The elementary unity and the constitution of reality on the physical plane (IF2)

Philosophical teaching 2
Certainly you have thought that, throughout the period in which we sent you our words, there was no real logical connection between the various discourses, a unitary discourse, as if the communications followed a chaotic and disordered course; in fact, alongside some - however very occasional - hints of philosophical concepts, you have also been hinted at Reality, stating that it is not what your senses normally perceive; we have spoken to you of distant times; we have talked to you about practical facts concerning the daily life of your life but, above all, we have given importance to the concepts of Io, of Self-knowledge and of Love.

All this - instead of being a chaotic jumble of elements, as some may have seemed - had the function of stimulating your inner self, of making you begin first of all to search for yourself, because - and we will never get tired to repeat it, even if some of you will already be tired of hearing it over and over again - the first step towards understanding the Whole starts with understanding yourself.

It is for this reason - for example - that we have always avoided speaking directly about God for a long time: how can you, in fact, aspire to know first and then understand even the most elementary question concerning God, if you cannot even not only understand other men and the brotherhood of fact and not of words that binds you to them, but even to understand what it is that you really want in reality?

We have faced several times - even indirectly - the concept that Reality is not what it appears to you, on the contrary, your perception of reality is not only fragmentary and incomplete, but often even illusory due to factors inherent to your deepest feel and, in particular, because of the ego using the mind - the gateway for perceptions of external reality - to change, as it enters you, the perception of what is real outside you.

But is there really a reality within the physical world, or the world of phenomena in which you live is all a dream, shaped by your limited perceptions and your desires which - as we have often seen - have a tendency to lead you to see only that. which satisfies you the most and to try to change everything that goes against your ego in this perspective?

For this time we leave aside for a while the influence that the ego has in modifying the reality perceived through your senses, and instead examine the reality outside your mind and - therefore - outside the subjective alterations that the ego it produces on reality when it collides with its impulses; we make - or try to do - that is, a discourse concerning the external, effective objective reality of the physical world.

We had already stated that only a limited portion of external reality is recognized and embraced by your perceptions and that - despite this - you are able to know the existence of things that, even if you cannot see, feel, taste, touch. or to smell, that is, to perceive, in the normal way; so, for example, you know that oxygen exists around you and that it is a necessary element for the survival of your physical body, even if you have no direct perception of oxygen, recognizable through your senses.

We also said that if you had a much sharper organ of sight - so keen that you could see atoms, one by one - the world you are used to seeing would no longer exist in that aspect: the shapes would disappear and all that. that you now see around you - and even your body - would appear to you nothing more than a whirl of very small particles - more or less compact and uniform - so numerous that you would no longer be able to distinguish between form and form because even the spaces that your eyes appear, under normal conditions, completely empty, they are actually full of matter.

And if you were able to see at an even more acute perceptual level, the differences that you could have observed in the previous case, regarding the constitution of matter in the physical world - that is, the size and composition of the various atoms - would transform themselves and you would see that, at some point, the only difference in the matter around you lies in the density of the particles and that all these particles are identical to each other.

At this point you would have glimpsed the reality before the physical plane, the real form of its matter, that is, what ultimately constitutes the whole physical plane, so much so that it is possible to say that everything you see around you is none other than a repetition of these basic particles from which, due to their greater or lesser aggregation, everything that surrounds you comes.

This particle that - to be clear - I will call "elementary unitIn short, it is the constituent element, the base, which forms all the matter of your plane of existence and which, therefore, structures and organizes the concrete reality around you.

This elementary unity can be assimilated to the concept of atom, as Democritus and, later, Plato had postulated it, as the foundation and unique element constituting the becoming of the objective reality of matter, even if indivisibility is a valid characteristic - for the elementary unity - only as long as one remains, precisely, within the physical plane.

The physical plane is therefore constituted - in all its parts, and in each of its points - by the same identical element, the elementary unit which by joining together, that is, associating itself with other elementary units which are quite similar, gradually forms the particles, the atoms, molecules, gases, liquids and solids; that is, it forms the whole reality of the physical plane.

This means that, by breaking down at most a solid or a liquid or a gas or a molecule or an atom or a particle, in the end we would always come to have a certain quantity of the same element, that is to say the elementary unit. We can thus affirm that in the constitution of matter there is no starting difference, but that each portion of matter is constituted by the sum of several elementary units perfectly identical to each other.

It is like saying in mathematics that, by dividing 100 and 10 into units, in the end we have one hundred 1s and ten 1s, so that we can say that between 100 and 10 the only difference lies in the number of identical elements that compose them. .

Similarly it is for matter, seen from the point of observation of its physical constitution: the difference between steel and water vapor - apparently so different from each other - in reality lies entirely and only in the different number of elementary units that make up its structure.

The reality that you perceive is therefore nothing other than a different structuring as a density of these elementary units which, through this game of more or less dense aggregation, come to be perceived by your senses under the aspect of multiple and different forms.

At this point the question spontaneously arises whether this elementary unity is therefore the ultimate element of reality, the last thing to know, once known, man will have finished his learning process and will end his evolutionary cycle.

No, dear creatures: it is the ultimate element that you can discover in the plane in which you live, that is, in the physical plane, through the senses and the means that the physical plane grants you but, beyond it, there is still a matter and a reality; and the elemental unity is nothing but the link between what you call the visible world and what you call the invisible world.

The elementary unity of the physical plane is therefore an objective reality, even if - for now - unknown to you, and it is the one that supplies the material to your mind through the mediation of the perceptions that arrive to it, to build the images of subjective reality. , often illusory not only in content but also in the forms themselves.

The elementary unit is the humble handmaid who lends her work to the queen so that she can be admired and taken as an example by her subjects; it is the anonymous canvas that supports the grandiose work of art; he is the unknown bricklayer without whom no skyscraper would ever soar towards the sun; is what makes us say:

"In the physical world there is actually no distinction between beautiful and ugly, between big and small, between black and white, but everything - in man and around man - is One, united and uniform, and what man it appears different from himself, separate, inferior, it is nothing but an illusion, a subjective vision, the result of his sensorial limitation that makes him perceive and conceive reality in a partial way ".

Think therefore - dear creatures - that your beautiful body so proudly loved, so selfishly contented, so flattered, ostentatious, confronted with contempt or with a sense of inferiority, in the constitutive reality of your plane of existence is neither more nor less. than a handful of the exact same substance that constitutes both gold and dung. So think about whether it is worth identifying with it, but be careful with your answer, because it implies logical consequences that - perhaps - go beyond what you thought you were saying. Scifo

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1 comment on “The Elemental Unity and the Constitution of Physical Plane Reality (IF2)”

  1. I feel great fascination when it comes to undifferentiated matter or unity in "scientific" terms. One day, perhaps not far off, the concepts expressed by the scientific sphere and the more purely spiritual ones will converge. I believe that this will allow all of humanity to take a big step forward.


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