Friendship: availability without being asked for

“Friendship, friendship is great! Friendship can move mountains, friendship can make any relationship beautiful, friendship is something that can make your days brighter, better, more worth living!
Friendship is that thing that does feel all brothers; it is that feeling which, when it touches people, unites them, makes them similar, makes them feel close, united in good and evil, in grace and disgrace, in luck and misfortune.
If the whole world were to be able to consider the person next to him as a friend, the whole world would certainly become transformed ... "

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To see the whole of humanity in a tear

Blessed is the man who looks at a tear and not only realizes its shape, its color, its brightness, but manages to understand its origin, its destiny, its essence.
Blessed is the man who looks at a tear and realizes that the whole of Creation is contained in it, and that it is enough to observe it with eyes of love to discover great truths and reveal many mysteries. Know how to observe the world with pure eyes and you will discover God, his sweetness, his Love, his invigorating presence, not only outside you but also in you.

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Love is the origin of everything

Blessed is the man who encounters love and knows how to recognize it without letting it become what society requires it to be.
Blessed is the man who knows how to find love not only in beautiful things and in what gratifies him most, because this is the man who has understood the omnipresence of love, the ubiquity of God.
It is not the one who chases away the insistent mosquito without trying to crush it that he really loves, beyond the action, but it is the one who lovingly gives it a drop of his blood without even thinking that it is just a drop of which, much, he won't even miss it.

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