Reality, its perception and interpretation [sf18]

To connect with the concept of "reality" it is necessary to remember two other important elements of the Teaching, namely: the perception subjective reality and, therefore, his interpretation by the individual.

Because, of course, whatever reality the individual encounters in the course of his existence, the perception of this reality by the individual is adapted to what the individual is and also the interpretation of this reality, of course, is interpreted according to certain patterns typical of the individual himself. Scifo

The inner creation of a subjective reality

[…] How is it that the individual perceives Reality? Reality is perceived by the individual through a set of elements that are part of what he is. Hence, in observing what surrounds him, he builds internally a vision, a perception of reality. This is quite simple to understand, after all, but the difficulty arises when you realize that each individual is different from all the others; this cannot, as a logical consequence, lead to the conception that each reality perceived by each individual is actually something different from one to the other. Rodolfo

The problem that arises further, creatures, is this: if each individual creates within himself a representation of Reality adequate to what he is, how can he manage to communicate with other individuals since all the realities they perceive are different from each other? 

We have come to conceive of reality as an individual representation in which there is something existing, of course, but which however is represented internally by each individual, who carries out a process of internal creation by which he represents, according to certain personal schemes, what is reality; which - I repeat - comes to define a personal reality for each individual who is embodied and lives his own existence. 

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  • Summary of the philosophical teaching of the Ifior Circle: HOW CONSCIOUSNESS CREATES PERSONAL REALITY, you can order here the book. If you're reading this and want support, write.

It remains to be clarified how it is possible then that you, who live all together on the same physical plane living inside different realities, can get to communicate with each other, otherwise why would we say to you: “Communicate, talk, try to understand each other”…? Our words would all be useless! There must be a way, a way that can allow each individual, in reality, to get to communicate with the reality of the other. 

How the individual represents reality

Let's see how the individual represents reality; this could be the road that indicates the points of contact from one individual to another. 

Reality is represented through physical perceptions, is represented through sensations and emotions, is represented through mental schemes, and therefore also the words of the language that the individual uses. Therefore, if an individual were to express reality externally, he would express it according to his own physical perceptions, according to the emotions that this reality arouses in him and according to the words used to describe outside himself, to others, the reality he is representing in himself.

But, unfortunately, there is another problem that is not a small one. The problem that arises is constituted by the fact that every perception, every emotion, every thought and every word are not universal things, identical for everyone, but are expressed, within the physical world, through "symbols".

The language if you think about it, it is nothing real, nothing concrete, it is an interpretation of reality through conventional symbols, for which you have attributed to certain situations, certain objects, certain things, a certain term in order to be able to understand each other.

Here, therefore, that even language, in the end, does not help us to understand this possibility of communication between you, as it is made up of nothing, in reality, nothing but a set of symbols, of convenient conventions. to be able to communicate concepts; However it is the communication of the concept through what is one's own interpretation; it is not a "real" representation of what exists.

Even the affectionate gesture, the pat on the cheek that is given to the child. Or, better still, more simply and perhaps more useful to give an example: the smile you give to the other. The common interpretation, by all of you, is that a smile is something pleasant; however, if you go to certain other areas of your planet, among populations that are apparently culturally less advanced than you, it may turn out that a smile can instead become offensive, as it can mean for those populations baring one's teeth to push away, with a sort of growl , opponents from themselves! So, even in this - alas - there is no certainty! This does not take away - I repeat - that there is the possibility of communicating with others yourselves present on the physical plane.

The true interpretation of reality

Now, it seems clear to me that all this discourse can only lead to a very specific point: the true interpretation of Reality is that which occurs within the Akasic plane thanks to Vibration First and to permanent archetypes that have been created. This is the main level of communication. Through these archetypes that they have created, all of humanity responds to the same kind of interpretation of what they are experiencing.

To return to a less general level, one must instead approach the concept of transient archetype, or those archetypes that are formed by portions of humanity; which provide the basis, to certain portions of society, to interpret (within these portions of society) reality in the same way.

If who belongs to a certain group of transient archetypes trying to communicate with those who belong to other transitory archetypes, he would have much more communication difficulties – of communicating reality – than he can have communicating with someone who belongs to the same type of archetype. This is because the elements on which the subjective interpretation of Reality is based are different from those of one's own group. Scifo

From the cycle Nuances of Feeling 2002-2007

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3 comments on “Reality, its perception and interpretation [sf18]”

  1. Only through the permanent archetypes do I enter into communion with the other.
    Transient archetypes can instead create that common code such that we don't feel like monads.
    Abandoned or recognized in their limit I can perceive myself less alone, if I entrust myself to the permanent archetypes.

  2. I add an item. Transient archetypes are also fundamental in the incarnative moment, when the consciousness, in accordance with its understandings and non-understandings, recalls the matter of the various planes to itself.

    This calling to oneself is mediated by transient archetypes. Why I say this.
    Because this explains why the subjectivity of reality should be interpreted on a personal level, but also on an inter-subjective level.

    So there is a possibility of communication even if partial and imperfect even on this cry.

    So we are not simple monads, but vibratory interconnected monads and these vibratory connections give rise to the possibility of communication.


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