The problems of society: the new and the old race

D - This society that should evolve, we see instead that it has aevolution contrary to what should be an elevation.

For nothing! Not at all! Indeed, you are experiencing one of the best moments of your evolution! From an evolutionary point of view, no doubt, this is true, as it is a moment in which embodied individualities are becoming aware that things are not right, that something must be changed. Certainly they have not yet become aware of the possible solutions.

Q - So, these guys who get lost are a testimony to make us open our eyes and improve ourselves?

Certainly, and not only that; but, in most cases, when it comes to the "old" race, they are individuals who have a considerable evolution and who are blocked as their "feel"Does not have the opportunity to express himself as too many conditionings block them, and there is no possibility for them to be what they really are, internally.

Q - But are they a message, so that we understand that things cannot go on at this rate?

No doubt.

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D - There is a point there that I didn't seem to understand well: io I agree that lately things feel changing, but those who kill, those who do all these heinous deeds; in those instead there is not this feeling of having to change not through these actions, these murders, etc.?

Let's say that there may also be this feeling in them, but for the most part they are individuals already of the new race, these. On the other hand, think that they are necessary for the old race because they feed the situation, they feed the push towards change, they meditate on things that, perhaps, the old race would not have thought about for lack of stimuli.

They make those of the old race aware and sure that they will no longer behave in this way and confront them, therefore, with a verification of what they have understood or have not understood. If one of the old race is together with a murderer or one who takes advantage of others in a frightening way, as happens lately, and follows the behavior of this of the new race, it means that he has not yet understood, and this can only be verified. thanks to the unwitting help given by those individuals of the new race.

This is the famous "economy of the Absolute" in constituting the causes of Reality. Of course you lose your head, right, children? However, losing your mind can be pleasant, useful… it serves.
Who is always too stable, too firm, too sure of many times it is crystallized, it cannot move, it does not improve, and a moment of inner disarray is useful, always!

Before leaving, I would like to talk a few more minutes about another topic, which then, in some way, is linked to our discourse of the unconscious.

You know (because many of you were present) that a beautiful conference was given with two exceptional lecturers, in that foggy city (Milan, ed.) And that they managed, I would say, quite well despite the many fears they expressed. ... or who have not demonstrated. They behaved well, they made a good impression, they made the Circle make a good impression, in teaching, but alas…. (I like to make people suffer!)… there was also some inaccuracy!

For example one thing in particular, that is the type of mediumship of these two instruments, which has been called "telepathic mediumship". In reality, it is not that we have ever talked in depth about what happens when we intervene, but the mediumship of these two tools is not a telepathic mediumship.

It is a mediumship that is expressed through their unconscious, in the sense that we put ourselves in contact, not with all their bodies but with their akasic body and, through the akasic body, we then go back to their conscience using then not bodies made on purpose (as happens in the cases of "Trance with total incorporation") but taking advantage of their three lower bodies, and it is a very different thing from what telepathic mediumship is.

Thanks to this control over the “control room”, of command, of individuality, we can juggle on personality to produce, on the way of speaking, on their energies, on intervening physically within the physical plane, on bringing teachings that go beyond what the tools know as our drives, our impulses start from "before" their mental body.

D - The discourse of the various trances and pseudotrances, or means of communicating between the entity and embodied individuals, this choice of typologies, there is this different typology ... there is a better or worse one, or is it based on the evolution of the individual in whom one must act as an intermediary?

There is no better or worse but it is based on the type of evolution, the energy and the ability of the instrument to let go. We could never use (I really say "use") a total trance with these tools, which would then completely refuse to let us intervene again.

Q - Is that what is called "lucid trance"?

No, still different. It is a mechanism which, if anything, if you are interested, we will talk more fully because there are some mechanisms that concern the unconscious, among other things quite important. You will say: “But if it happens by passing through the Akasic body and then through the instruments, then what part does their unconscious play in all this?”. Well, think about it and, if you want, we'll talk about it. Scifo

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11 comments on “The problems of society: the new and the old race”

  1. To explain the process of mediumship, at a certain point there is this statement: “… through the Akasic body, we then go back to their consciousness…”.
    I have always thought that akasic body and consciousness were synonymous, but this phrase raises a doubt.
    Could it possibly refer to the fact that the Akasic body is a set of subtle planes and consciousness is its core?

    • I believe that in this case the term "conscience" may actually be misleading. In my opinion it is the description of the progress of the vibration induced by the Guides starting from the akasic up to manifesting itself in the conscience of the individual on the physical plane.

  2. The ecosystem of relationships, necessary for everyone to have the experience suitable for them to evolve, can be compared to a natural ecosystem: each being "serves" himself and the other. Perfect balance. Everything is what it is.
    Thank you.

  3. I simply benefit and consolation from words that come from higher planes.
    Sometimes the doubt still arises: “What if it were all a misunderstanding and simply the result of the unconscious of the instruments?”.
    I think I will have to live with this doubt but keeping myself exposed to the messages of the Guides normally produces in me consolation and perception of a wider breath.
    This helps me to keep listening, just as it helps me to observe the respect and accreditation of sources by our Roberto, Catia and other traveling companions. Thank you.

  4. "Those who are always too stable, too firm, too sure of themselves are crystallized many times, they cannot move, they do not improve, and a moment of inner confusion is always useful!"
    Holy words…
    thank you

  5. "If one of the old race finds himself with a murderer or one who takes advantage of others in a frightening way, as happens lately, and follows the behavior of this of the new race, it means that he has not yet understood, and this can be verified. only thanks to the unwitting help given by those individuals of the new race. "
    One of the things that are not clear to me is how and if the old race has as a necessary goal the awareness that will inevitably allow it to evolve or everything is functional to collective evolution.

  6. The concept of perfection arises.
    Everything and everyone is useful and functional in the journey from ego to love.
    When it happens sometimes that we don't have eyes to see this, we know we need to sharpen our sight!


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