How to cultivate the will (v3)

Most of the time, if the projects you want to carry out are sensible things, if they do not involve others in an unlawful way, if they are acceptable, just or correct, when external circumstances seem to want to block, stop, prevent you from carrying on that type of action, the individual has to stop for a moment and observe some things.

The first thing to ask is this: if existence, at this moment, blocked my will to do a certain thing, why could it have done so?
It may be because that thing io, really, shouldn't I experience it? That thing, that is, I don't have to experience? And then, there, in listening to my interior, I must be a feel if that experience is really necessary for me.
Or could it be that existence has created barriers for me because, in my eagerness to carry out my will, without realizing it, I am trampling on the rights and will of others?

After having done this little exam - small but certainly not easy because it requires a good dose of sincerity towards yourself - if you still realize that you really want to carry your will to the end and achieve that achievement, in spite of everything, then There are still two questions to ask, namely:
- do I really want to go ahead with my action, whatever it takes, in any way? Or the other:
- have I observed all the ways in which my will can be carried out or, in reality, is there some better way, more useful for me and for others, that I am not seeing?

Here, then, for a moment of pause and reflection and I guarantee you, creatures, that if the answer to the first question (that is, if you really want to carry out your will) is positive, then undoubtedly you will find a better way for everyone to carry it. forward without harming anyone and without being stopped by what existence, perhaps, puts in front of you.
Of course, in the moment, it can be frustrating to want to do something and find yourself in a position not to be able to do it, but rest assured that a break does not mean not reaching a certain result: it simply means being able to observe your will more calmly and therefore then achieve the desired result in the best possible way!

But how to cultivate the will?

We had already explained that, in reality, the will cannot be strengthened with a specific exercise. For the will to become strong it is necessary that there is the intention, it is necessary and sufficient - the mathematicians would say - that there is the intention to carry out one's action.
If, however, by "strengthening the will" you intend to succeed, in some way, in not being diverted from your purpose, then there are different techniques to be able to achieve this. concentration of the will (which is nothing more than a concentration of attention on the intended purpose). Only that, usually, they are so boring techniques that after a couple of days that one continues to do them, alas, he loses the will to go on!

We had suggested, at the time, a very simple technique, apparently very easy, that no one, of course, dared to try: it would be enough to strengthen this attention, this will, that each of you spend five minutes a day (I don't mean much, just think: five minutes, as much as you can drink a coffee, after all) - I was saying - five minutes a day, at the same time, every day, writing the letter A in a notebook. (Rudolf Steiner proposes similar exercises, ed)
If you can do it, creatures (I do not say for twenty-one days as the ancients said or as the Orientals say it must be done for the techniques) but even for only a week in a row, I guarantee you that you would show a not indifferent will and that you could tackle any purpose with the certainty of reaching it!
Other techniques such as those that you might expect, in reality, do not exist: the will, after all, is such an internal fact, that it would be like trying to force the universe to direct itself towards a small particle. Hull

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8 comments on “How to cultivate willpower (v3)”

  1. Tried the writing technique also suggested by R. Steiner and stopped after a few days.
    I believe that in the exercise of the will lies a part of our actions that we can decide freely and do not take advantage of it. On the other hand, we continue to ask ourselves what free will consists of if our human path is already outlined by consciousness.

  2. I'll try . But it is also true with brushing your teeth in a certain way for a certain number of minutes two or more times a day. It seems trivial but staying is a difficult thing. It could also be filling the boiler with 3 bags of pellets at the same time, every day.
    In general, when what you do, however, is apparently without purpose (even if the function of this in reality is to strengthen one's will) the mind grumbles and after a while it paws and gives up. This also applies to any form of meditation: the mind demands quick and safe results. Everything and immediately!

  3. There was a need to re-read the other 2 posts on the will as well. Now it is clear that this is a process that involves not only the mental, physical plane. For example, I think of the personal experience of quitting smoking, which began as an act of will and matured in understanding. Or the inability to stop finding gratification with food (here we are still at "know yourself"!)

  4. I reread the post trying to understand if there was a solution to some of my impasse, but it is evident that I do not want to grasp the suggestions. There is a lot of work to be done on the will front.


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