The will and the process from knowledge to understanding (v1)

In times past you had been told about the passage from knowledge to understanding. Well, remember brothers that while knowledge does not itself provide understanding, on the other hand it is necessary to provide the material on which awareness and understanding will then become "feel».

He who apparently knows nothing in a life and is dominated by ignorance, reality teaches that he could also "illuminate himself"; for you who observe from the physical plane this is incomprehensible, but remember that the ignorant individual you observe and who apparently, without reason and without the need for knowledge, comes to understanding, has behind him understanding gained through knowledge gained in other lives.

You must not believe that only in this life (and thanks to the knowledge of this life) you can come to understand: many times the act of understanding - that moment when you suddenly seem to reach your consciousness and write something into it that you just did not expect to be able to transcribe - even if it appears unexpected and incomprehensible, it has its causes, like everything in the universe, and that if you transcribe a "feeling" through understanding, this happens because the thrusts of past knowledge have provided you with the basis for doing so. Nothing that you can know and remember in this lifetime, but certainly something that resonates within you from lifetimes that you have had in the past.

This underlines the need to consider teaching in its entirety; in fact, only by considering everything that lies behind the individual (from his various astral, mental, akasic and so on, to the previous lives he had) can one really come to understand even what otherwise would not be understood. And if you, children and brothers, really want to bring reality closer, if you really want to understand, it is necessary that you learn not only to put forward hypotheses, not only to ask yourself questions and find fragmentary answers, but also to be able to draw from the fragmentary answers you have found, a synthesis that brings you ever closer to the knowledge of objective reality in its totality. Ananda

But what is it, children and brothers, that prevents the individual from broadening their knowledge? If I asked some of you this question, they would be told that it is just a question of will, or that the individual is unable to broaden knowledge and therefore understanding, since he does not have the will to do so. But actually, io I tell you, the will is not what you mean: the will itself does not exist as a real thing, but arises only from the relationship between different factors. These different factors are the astral body, the physical body and the mental body; in fact, knowledge crosses all three planes, not just one plane.

  • If you cannot, through the physical plane, have the experiences who broaden your knowledge and attain the cognitions necessary for this enlargement, you clearly cannot get to know.
  • If you don't want to know, if your feelings, if your desires are directed in other directions, however hard you try to understand and know, these desires of yours (that is, the whole of the astral body), will distance you from knowledge, divert your attention.
  • If your mind refuses to understand, he will refuse to retain the known elements because in the meantime he will try instead to get to possess, to elevate himself, to store data upon data without stopping for a moment to meditate, then your knowledge will once again be blocked.

The will to know arises precisely from the relationship between physical being, astral being, mental being.
It is necessary, in order to have the will to know:

  • that the physical body can be a vehicle of knowledge,
  • that desire moves intelligence towards knowledge,
  • let the mental body retain knowledge and make it its own, working on it, to understand it ever more deeply.

La laziness of which we spoke before always and only arises from the diversity of impulses and tendencies of these three bodies.
If the physical body cultivates other needs, which do not include knowledge, if, for example, the sexual impulse calls you repeatedly, this will be enough to distract you from seeking knowledge.
If your desire for possession is such that it overwhelms your desire to know, you will inevitably not come to know.
If your mind wants to possess, inevitably you will not be able to know.
And if only one of these three aspects is in contrast with the others then, as a consequence, your laziness is born.

Try, therefore, to direct your desires, your mind, towards the same intentions. The balanced man is the man who truly manages to achieve something for himself and for others. The situation of imbalance, friends, remember, is the one from which problems and even somatizations and diseases always arise. Georgei

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5 comments on “The will and the process from knowledge to understanding (v1)”

  1. From knowledge to understanding to broaden the feeling of conscience ....... you experience, you ask yourself about what you live, you investigate and compare yourself, you come to understand cumbersome aspects of the self, you see it rebel and paw, you try to keep it at bay, you draw to the paradigm …… but nothing seems to happen. The experience presents itself to you again… ..and everything starts again for the umpteenth time… .. until when? Why doesn't the feeling widen and keep emitting the same bray all the time?

  2. Understanding processes can sometimes be very long. The transformation can be slow, but we constantly change and then Life takes us where it is right for us and not where we believe it is right to go. Perhaps more than keeping the ego at bay, it would be useful to get to the bottom of its dynamics, knowing that that expression is partial and does not show what we really are. I believe it is necessary to drop many of the beliefs that have guided our actions up to now, so that there is room for new ways of observing and understanding the path we are taking.

  3. It is now clear to me what are the components that orient the will. The post is very clear when it states that all three lower bodies must be oriented towards the same purpose.

  4. It is very clear that the process of understanding is a set of pieces that originate from past lives, because it often happens to add one and realize that it was a life's work, not in a metaphorical sense ... there you left it and from go on there ... I don't know if it's clear.
    Reading these lines I also seem to understand then that a human being in a condition of mental and physical infirmity will not be able to reach understandings. Did I get it right?

  5. As with all our expressions all our bodies are brought into play, so too the process that leads to understanding involves the whole of the person.


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