The evolution of oneself and of the world is only a point of view

We, since the beginning of our first interventions, now decades ago - let me say it with some satisfaction because it has not been easy to carry on for all these years - we said, in introducing us, that you should not call us "great masters", or "Masters", but call us "great liars" instead.
Many of you remember this phrase that has left, perhaps, even a little perplexed. The problem is that when we present concepts to you, even philosophical ones, we obviously have to present them to you in a way that you can understand, dressing them in words that are understandable to you; maybe in Chinese we could also express them better, but maybe it wouldn't have been very useful for all of you, would it?
Here, then, that we have very specific limits in the possibility of communicating to you what we, perhaps, from your point of view may have understood; what though io I have personally tried more than once to make you understand, is that the concept of evolution it's actually a lie, because evolution - as you rightly whispered - does not exist!
The concept of evolution is valid only when reality is observed from the point of view of those who are immersed in matter; certainly the Absolute who looks at his creation does not see the evolution of his creation, but sees all his creature in the entirety of him.
So there is nothing that changes, that changes, that changes, but everything exists.
The difficulty in all of this lies in the fact that if you really managed to realize with your mind - with your little brain, as I always say, of embodied individuals - that evolution does not exist, that it is an illusion, that everything what surrounds you is illusion, it would be harmful to all of you.
If you could truly understand and realize this, then you would be tempted – your ego would be tempted – to take the concept and use it for your own purposes, going so far as to say, “So, at this point, I can do anything because, anyway, it's an illusion!”.
So it is fortunate, in the end, that you take these great lies of ours for truth, but also up to a certain point.
Certainly it is necessary that we present the concept of evolution to you, because you, present in matter, experience what you experience as a change, as a transformation, therefore as an evolution, and we cannot come and talk to you about what you do not experience as real. Do you understand what I mean?
Here, therefore, is the need to make you understand, however it may be, from your point of view how it is that matter, reality, your dynamics, the movements of all your bodies, of all the materials that surround you are transformed, to get to give you a complete picture of what are the apparent changes you have undergone over time. (Scifo)

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8 comments on “The evolution of the self and the world is just a point of view”

  1. The concept of the illusion of everything that surrounds us is certainly one of the most difficult concepts to understand. I think you can only guess or grasp to some extent with meditation.

  2. The path of unification does not actually exist because everything is already united, this is the ultimate reality, but the illusion of becoming must be lived to the end, illusory life after illusory life, without shirking our responsibilities, in a perpetual dance between to be and to become, this is the only way.

  3. I believe that one of the greatest difficulties encountered in teaching in any field is precisely that of “knowing how to dose it” so that it can be assimilated by those who receive it.
    A great "sensitivity" is therefore needed in grasping the receptive possibilities of the listener and the foresight of "not giving too much but not too little"
    thank you

  4. Having read the post I can say everything clearly, the concepts expressed are not new so I understood them but looking up from the screen I must say: understood yes, including no. Perhaps as Marco says, with a daily meditation practice…. thank you.

  5. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a dream. In these moments, I believe, the concept of the illusion of becoming leaves the mental plane to become evidence. Without a paradigm that explains the connection between being and becoming and above all in the absence of inner stability, the experience could be confusing… I think.

  6. A broad topic that pushes my limited vehicles to dance between awareness of the partiality of my human condition and intuition or perception of that beyond that has the flavor of an inconceivable vastness.
    Often to try to balance the dance I tend to contextualize, I limit the perceptual spectrum to what I have in front of me and I shift the accent of illusory to a more diluted focus, on a more generic panorama, this allows me not to alienate myself inside a bubble made di, as Scifo says "So, at this point, I can do anything because, in any case, it is an illusion!".
    A small example of contextualization can be found within this passage itself.
    Who was Scifo talking to?
    We could also say to us who read the content, just as we could observe that when he says: "certainly the Absolute who looks at his creation does not see the evolution of his creation, but sees all his creature in its entirety."
    a dualism between the observed and the observer is introduced within the Absolute itself, a dualism that many of us try to overcome by going in the direction of unification.
    Probably this step was necessary for other interlocutors or perhaps it is just a provocation, I still find it functional for the mechanics of my mental body, which is provided with a fairly sophisticated argument with which to play around and (hopefully) become sophisticated, and leave the field free. to the rest of the communication on the illusory nature of the form.
    If I had focused on this detail, I probably would have climbed into a sterile philosophical disquisition, if I had not grasped it, perhaps this writing would have passed before my eyes without due attention.

    Forgive me for being slow.

  7. To me, too, they seem more abstract concepts than deeply felt ... I don't know ... it may be that these are days in which there is difficulty in returning to zero ...


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