Metaphor of the transformation of man from chrysalis to butterfly

Finally, man, you have become "farfalla". You have left the calls of matter behind you; you have overcome the selfishness that has led you, for lifetimes, to a behavior worthy of a mean being; you have abandoned the "desire" to have, possess, earn, command.

You have understood that the others, all the others are not your enemies, but truly your brothers and, like you, they enjoy rights; you have understood that the sense of separation between you and all the rest of creation is only an illusion and that those boundaries, real for you until recently, do not really exist; you have made your own the concept, which we have proposed to you for years, of a God not separated from you as a being to be adored and served, but as a part of you to be loved and respected.

But how long and difficult was the journey to get to fly freely as, now, you are starting to do!
It took lives after lives before you managed to free yourself from the chains of a tight determinism, which made you move as if you were an "automaton", to make you understand that what was outside of you was not something so different from you, he was not someone to fight, but something and someone to live with and collaborate with.

And when you have come to this understanding, the wonderful karmic law has slipped on you, not as a punishment for the evil done to others, but to make you fully understand - impressing it in your conscience - that evil must never be done. , it has no reason to exist, and the only way to truly, fully understand it is to experience it firsthand… and other lives have come before you for this purpose.

At this point you began to evaluate your actions, losing the instinct of the animal "man" to acquire the awareness of "chrysalis”, That is, of the medium-evolved individual who tries to make sense of his actions. Here then, in order to experience your free ability to choose without causing harm to anyone, other steps in different bodies have become necessary, until you reach your choices in perfect harmony with the entire Creation.

In the meantime you also learned to love, you began to feel the first vibrations of love: your relationships with a man or a woman were no longer limited to the sole satisfaction of your sexual need; the relationships of love towards your children were no longer tied to an instinctive sense of defense to propagate your species; you have even begun to understand the meaning of friendship, and gradually, more and more subtle nuances that refer to a single and great feeling, that is Love.

In short, you have begun to overcome your physicality, letting the astral body and the mental body do it feel their influence. And so other lives have taken, since you came into contact with your mind, as useful as it is dangerous because it tends to lead you astray. And knowledge came to meet you, and from it you drew the strength to silence those calls that tended to take you far: away from yourself and from your true being.

But you, chrysalis still closed in the cocoon, have also overcome these last obstacles.
And the cocoon, now, is about to open and you, man, feel yourself vibrating with love, feeling that what is around you is part of you and with you part of a Whole that you do not yet know but that you strongly "feel" to exist.

You are aware of the responsibility of your every behavior, you do nothing - because you do not want to do it - that can damage the other parts of you that seem separate beings, but which are not so.

You are able to go beyond purely physical love, while not disdaining it, in the certainty that you can give and love more than a simple sexual relationship.

You are able to understand that you are not alone, being able to go beyond the barriers and boundaries of your physical senses because you know that the body you possess is the means, the vehicle that now allows you to manifest yourself as you are and, therefore, satisfies his current needs to the right extent.

You have understood that true religiosity is something intimate, deeply intimate, and it cannot be communicated except through adequate behavior; for this reason you remain outside any form of political, cultural or religious organization.

You still know that you have, like all other parts of you, a well-established role in the play of life, and you play your role with dignity, conscience and a desire to give.
In short, you are ready, man, to fly, to leave the wheel of births and deaths to embark on a new and wonderful journey.

La farfalla, having reached its completeness, it will leave, in memory of its past as a larva and chrysalis, an empty cocoon, and will hover in the air, ready to face the new experiences that are waiting for it. Baba

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4 comments on “Metaphor of the transformation of man from chrysalis to butterfly”

  1. It is not a question of arriving somewhere, but of discovering the reality of which we are part. Yet we call it path, process, evolution. There is no anxiety to arrive, I observe and with all my limitations, I am.

  2. In each condition, live what you are.
    At a certain point in evolution one feels attracted to more advanced forms and perhaps it is also right to experience a certain tension towards those forms. However, one cannot pretend by mimicking an evolution that has not yet been achieved. My risk.


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