The help that psychotherapy can give, and what it cannot give

D - About theevolution of man, how much psychology, psychotherapy can help the individual to evolve?

Here is only one answer that can be given: psychology, psychotherapy can help as much as the individual wants or lets it help him.
On the other hand, the individual would certainly evolve, without a doubt, always and in any case, perhaps at different times, even without psychology. Let's say that psychology is not essential for the individual to evolve, even if it can be one of the ways that can help the individual to get closer to understanding himself.

All the psychologists and psychoanalysts who for decades have been trying to heal people from their alleged internal psychological problems are well aware of this and who only in very rare cases manage to do so; and in those very rare cases it happens when the individual under therapy has reached the point where "Really" wants to come to healing.

Q - I was saying if it is important that a psychologist, a psychoanalyst, in short, a person like that, in order to understand the individual as a whole, has already achieved a good evolution? Is it a decisive thing or not?

Well, it would be ideal if it had a good evolution; also because, at least, he would avoid projecting onto what he is trying to cure what are "his" problems of him; which happens almost always, if not always.
Remember the speech of the subjective perception of reality and how many times a psychologist gets an idea of ​​the patient who, from the start, is somehow polluted by what are “his” needs, so he sees certain things and sees no others.
Remember our good Freud, who saw everything in sexual terms, but this was obviously motivated by sexual problems that he himself possessed.

Q - Some of the guides have said that psychology, psychoanalysis, try to adapt theIo to society so that this ego, this person, feels calm and inserted in society, and he said that this is exactly the opposite of what the teaching says. Instead, you said that the psychologist can help; but if he helps you to feel calm, that is, to suffocate the inner drives perhaps of the akasic who wants to warn you that you are unhappy, the psychologist helps you to adapt and not to search.

I said it before: the psychologist can only do so to create the conditions for "you" to be able to look at yourself, he can not do anything else, he can neither adapt nor do anything to you.

Q – I was saying that psychology tends to adapt the ego to society.

Yes, it tends to adapt it, of course; however, if he really succeeded, all those who go to the psychologist would be well integrated into society! As I have just finished saying, there are very few cases that are solved by psychology or psychoanalysis.

D - Ah, do you mean “thank goodness he can't”?

Well, I didn't want to say that at all, because it would be much better for people to manage not to suffer; the only thing is that people, people in need from this point of view, must understand that they should not expect "from others" the solution of their problem, but that their problem can only be solved by themselves, perhaps with the 'help of others, with indication from others, remembering, however, that the indications from others are always permeated by such a subjectivity that they must always be examined before being taken for granted.

D - Scifo, sorry, you said: the individual would come to understand the same things anyway, but it cannot be that he would get there perhaps with more suffering because he would continue to repeat the same experiences that, by dint of causing him suffering, would unlock the situation. ?
But if you have someone who manages to make you take that leap at certain moments, a leap that your ego would never make because it keeps denying itself things, because it doesn't make him comfortable admitting them, isn't it something you acquire by reducing suffering anyway?

But you see, dear, if the person in question manages to make his ego take the leap – as you said – to reach understanding, it means that he was ready to get there beyond what could come from the outside. Agree? Because, if he hadn't been ready, the psychologist or psychoanalyst could have said and done what he wanted but the individual would have refused to get there. Let's say that, in this case, the psychologist had the function of stimulating the patient to become aware that the time had come to be faced with a truth about him. Agree? 

But - I repeat - the patient in question could still have reached this truth of his without going through so much suffering because, in reality, every individual who arrives at an understanding - which he could reach on his own - through the push, the stimulus, the support of a psychoanalyst or a psychiatrist, only for the fact of making an effort to go to this person, only for not having arrived on his own while he could have done so, at that point he is already suffering, because inside the individual knows that he can arrive at understanding and knows that his delegation of this drive to others is a mistake because it takes away a part of the possibility of understanding something more.

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D - No, this is not clear to me. So, is it better for you then not to go to the psychoanalyst at all? It is better to do it alone and let the Divine Design to ...

It would always be better to do it yourself ... no, no, no, I wouldn't want to be misunderstood in this ...

D - I don't know... I find that it is full of people who say: "I know myself very well, I don't need help, I don't need anyone", and to me they seem like many alibis for continuing to hide one's head in the sand like ostriches!

Ah, but there is none on this shadow of doubt! I'm talking about the case in which the individual is "ready" to accept his own truth. Those who don't want to accept it can even go to…what do I know…Krsna Himself and they still won't be able to accept it!

D – I mean then – sorry, now I'm making it personal – but it seems to me that the work I've been doing for years and years has served, and instead I just threw away the money! “It torments me” this!

No, no, no; that's what I was saying: I don't want to be misunderstood. The right question you should have asked at this point is: "So what is the function of these individuals?" Only that - as you said - to take away money from clients or do they have any use for the patient? Nobody asked this question.

D - Yes, that's probably what I wanted to do, always giving the premise that ...

Sure, but if you put me in a position to ask the questions and not just the answers, things get really complicated! And I say that yes, utility exists because, at least, in the meantime the individual does something (I'm talking about the individual who is not ready to face his truth), and the fact of having the courage to go to one the psychotherapist indicates to him that he has the possibility of doing something, of being active in the face of his difficulty and this - psychologically, internally - is already a reason for support and relief. 

Secondly, if the person with whom he happens to have a good sensitivity and a good operational capacity, he will undoubtedly be able to make the patient speak, who - even if he will not come up with the real reason for his problems - will almost always succeed. to eliminate the tensions surrounding the main one and therefore to find a greater balance, a greater state of serenity such that the problem, a little at a time, remains more and more isolated, until he will be able to see it from alone.

So one of the merits, one of the functions of these psychotherapists is to allow the individual who addresses them to release a part of their tensions by providing more peaceful vibrations to the individual himself, thus putting him in the best condition to be able to look. its deepest and hardest truths to accept. Scifo

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1 comment on “The help that psychotherapy can give, and what it cannot give”

  1. When an individual decides to go to psychotherapy he does so because he has understood that he cannot untangle his existential tangles on his own, just as he goes to the doctor when he cannot cure a physical ailment alone.
    The psychotherapeutic therefore has the function of helping the person who turns to him to read some of his attitudes in a way that he had escaped. One cannot know oneself if one does not acquire the tools of analysis. Certainly even an expert friend, a suitable book, can be of help, but when the soul experience is complex, the personal will is not enough to solve it and to insist on doing it is a question, in my opinion, of myopia and prolongs the sufferings.


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