new balance in which suffering is as little as possible.

Clearly the subject of crystallization is a subject that could be talked about for many and many hours without being able to fully dissect it.
Now, our children, the concept of crystallization is a concept that, beyond its philosophical nuances, is important for each of you, individually, not only theoretically but also mainly in practice, because if you, in the course of your days, if you were able to observe yourself carefully, trying to be objective about what you do, what you say and what you think, you could quite easily realize what your repeated attitudes and behaviors are. Well, most of this repetition of attitudes and behaviors indicates, more often than not, that we are in the presence of what we call "crystallization". (motions)

And this, creatures, can only be one of the best ways to get to know yourself and therefore, in some way, to get away from that suffering that all of you, openly, openly, try to avoid in the course of your lives.
To begin with, it must be borne in mind that, when we speak of crystallization, we are not speaking of crystallization of an individual as a whole; there are very few cases of individuals who are totally crystallized, that is, who have such great problems and such great misunderstandings inside, vibratory ghosts (if you want) so large as to completely occupy their entire way of being, all their capacity evolutionary. In reality, crystallization concerns a portion of the individual or, more often than not, in the simplest cases, a nuance of understanding something; that is, the individual has not perfectly understood a nuance of something and, not having understood it, finds himself receiving the impulses towards this further understanding that he needs on the part of consciousness, and here is that experience, life, presents him with the opportunities to experience this nuance of understanding.
Many times it is the ego itself that is opposed to this understanding, as it seeks to provide of a better image than he thinks he has. Thus, instead of acquiring through the experiences presented to you the data that can be useful to understand these nuances, and therefore to dissolve these small crystallizations, pretend not to see what is happening, pretend not to understand what existence proposes to you, pretend not to notice how others react to your behavior, perhaps projecting on others the responsibility for what happens.
In this way it happens that your Akasic body, although the experience is repeated and can provide you with the right data, the data that the experience can provide is not sent.
As I said, it is a question, therefore, of crystallization not of the individual as a whole, but of parts of the individual. So try to reason in this perspective: that while one of you, in some way, crystallizes, it is not that you crystallize in all its evolutionary aspects, but crystallize in some particular direction, more or less broad, more or less important for its understanding.
It may also be important to dispel a thought that can come to those who think of creating an image of the individual that crystallizes; in fact, more than one of you thinks that the crystallized individual can be identified with… what do I know… the apathetic person, the person who seems to have no stimuli, the person who seems to interact little with life. How many of you have this impression? And it can also be a valid impression in some cases, but be aware that this is not always the case.
Here I could easily relate to the discourse of "not judging" because in reality it can also happen instead that the crystallized person, precisely because of his opposition and his refusal to understand, in order not to see the truth he does not want to see, becomes hyperactive and faces a hundred thousand things at once, apparently has a great deal of enthusiasm. But - think about it - if what he has to understand is the fact that he has to (what do I know) ... pay more attention and be more available towards others, then, from this point of view, thinking about his need for understanding, one can understand that his sliding into crystallization goes back to the fact that, becoming hyperactive, doing many and many things one after the other with great enthusiasm, he finds himself being so engrossed in what he does that he can say to himself - justifying the his behavior - "I didn't do this or that because I didn't really have the opportunity to do it."
As you can see, therefore, by observing your behaviors you can come to understand what you are, what you need and what you are entangled in generating crystallization; and it is what you need what you should be most interested in, but without stopping at the first answers you have, indeed, as a rule, as a golden rule I would say, always keep in mind that the first answers, the most comfortable ones are the easiest ones and almost always less sincere and, almost always, they are the ones that hide the reasons for your crystallization. (Scifo)

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8 comments on “Crystallization reveals the attempt to hide from oneself”

  1. There was a time in my life when I put off important existential issues. I was charged with responsibility and very unaware. I always postponed until I finished my studies. This for a few years (3,4,5 I don't know). A month after the dissertation defense, I was diagnosed with cancer.
    With today's gaze, I believe that that was a crystallization, but in spite of everything this process is not very clear to me ...

  2. "... pretend you don't understand what existence proposes to you, pretend you don't notice how others react to your behavior, perhaps projecting onto others the responsibility for what happens ..."
    Just this morning, after yet another fight with my father, I was resentfully reviewing his "heavy" and provocative attitudes, finding 1000 reasons to justify my angry reactions. I tried various "strategies" to avoid confrontations and at the same time to take care of him "adequately", but without success and I felt defeated.
    Observing her attitudes that provoke my anger, I realized that:
    - sometimes I also behave like him!
    - that what triggers the fight is my tendency to control! It is not easy for me to find the right measure between "looking after" someone and letting go of control, but I believe that my difficulty in letting go of control is a crucial point for me, I would say a leitmotif of my life ...


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