Having all the good and not being able to give it

When you lovingly turn your thoughts to a suffering creature, when you think intensely about this person, when you forget your miseries, when you forget your own Io by addressing and dedicating yourselves totally to this person, to the point of merging with him, you, our children, are doing a great work at that moment, since in this way you show, above all to yourselves, that you have understood at least in part what we we mean when we tell you to love one another, when we talk to you about friendship, brotherhood, spiritual communion.

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Do to others what you would like them to do to you

Each of you lives your life, and each of you realizes, moment by moment, day after day, how much life and existence can surprise by offering new experiences, new difficulties all the time.
I listen to a choir of voices that rises from the physical world, a choir of voices, very often, only mental ones.
What do these rumors say?
What do they ask of themselves, of life, of God?

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The concepts of personality and individuality (IF16)

It is our intention to try to make you understand what we mean when we talk about "personality”, And what we mean when we speak of“ individuality ”, of the individual, trying, according to our abilities, to make you understand also where the difference between these two terms lies; This is so that later we can continue talking to you using these terms, confident that you can understand us. fabius

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Savor every breath, every situation as if it were the last

My father,
I smile, I live, I joke, I spend my days with a smile painted on my face, and yet, Father, when I look in the mirror I seem to see a tragic mask which, behind a painted and immobile smile on its features, hides, instead, a great pain and a great sadness.
Yes, my Father, beyond what my mouth tends to show to others, beyond what my words try to make those around me believe, beyond the image that I construct for others, if I only stop for a moment to observe myself, the mask falls and I find sadness and loneliness inside me.

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Live letting Life lead us

Brothers, sisters, I see you in the course of your days tiring yourself thinking about how best to lead your life.
If you realized, brothers, if only you wanted to become aware of it, sisters, you would understand very easily how useless it is to think about what will be or what could be in your immediate future.
If you let it flow, if you let things take their natural course, you would soon realize how simple, beautiful and peaceful it is to live.

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From the group soul to the end of the incarnations (IF16)

Philosophical teaching 16
When there is an incarnation as mineral life, we are not yet in the presence of an individuality, but it must be considered a mass of several individualities fused together and almost indistinct that somehow unite with the mineral matter from which they receive the first perceptions, the first sensations.
You know that from these perceptions, from these sensations deriving from the clashes, mainly, with the atmospheric agents, come some vibrations that tend to organize the astral matter of these individuals in a group.

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The decision to abort (3)

There is a danger in what we tell you that you must not underestimate: we have just stated that, ultimately, man can only "live a certain type of life" and that in reality, whatever he intends to do, he cannot never avoid an experience that was assigned to him.
This concept is quite dangerous, because it can lead to the kind of fatalism and supinity that, for example, Western man thinks he perceives in most of the Eastern populations, within which these concepts - which have been part of their way for generations to think - have often been misrepresented by ordinary people.

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Fable of the conscious dog

A dog gobbled up a crumb that had fallen off the table just before midnight struck.
In the room there was cheerfulness, shouts and noises.
"Best wishes!"
"Happy Holidays!"

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