Change the way of observing and interpreting reality

The existence you are leading, at certain moments, to the man who lives it can give the impression of being similar to a vulture that turns on its head waiting for the right moment to descend with fury to tear with its claws what it is. the very fabric of one's life.

And you, one by one, who live that moment, go through moments of confusion, tormented by your torments, tormented by the problems that gradually come to your attention ... and how many of you then end up approaching us!
You see, children, there is none among you who, in reality, has approached these meetings under the thrust of an optimistic or positive thought, but the thrust that always moves those who approach us is the desire to receive something in change, to understand what is happening to him, to make that existence more accessible to him in difficult days.

Unfortunately, alas, it is not always possible to do much for each of you individually, and that is why we so often invite you to change your reality if you want to live better. Do you remember the sentence that brother Scifo said some time ago and which could almost seem like a cabaret joke but which hides a great truth? The sentence was: "If you really want to change your life, then change it".

What did that phrase mean? It meant that as long as you continue to live "the same way" the hours you spend on the physical plane, as long as you continue to feel overwhelmed by events, until you feel existence like a sword of Damocles, ready to cut your neck at any moment. else, then you will hardly be able to find serenity.

Our task, children, is precisely that of trying to help you achieve a different balance, a new inner serenity, and how could we do to carry out this difficult task, also because it is never individual, but must be made as general as possible so that it can be used by several people at the same time?

  • Readings for the interior: every day a short spiritual reading of the Cerchio Ifior and the Cerchio Firenze 77, up Whatsapp and Telegram.
  • Summary of the philosophical teaching of the Ifior Circle: HOW CONSCIOUSNESS CREATES PERSONAL REALITY, you can order here the book. If you're reading this and want support, write.

The best way to do this is to get yourself slowly, patiently, slowly, to try to transform your way of being inserted in life.
This comes through some parts of the teaching, which are essential for this modification of the conception of one's own reality, and one of the main parts is the one that reminds you that everything that happens happens always and only for your good.

Even the most unfortunate event should not be experienced as just unfortunate, but must be seen in perspective considering the fact that it too has its need for you and that it too will lead - after the moment of inner labor - to modify something. yourself.

So we ask you, children, to get used to think about life more positively than you usually do. If you tried to observe the events that surround you, which interest you more or less closely, with greater objectivity, with greater attention, you would always be able to realize that all these events are indications that show you what are the things you need to change in you; those things, beyond which, the very quality of your life will change.

And then, our children who come to us holding out our hand, waiting for us to put who knows what gift on your hand, io I can't help but put it between your fingers a little flower of awareness, try to water this flower that we give you and hope that you have the courage to smell it and discover a new perfume to make your life different. 

Of course, the wonderful, strange, paranormal phenomena can attract your attention, your curiosity, give you the illusion of increasing your faith and your belief in something that exists beyond the physical plane, but who for years has participated in these encounters, those who have been researching inside phenomena for years, realize that the phenomenon itself is not enough in the long run to give that balance, that inner certainty that modifies one's place in front of life.

This is the most important point - in the end - for each of you: it is not so much "observing the wonderful thing" as being able to realize that the wonderful thing always exists near you and that it is enough to change "the way" of observing reality to realize it and, therefore, already feel different.

How many wonderful things pass by you and, since you do not know how to look with the right eyes, they slip away without being duly considered by you!

Well, children, you who have been taking part in these meetings for a long time, as well as you who are perhaps only present for the first time, you should come to understand that phenomena are not important, we are not important, even philosophical teaching is not important. , if you fail to purchase this first new vision of reality that makes your life not an enemy but a companion who will always accompany you with a steady hand through your experiences, always so necessary.

I hope, children, that you manage to reach this certainty because in this way - I know it from having gone through this before you - you will realize that life was not what you believed, but it was much more beautiful and just. Weather

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1 comment on “Changing the way of observing and interpreting reality”

  1. It is true that the teachings of IC help change the often victimized way of looking at life. I experienced firsthand how many wonders happen around us and we don't know how to see them because we always expect the "extraordinary"


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