Freedom grows with the evolution of feeling (l3)

Is everything written about our life? Our present, our past, our future?
Yes, in a sense yes. Let's take an example: in the course of an existence, let's say seventy years as an average, there are some things that the individual must do, let's say that it is written that he must go to university and graduate in physics, then he does it, there it is written that he must marry and have children, then he does it and so on, then there are many small things, many small choices that depend on the individual; for these things the individual has a certain freedom of decision, freedom of choice, freedom to do or not to do.

But the most important things, those that give a certain direction to one's existence, a marked imprint, are chosen by the individual, let's say “in a poke”, almost “by force”.
So the freedom of choice is very very limited, and of course this freedom grows with the growth ofevolution, because the more the individual is aware the more he is free to choose, and he will certainly choose what he needs, so he will be able to make this kind of choice; while for the less evolved individual, with a Io still strong enough and a limited awareness, you understand very well that certain responsibilities if he can not take them, it is better, and, consequently, he does everything not to take them; then existence is forced, at this point, to make him take them and it is for this reason that freedom, the faculty to choose in a certain sense goes to cards forty-eight.
Then a the less the individual has evolved the less is his freedom of choice, and also the type of choices that he can make is always proportional to his evolutionary level. Gnose

Among the various problems that have affected man there is certainly the problem of free will, or, more generally, if you like, the problem of "freedom".
It is clear, and to understand this it is enough to look around or observe one's own existence, that the individual, the embodied being, forced to inhabit a physical vehicle, does not enjoy absolute freedom, but his field of action, his possibility that is, making decisions "in freedom" is very restricted and limited.
It can therefore be easily stated that the embodied individual enjoys one relative freedom, so much so that we could even speak of evolution of freedom.
In fact, the freedom of the individual grows proportionally with the growth of evolution, so that the more the individual evolves, thanks to the experiences he feels in the course of various existences, the greater the freedom he enjoys in moving within the physical world.

I would even say that this widening of freedom is a widening both from a quantitative and a qualitative point of view.
I will try to explain myself better: if the freedom of the individual grows proportionally - therefore it becomes greater - with the growth of the individual's evolution, the same happens for the quality of the choices that the individual has to make in the course of own existence.
To give an example, I would say this: if an advanced individual finds himself having to choose whether to go right or left, when he has reached a greater evolution he will find himself, for example, having to choose whether to go right, left or straight, then the his freedom will be increased quantitatively because the possibilities of choice will no longer be two, as in the case of the unintentional, but three.

The evolved person will not only have to choose whether to go right, left, or straight but will also have the possibility to choose whether to go there on foot or by scooter; and, in this way, also the quality of his choices will have taken on a different connotation compared to the unintentional one who will be forced to go on foot; this new choice will imply a greater number of responsibility, of the ever more imposing, more weighty responsibilities that he will have to accept not only for his own good but also for the good of all his brothers.

Currently incarnated individuals have an average evolutionary level and enjoy relative, not absolute freedom, as absolute freedom necessarily means being completely outside any constraint, any coercion; it means on the part of the individual to make decisions such that no other being, who lives next to him and with him, can be negatively affected by these decisions.
Now it is clear that this absolute freedom, at least in these terms, is the prerogative only of the individual who has reached a certain evolution, since the less evolved individual is not able to make decisions during his or her existence without these, in some way, having a negative impact on others.
In order to avoid that his freedom of choice leads him to accumulate always new karma - precisely because he is not capable, he does not have the possibility to choose the good for everyone - he has considerable limitations that make his spectrum of free action very narrow.

Now I would like to analyze for a moment the quality and quantity of the limitations and see how they limit the unevolved or medium-evolved individual in his choices.
We can distinguish two types of limitation: there is one limitation that comes from his own inner self, therefore a necessary condition of its uneven state, and one limitation coming instead from the outside.

1- Let's take a further example to simplify things for a moment: an unevolved individual - remember that we have called him unevolved only for convenience - could feel inside of the desire to paint, to make sculptures, or something of this kind but not have the practical capacity necessary for this intimate desire to be somehow realized; this is an example of limitation coming from within.

2- The limitation coming from one's own outside could instead be the fact that this individual wishes to sculpt, wishes to paint, has the ability to do so, but does not have, for practical reasons, obvious, related to the circumstances, to everyday life, the material time so that once again this desire of his can somehow be realized. This is an example of limitation coming from the outside.
So, in practice, the unevolved individual will not be able to paint, sculpt to satisfy his desires, perhaps feeling frustrated, unfulfilled, dissatisfied.

The evolved, on the other hand, is outside these limitations, also because he, being in contact with his own spiritual part, it will be out of desires, and what for the unintentional constitutes a limitation (see the lack of material time) for the evolved will no longer be experienced as such, furthermore, knowing deeply himself he will not create illusions and will certainly know what his real abilities are. , therefore, not having the ability to paint or sculpt will not be a traumatic experience for him as it could be for the unintentional.

Labsence of desire, as you can understand, leads to greater inner serenity as well as the know yourself it leads to being at peace with one's innermost, and also leads to the awareness that each of the embodied beings has its own role, its own part as an actor on the great stage that is the world of matter.
Of course also the the quality of the limitations will be different according to the evolutionary degree, and even this quality will always be proportionate to the evolutionary degree reached, all always with the aim of making the unintentional as harmless as possible, which, I repeat, if it had the possibility to choose, if it were free would act only in order to satisfy the his own selfishness and this would lead him to produce many causes whose effects would make his chain of lives increasingly heavy and almost interminable. Vito

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4 comments on “Freedom grows with the evolution of feeling (l3)”

  1. too few categories ... evolved ... evolved ... ..we are all losers .... our life remains poor because we do not know how to love for free ... the real problem of feeling and yes that we have significant examples, and that we are linked to the possession of things, of people ... believe that we are better than others by gaining weight in our selves .... life is life if we "make ourselves aware" in daily reality in the thousands of experiences that give value to "it deserves to be lived"

  2. The Guides say that the evolved has more choice and therefore more responsibility. But if there are no more desires, there is no longer choice either, that is, decisions occur spontaneously. Freedom lies in the lack of desires. Or not?

  3. "Freedom grows with the evolution of feeling" for absurdity it seems the opposite is what is called the evolved, will have only one choice, in accordance with its evolution and will not be free to behave freely as the unintentional will do, maybe he will pay on his skin for the inexperience of the choice made, but he will have a thousand roads ahead of him, they say that by taking the wrong road you discover new places that you would never dream of

  4. From the point of view of identity, freedom is a dual, quantitative concept, it is freedom to do, to move, to travel, to possess, to express oneself even to say nonsense. For identity, the idea that freedom is equivalent to "doing his will", not one's own, is inconceivable.
    It is true, freedom expands with the expansion of feeling, yet it is increasingly stripped of the desire to satisfy oneself, it is more and more freedom to Be, rather than to do, more and more one is free to make the only choice. possible, and here the mind encounters the paradox, the possibility of choosing expands and yet narrows, because it goes in the direction of union. It is based on love, it cannot contemplate the choices that lead back to oneself, but those dictated by the discernment of what is good for the other, for the ecosystem, the discernment of the context, which goes beyond one's own misery. vegetable garden. The love that grows with feeling makes you free from the conditioning of need, free from fear, fear of losing, fear of dying.


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