The decision to break up and the sense of guilt

D - Beyond the fact that it is true that there is no "right person" or the wrong person, but I was wondering if there are people who are more similar, more in tune.

Let's say that there are people with whom you can more easily get in tune, it is not that they "are" in harmony; and this getting in tune more easily many times - almost always - depends on contacts had in previous lives, it depends on shared experiences, so there is a part of "feel" in common.

Q - And these, then, are part of the Design?

And therefore they are certainly part of the Design. Attention, however, this is an important point: you think that if you meet a person with whom you are in harmony, it is because this must complete you, and you must feel good in this situation; but remember that if you meet people you have met in previous lives and a more or less close bond of some kind is established, it means that there is something that you should have understood with that person and that you have not understood; therefore it means that it is a relationship that must teach you something, it cannot be a passive relationship.

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D - And if, at a certain point in life, you realize that you no longer get along with that person and you even say: “Well, let's go one on each side”, then what does it mean? What for mine evolution or for his own, or for a change written by life… because this also happens!

It certainly can happen and, all in all, it is also right that it happens because it is not certain that the other person can always help to understand. It is necessary to search within oneself and come to understand to what extent one realizes that the other person is no longer of any help to us, there is no longer any mutual exchange and then also have the courage - in certain situations in life becomes a crystallization - to be able to cut the situation. Certainly it is possible, it happens, it has always happened and will always happen.

D - And then sometimes we blame ourselves, we say: “It's my fault” but the fault is never just one person's; however this is the most difficult point to face in these decisions.

But you see, dear, the real situation in which this can happen - that is, cut the situation - when is it that you can come to understand when it is right or not right to do so? Own when there is no sense of guilt.
If there are feelings of guilt it means that it is not something spontaneous and felt and it means that there is still something that binds, something to understand from that situation.
If these bonds still weren't there, then people would happily break up no problem.

D - So the sense of guilt is useful in some way! How can this sense of guilt be used in life in general?

Ah, you use it a lot! Mainly by making others feel it! You are masters in this sense!

D - It's true. And how can you use it to "grow" this sense of guilt?

Observing your feelings of guilt and trying to understand why you feel guilty by trying to go to the roots of your guilt.

But don't just say, I know, "I feel guilty because I'm selfish." So it's too easy to fix the situation!
You have to go deeper and say: "I feel guilty because I behaved selfishly in this situation because I wanted this instead of this other" and then, there, get to understand what you wanted; and from the moment you come to understand what you wanted, you still have to go deeper and go to understand because you wanted it and do pretty much all the way back to come to understand your true intentions.

Everything that happens to you - not just the feelings of guilt - is aimed for this purpose, everything is an element that is placed there to make you understand what you are really inside; and what you really are are not the ugliness you think you discover within yourself, but the beauties that are below instead.

D - So being able to keep the “plus” and the “minus” together.

Certainly. Realize that it is all a balance. You are - all of us have been, are and will still be, especially io - a balance between good things and bad things.
It's not even about breaking this balance and just becoming beautiful, that's not the point either; it is about being able to accept your bad things and, when you accept your bad things, these bad things become normal, accepted, and will no longer cause problems. Therefore, no longer causing problems, they will be experienced as beautiful things; because already the division into "bad things" and "beautiful things" does not have a reality of being, they are only your projections. It's a bit of a talk of good and evil, isn't it? Georgei

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4 comments on “The decision to leave and the sense of guilt”

  1. …… a balance between good things and bad things. In recent weeks I am working with my students on the theme of the shadow, Georgei's words reminded me of those of CG Yung: -Each one of us is followed by a shadow, the less it is integrated into the conscious life of individuals, all the more this is black and dense. Different words to say that balance is the result of integration, which in turn is possible by investigating the intentions that push us to act. As if to say that "becoming ourselves" is not a right, rather a duty.

  2. The re-reading after a few days has brought to light a different and very enlightening perspective. I am sure that this discourse can be applied not only in the relationship of two, but also when it concerns a group of people.

  3. Seeking the true intention ... is a continuous unmasking possible only through a basic honesty, an analysis in which the subject cannot participate in it in any way.


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