Medium and psychics: the many misunderstandings [ms1]

D - Tell us about mediums, psychics...
Eh, what a difficult task this is! Here you are, more or less, about fifty (of people) and out of 50 there will be ... 48 who have paranormal faculties, 45 who are psychics, 43 who are magicians and a good ten who will be mediums.

Already here one wonders why this difference in proportions, but maybe you will understand later when talking about the thing, right? But what interests us most tonight - also because we will talk more about wizards in the next meeting - is to dwell for a moment on the psychic, on the figure of the psychic and on the figure of the medium

There is a lot of confusion in the environment about these terms; in excess of "primadonnismo" many tend to be both psychics and mediums, which is never bad: it is better to abound rather than lack some attribute, c'est vrai? But in reality it is not very clear what the difference is between these two figures; so let's try to make you understand. 

The psychic

The psychic is a person who has particular qualities of his lower bodies - and sometimes also of the higher bodies, in very rare cases - which allow him to use faculties that belong to these bodies which are not the physical one; so that there are those who are able - in theory, of course - to perceive the thoughts of others, there are those who are able, through the astral body, to perceive the emotions, the sensations of other people or of an environment in which something emotionally strong has happened, where, for example, some crime has happened.

There is the person who has the ability to use certain faculties of the mental body and then, perhaps, can read in a closed book or can somehow observe the frames of reality and look back into the past or forward into the future. 

These, however, are all typical qualities of that individual's bodies, which belong to him, which must be set in motion by the will of the individual, and which the individual possesses, almost always - except in cases of very great evolution - in order to use these possibilities, which he possesses unlike other embodied beings, to become a character available to other characters who need help and that, perhaps, in some way, they can benefit from these qualities.

The medium

You will say, "Well, he's more or less a medium," but is he? Because the medium is not necessarily a sensitive person; not necessarily, even if it happens very often that the medium, beyond the meetings, the sessions, has particular phenomena or particular perceptions. 

The real medium is not the one who, out of the blue, decides: "I'm going into a trance, have a session," pas vrai? The real medium, as we understand it, is the one who makes himself available and becomes the famous "empty barrel" of the Indians (of the Indians of India and not of the American Indians, even if there was something similar in that culture) so that the vibrations of disembodied Entities of a certain evolution are able to cover themselves with matter until they come to manifest themselves within the physical plane. 

Therefore the true medium is the one who knows how to be an instrument of a will that is not his in departure; in some way, that is, it puts into effect that "your will be done and not mine" which has recently been spoken of several times by our very great Guides. Bien?

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Reasons for confusion

Now where is the problem, the confusion between these two possibilities? It arises in the fact that the sensitive person, in certain conditions of interiority, has the possibility of perceiving, of getting in touch perhaps, with entities of the lower floors who have abandoned the physical plane, c'est vrai? 

And then, perhaps, he perceives the words or desires, or emotions of an entity that has recently died; but, unlike what happens with the medium, in which the entity that comes and speaks comes of "his" will and says what he wants to say, as far as the psychic is concerned, it is not that the perceiving entity intends speaking, it happens that the person perceives this entity, feels its desire, perhaps feels its needs, and somehow receives them, introjects them and leads them to manifest themselves within the physical plane.

You will say: "Corn, however, these people go into a trance, these people speak directly: the son talks to his mother, the brother talks to the other brother" and so on. 

We tell you: "Bien, be very careful about this type of manifestation because, beyond the many cases of fraud in which this occurs, the majority of these cases go back to a mechanism like the one I was talking about before, namely the psychic perceives, contacts through its non-physical bodies with a certain entity, perceives what this entity at that moment is thinking, wishing, dreaming, and what does it do? 

He communicates it to the person next to him; however, since there is always the fear of not being believed, there is always a certain reticence - also for fear of making mistakes or doing harm - then the unconscious puts in place mechanisms that make it so that the psychic somehow simulates a trance, of which he may not be aware - of this simulation - but it is his unconscious that sets this stage apparatus in motion to hide in some way and ensure that, upon the hypothetical awakening, he can always discharge his responsibilities by saying: "But that's what came, io I have nothing to do with it, he came because an entity communicated it ». Do you understand or do you want some clarification on this? 

Here is what we would like you to understand, since you are often in contact with this type of manifestation, that you would not delude yourself too much; because, you see, some rare time it happens that the entity that has abandoned the physical plane is able, under the strain of his desire and with the possibility of meeting the channel, to get in touch with his loved ones directly, but 99,9% of the cases or it is a matter of bad faith on the part of those who make this contact or it is, I repeat, yes a contact but involuntary, in which there is the perception of some element - on the part of the psychic - of the entity with which one would like to get in touch and here, then, the thing becomes very complicated at this point.

Because you see, dear ones, the person who turns to psychics in these cases does so, many times, under the pressure of pain, of torments that he cannot overcome due to the loss of a loved one and, in some way, ends up getting into complete nurse of the other person, if the other person complies with these wishes, but this other person does not have complete control of his own faculties; he doesn't have it because, otherwise, he wouldn't behave in a certain way right from the start. 

The fact of not having her refined skills, the fact of not always being able to do what she wants, to get in touch with what she wants, makes it possible for her to communicate not with the entity she is looking for, but perhaps with an entity that wants to have fun in that moment and therefore behaves fraudulently right from the start; or, which happens even more frequently, she misses a frame and then she contacts a frame that exists but has not been experienced by the entity. 

Of course, here the thing gets complicated and many of you will not even know what I am talking about, but what I would like to make you understand is that these faculties are not a precise thing and precisely governed by those who use them, indeed they are very random and desire is not enough for the phenomenon and the contact to take place.

So you all always try to be very careful in front of people who set these faculties in motion and especially if you are trying to achieve these goals, these skills, always try to do at least in such a way as to be sure that your intentions are sincere. Certainly it is not possible that you are 100% sure, but try at least to reach 80, 90%; then perhaps things will be easier and may be less harmful or painful for the people involved in the speech. Margeri 

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5 comments on “Mediums and psychics: the many misunderstandings [ms1]”

  1. Thank you 🙏 and peace to Margeri, can we share it? Also in Fb? I find many groups on the net full of pseudo or alleged psychics / mediums

  2. I have known and used a diviner in recent days.
    A man in his seventies, humble and discreet, who does not even know how the phenomenon can happen and who when it happens looks at you with a questioning, almost astonished look.
    It seems to me an empty joint, I trust, but perhaps he is more of a psychic because the empty rods are the mediums, sorry.


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