'I am like that and I can't help it' [sf11]

It is not possible to understand Reality if one is not including themselves, because within each individual there exists that Reality (with a capital R) which makes the existence of the entire emanation alive. 

It is not possible to understand the Truth if you are not sincere with themselves because, if one is not sincere with oneself, how can one recognize and retain within oneself what is the Truth? 

The Truth, the truest one, cannot contain in illusions and, therefore, cannot contain non-truths in itself; therefore, in order to be able to recognize it in the best way and, even more so, to be able to make it penetrate within oneself, it is necessary to possess the gift of sincerity.

You can't help others if you haven't been able to help themselves. Of course, it is possible - always - to do something for others, but it is not certain that what you do when you have not been able to help yourself can really help others. So realize that in order to truly help others, you need to have truly helped yourself.

It is not possible to understand life if life is not lived, because only by walking along the paths traced by that great "teacher" that is existence is it possible to reach, a little at a time, to satisfy all the conditions I mentioned earlier, that is to help others, understand oneself, be sincere with themselves and ultimately understand Reality. Weather

Ozh-en had been looking in the mirror for some time and noticed, with some disappointment, the signs of old age on his face and body: his face was a little swollen, the pounds were increasing visibly , and this certainly did not make him satisfied. The more time passed, the more he looked fat and flabby. 

One morning, looking once more in the mirror, he stared into his eyes and said: "Enough, I have to do something to remedy this!" and, driven by this desire, he acted. 

The next day, Ozh-en - as usual - got up and looked in the mirror; what he saw made him satisfied: his face was thin, his body too; and, with this new look he possessed, he also seemed to be rejuvenated!

Happy with his new concave mirror, he continued his day. Ananda

Son and brother, you who cross the paths of life and find yourself at the mercy of existence - or, at least, you perceive your condition as such - how many times do I hear you say things that are meaningless!

You say: "Io I'm this way. "
How can you say, son and brother, “I am like this” if, in reality, you have never really observed yourself carefully ?!

And the fact of "being like this", however, does not justify the fact that you do not try to be different, that you do not roll up your sleeves to actively build a new and better yourself than what you may have recognized.

And continue again: "I am like that and there is nothing I can do about it".
Ah, son and brother, it is not possible that there is anything about which nothing can be done!

If you say this believing it, it means that you have understood nothing of Reality and of your being immersed in matter; nothing that presents itself to you is not in some way manageable by you, not only when it comes to inner conditions but also when it comes to external events which, apparently, seem to escape your capacity for reaction and action, your ability to change the life you are living. 

Perhaps you, son and brother, stop to simply observe the external element, which does not seem to depend on you, but remember that everything you live you live because it has to teach you something and, from the outside, projects itself inside you. to provide elements for your understanding.

Thus, even the most mournful event that can happen to you can actually be modified in some way by your intervention, at least in the way you live and observe what you are experiencing. 

And again you say: "I am like that and I can not help it, because all this is stronger than me".

Ah, my son and brother, what can be stronger than you, who are tempered by what you live in the days in which you lead your existence ?! Perhaps, when you say these words, you simply embody your fear of facing yourself; it is always possible, however, to do something and change what one is, no one is completely at the mercy of events; because, if so, the whole sense of reality, the whole sense ofevolution, the very sense of being present in the physical plane would lose its meaning and our own words would no longer have any reason to exist. 

I urge you, therefore, not to waste time and do what you have to do, since time - even if it is an illusion - for you, who are immersed in matter, flows; and every moment that passes without you having done something constitutes for you the impression of failure; and failure, added to failure, ends up making your way of being crystallize, in conditions that end up necessarily and obligatorily encountering what you want to escape, that is suffering.
Act today to avoid the suffering of tomorrow. Baba

And when, finally, you have reached a certain degree of understanding, the phrase will spring from your heart: "Your will be done and not mine".

How many times, over the centuries, this phrase has been used in the most diverse ways, in the most diverse meanings, but always - almost always - wrong!

"Thy will be done and not mine" does not mean passively undergoing what life holds. Remember: if something happens to you, it happens to you for you to interact with it and from it you draw new insights into understanding; therefore "Thy will be done and not mine" does not mean passively undergoing what life offers, but rather interacting with these events, trying to understand what happens and trying to understand how they are lived.

Accept, therefore, that the will of "He who all is" has placed for each of us the proof he needed, but realize that, not knowing the reasons why this proof was put, the task that is imposed on the the individual is not the one to passively suffer but is the one of trying to draw a fruit from what is happening; is not to go into the arena to be torn apart by the lions "because this is the will of the Lord", but it is to observe the lions that are approaching, fix their eyes and understand how much their gaze is meaning to us, how much their approach moves within us; and understand that if the Lord's will is for the lion to tear us to pieces, this is always and in any case done for our good. Rodolfo

From the cycle Nuances of Feeling 2002-2007

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8 comments on “'I am like this and I can't help it' [sf11]”

    • Hi, why should I imagine that what strikes me is part of a direction that wants me to understand who knows what it is to become who knows who? I can only say “it is so” with all the consequences attached and connected. I do not feel capable or authorized to go to understand the motivation and the facts and so much black I can believe that a fact happens because I understand or improve or advance.But who am I? I am more than stone ,,? No… ..or yes

  1. Sophisticated minds get hold of expressions such as: "Thy Will be done and not mine", "I am like this." (this is my degree of understanding and these are my mechanics); and they make large “fig sheets” to avoid being undermined by their own centrality.

  2. If the lion tears us to pieces it is for our good. In the singular: for my own good.
    But mine whose?
    Mine as an individual (made up of lower bodies and consciousness)?
    Or mine of individuality (made up of a sort of sum / aggregation / gathering, of the various individuals who have incarnated over time under the chapel of the same conscience)?
    Eh yes eh!
    From the point of view of the individual it is difficult to grasp a great good, especially in the measure in which it is not possible to understand what relationship there is between the individual of a given incarnation and what follows him in the next incarnation.
    In other words, what do I have to do with I individual Samuel being torn apart by lions with the individual who will incarnate after me under the chapel of the same conscience that now animates me and who will treasure my being torn to pieces?
    Already it is a bit on my balls that to make this stranger understand something from me who will incarnate after me under my conscience, I have to lose my ass.
    And how horrible then !!!
    Hence the need to believe that we are much more aware than we think, otherwise the terror that I live today in front of the lion would be lost with my death.
    But no, it somehow inscribes itself in my consciousness and in the next incarnation it will still be a part of me in some useful way.
    But the law of oblivion will prevent me from consciously remembering.
    But that "me" that will incarnate in the future, which I will call "me 2", what relationship will it have with the current me?
    What will become of me?
    I ask for a friend. 🙂 😀
    If I cease (I hope the double meaning is accidental) to exist, a good curse is the least that can be expected of me in front of the lion, right?
    Or no, I say your will be done, you will see that everything will be fine and thanks to my sacrifice someone else with whom I do not know what I have to do with, will understand.

    When in doubt, I stay away from lions and if I can I run away or try to defend myself.

  3. “Remember: if something happens to you, it happens to you so that you interact with it and from it you draw new insights into understanding; therefore "Thy will be done and not mine" does not mean passively undergoing what life offers, but rather interacting with these events, trying to understand what happens and trying to understand how they are lived. "

    Here I seem to find interesting elements to try to answer the question of whether all the scenes that happen to us should be lived.
    Surely all the facts force us to reposition ourselves with respect to them. And in the meantime, the fact helps us understand ourselves and our responsibilities in the scenes themselves.


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