The formation of the transitional archetype [IF81focus]

At this point we have acquired this somewhat particular vision of Reality in which we have tried to insert all the elements that could make you understand the structure of Reality and the cosmos in which you live. Here, then, are the planes of existence, the various types of materials, now the modules, the permanent archetypes and transient archetypes.

Our friend Scifo has lost sight of something… It is that, in order to be able to talk about transitory archetypes, it is perhaps necessary to make some reversals. Some of you have come to conjecture that the transient archetypes were a kind of thought form; that is, they were a kind of thought form of elements that aggregate when some individuals, or more individuals, strongly desire something. Do you think the parallel is possible?

This point needs to be clarified: what is the difference between transitory archetypes and permanent archetypes?

D - The transients must be overcome.
D - Permanents are indispensable, transients ...
D - Permanents are born from the Absolute, transients are born from man.

This “little boy” is getting better and better! He says: "Let's start, therefore, from their constitution". As we have seen, the permanent archetypes are born – as our great disciple said there – from the Absolute, they are directly located on the akasic plane and serve to guide theevolution race and, indeed, if we want to broaden the discussion a little more, the evolution of the cosmos itself.

Transient archetypes, on the other hand, are born from man and are created gradually as groups of individuals come to understand certain details, certain understandings, to believe that these understandings are right, are true, are "true understandings", coming to structure a part of the akasic matter in a set of vibrations that we can define as “transient archetypes”.

Why archetypes, why use the same type of term for the two elements? It would have been easier, even for me, to be able to talk about it to you, to come up with two different terms, because this can generate confusion or, perhaps, in the speech there is one jolt of vibration and here comes a "permanent" instead of a "transitory" and you don't understand anything anymore.

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But, in reality, we thought it was the only way to make you understand the essence of these elements, because they both seem to have the same function, both the permanent and the transitory; think about it. In your imagination, in the conception that you have made of these two elements, is it not true that both the permanent and the transitory seem to have the function of being "a beacon", "a guide" for embodied individuals? 

Reality must be observed by considering your Akasic body. You don't have a clear idea of ​​what your Akasic body might be like. We have never talked about it; we will not talk about it - do not be afraid - not even this evening; but, perhaps, it is good to file the impression you may have of this part of yourself. The impression, considering the past speeches - which they were talking about Akasic islands, "Fat" akasico ... - is that your bodies are a sort of "akasic pancake" spread evenly on a certain portion of the akasic plane to which you belong, right?

Well, you have to completely reverse this thought; because, if you really want to think of your Akasic body as a pancake, you don't have to think horizontal but you have to think vertical! Of course, I am speaking in these terms for you to understand, of course. That is, iYour Akasic body passes through all the layers of Akasic matter, from the heaviest to the thinnest, and is distributed in this way within the Akasic plane.

Now, we had said that when more individuals have reached the same understandings - if you remember - between the Akasic bodies of the individuals vibrations are created that end up meeting the similar vibrations of those who have understood the same things, producing some connections with the Akasic bodies of these other individuals; right?

From which you had arrived at the constitution of the "fat people", or of the Akashic islands (as later, a little more poetically, it was said later). Good; then, consider the transitory archetypes as the constitution of these connections between akasic bodies that have understood, or think they have understood or, at least, - we can say - have understood yes, but only a portion, a part of the Truth; who certainly feel true, believe true, but also believe, usually - in the usual human presumption - absolutely true; without realizing that what they believe to be true is only a shade of the Truth and therefore can only be transitory.

Here, then, that when on the physical plane more people come to understand a certain factor, through more or less similar paths, extracting the juice of their experience from these factors and understanding something inside their Akasic body, this circulation of vibrations, of understanding, of comparison - somehow, it can be said - between one's own Akasic body and the Akasic body of others, creates a set of Akasic vibrations that can be defined as archetype.

Why archetype? Because, being the understanding of Akasic, these understandings, this idea of ​​reality that has been understood and shared by several individuals, being written in the Akasic, will also be carried into the next life. And here, then, that it will have the function of archetype, of model, for the creation of certain factors typical of the evolution of the race; valid for certain portions of the race, but perhaps not valid for other portions of the same race.

If we wanted to make connections with your thinkers, we could say that it is at this level that they are situated the "ideas" of Plato; we could say that it is at this level that the "super-Io”By Freud; we could say that it is always at this level that it is situated Jung's “collective unconscious”; that is, all forms of understanding that believe they are absolute understandings while in reality they are relative understandings and, as such, partial, as such incomplete and, as such, unable to bring - if not through further experiences and the addition of nuances - to what is the true understanding of the elements that that whole of individuality, which is following a parallel path, must come to understand.

Therefore, it is important to understand - on your part - that the difference between permanent archetypes and transitory archetypes mainly arises precisely from this different genesis, and that the permanent archetype in itself is complete and, dare I say, absolute - that's why “permanent” – while the transitory archetype has its genesis from the clash with life, with experience, therefore from the understanding that is acquired from experience, it is perfectible and, as such, it is “transitory”.

[…] We have therefore seen that the akasic body of the individual must be thought of as a vertical "pancake", but one important thing must be taken into account: we have always said that the life you live is an illusion, that even evolution itself - which you perceive as such - is actually an illusion; because, in reality, you have already understood everything; it's just a matter of rediscovering what you already know and recreating those connections such that you can make what you know fully aware of your entire being.

But, then, if you already know everything, you have already understood everything, and your akasic body goes through all the akasic matter, it is clear that there are all portions of your Akasic body that are already in contact with the vibrations of the various permanent archetypes; because, in reality, you have already understood everything, so you have already understood all the archetypes as well.

That is why I made you put the "pancake" on your feet, rather than scattered on the ground, because in this way you will realize that you are under the continuous influence not of one archetype but of all archetypes; and the fact that you gradually understand, add new understanding, perhaps passing through the illusory understanding of transient archetypes, leads you from time to time to laboriously advance on the ladder of permanent archetypes; or, better still, it leads you from time to time to connect a portion of your Akasic body to the understanding of a certain type of archetype, and thus to advance in the realization of your truth, of your reality.

Q - Do the transient archetypes work as long as we are in the cycle of life and death?

Transient archetypes act until those akasic islands that have been created have not passed that transitory and partial understanding that they had reached. The moment understanding becomes fuller, more complex, richer in meaning and truer, that link between the various "fat people" changes in quality and, therefore, also changes its projection within the physical plane.

Bear in mind that the transitory archetypes are not there just to increase the number, but they serve as a module for social evolution, for example. Clearly, belonging to groups, they control, direct, give a imprinting to the social evolution of a race – of a race in the physical sense, not in our sense – within the physical plane. And this is a very interesting, very complex subject in my opinion, which it would be nice to be able to examine over time, perhaps by looking at the evolution of particular races, of particular peoples within your planet.

[...] Q - Scifo, but aren't transitory archetypes also linked to imprinting?

But, I would say that yes, as a type of path, certainly the path is that. That they are linked in particular to imprinting, of course, because they are born, in the end, from imprinting; the first genesis of the evolution of the individual within matter arises from imprinting, then guided by all the other thrusts that may exist, but certainly imprinting is the first module that implements the creation of evolution.

[...] We have the Absolute that emanates the "vibration first” and, let's say, immediately after – but you know that time doesn't make any sense in this case – the first permanent archetype is created, let's assume it's love. This permanent archetype begins to vibrate and, since when God does things, He does them big, so I could imagine what reasons: "I made the permanent archetype of love, this archetype vibrates and, little by little, it will affect everything the cosmos calling to all of Reality, but it seems a bit rarefied to me! "

“Are we sure that those poor things are able to understand?”, And since He can only be sure of everything, He knows that they would not be able to; and here then, to assist the work of the archetype of love, he creates two other permanent archetypes, which are connected to love but they are not love, they are (I do at random, of course, because this one is only a speech to make you understand, of course) friendship and brotherhood.

Of course, since He knows everything, He realizes that three archetypes are a bit of a miserable thing for that grandiose Design He wanted to create, right? So what does He do? He creates, from these two archetypes, four other archetypes, which connect to a somewhat lower form; and from these four he then creates 16… arriving on the threshold of the Akasic plane. These archetypes are all, in themselves, each important to understand a part of Reality; understood in themselves they give absolute understanding of an element of Reality, however serve as a door, from keys, to ascend to the next hierarchy of archetypes, which includes the newly acquired ones but which, in reality, broadens their view. In this sense we can observe the hierarchy that we mentioned as typical of the constitution of the various archetypes.

D – I don't know if I misunderstood, but it seemed to me that when you said: “the archetype of love connects to two archetypes, which are the brotherhood andfriendship”, Did you say that these are also permanent archetypes?

Yes, all permanent; each in himself Absolute Truth, each in itself constituted by all the nuances of that kind of understanding constituted by the two opposites of the archetype itself, therefore an archetype neither positive nor negative but an archetype with all the reality that surrounds it, all necessary to be able to go to the next step. Hence the whole esoteric theory of the various "doors" to be opened to reach the Truth, and from here also the religious hierarchies which, symbolically, have been handed down over time.

D - Scifo, sorry, but then, at the end of the fair, there is a permanent, unique one, from which the others emanate, which is that of love!

No; there is one, permanent, unique, which can only be the Absolute!

D - What makes one, which is love.

Let's say that mine was an example, to make you understand.

D - It seems to me that brotherhood and friendship are part of universal love, the tendency to harmony in the universe and therefore to love. It seems to me that they are not distinguishable, but they are part of it.

Of course, and what did I say? Brotherhood is a thing to be understood, an Absolute Truth to understand, and only when you have understood this Absolute Truth in all its nuances can you move on to the next archetype which is that of love, which includes brotherhood but is not only the brotherhood.

D – It is part of a hierarchy of archetypes, which arrive at the top of the archetype.

Of course; where - contrary to what happens on the physical plane - no one tries to bully others.

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1 comment on “The Formation of the Transient Archetype [IF81focus]”

  1. From reading arises the collective nature of the evolution of reality. Transient archetypes are a good example of this. No element of the Real serves a single individual but it is necessary to have a "collective" of consciences. In this case the transitory archetypes are the fruit of common understanding of a set of akasic bodies, which, in this way, generate connections between them and prelude to the fusion of feelings of conscience.


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