The law of balance and the return to the Eternal Present [sf2]

[...] Everything that exists, exists in a condition of equilibrium, and for a law that belongs - and we will eventually see how - to the Absolute, every time this equilibrium is disturbed, the various mechanisms that make yes to try to bring back to a new state of equilibrium what was no longer so.

This applies to everything around you, from nature to plants, animals, yourself, to the social phenomena you experience, to every fluctuation that is within the life you are going through. 

The same concept of "cycle”Which we had talked about at length in the past, if you think about it well, it can be interpreted from the point of view of the law of equilibrium; in fact a cycle can be represented as the departure from a point, in which there is a change, to arrive at another point, in which the change gradually stops; restarting, after a moment of equilibrium, a new cycle that will lead to an unbalanced alteration and then return to a further equilibrium ...

Be careful, however, because you could confuse the "law of balance" with that little legend which, with a little vanity, has been defined as "the first law of Scifo", or the "law of ambivalence of everything".

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Some of you might be tempted to think that even the law of ambivalence, or the fact that any physical, human, interior, exterior, may have two different connotations, is nothing more than a projection of what is the law of equilibrium and that, in the end, the law of equilibrium and the law of ambivalence are the same thing.

They are by no means the same thing, even if the law of ambivalence can be considered, in some way, a corollary to the law of equilibrium. They are not the same thing because the law of equilibrium - as has been said - comes directly from the Absolute, which has imprinted it in every frame of the Cosmos in order to obtain that Design we have so often spoken about, while the law of ambivalence - the ambivalence present in every factor that you can observe - does not come from the Absolute but it always comes from the eye of the beholder. Scifo

Considering creation and its constitution in this light, a thousand questions could arise about what we have said up to this point. The questions that may be most important to you who live within creation are those that concern yourself; or how you relate, how you feel, how you find yourself, how you feel oppressed and subjected to this law of balance, what influences it has on you, what happens when you yourself are the first, personally, to break the balance existing. Weather

When do you break the balance? The moment you provoke what, drawing on Eastern terminology, has been defined as “a karma". Karma - a strictly oriental concept - is experienced in the West with a particular connotation; that is, more often than not, with a somewhat punitive connotation.

None of this; karma actually exists mainly - as we have always said - to make you understand what your mistakes are, and karma arises, as I said, from the fact that you, with your actions and application throughout your life of your feel, break the equilibrium in which you had come to find yourself.

This balance was born from a flow of an awareness reached, an understanding reached but, since the drive towards understanding continues incessantly to move your actions within you, here you need - for evolutionary necessity - to have something inside you that it transports you towards change, towards facing new situations, towards making mistakes, perhaps; so, towards breaking the balance you were experiencing. Scifo

[...] If everything tries to return to a condition of equilibrium, what is the reason that leads to this attempt to rebalance things?

The fact is that you live within the reality of the lower worlds as part of the Great Design, and the Great Design, the Eternal Present, you know that it is not made of movement, but is still, immobile, because everything is already written and there is no time inside it.
Here, so, that there is an attempt to return to this condition, under the pressure of the law of balance in such a way that your reality, changeable, changeable, illusory and relative to yourself, finds itself within the Eternal Present and you find in it that balance that you feel to be yours.

Of course, things can be looked at from various points of view; if you look at your society, you will realize that this attempt at balance is very evident in everything you do: for every person who dies young there is a person who dies old, for every murder that is committed there is a person who is saved, for every person who is suffering there is a person who is experiencing a moment of happiness; and in the end, in the multiplicity of Reality, all these elements, apparently so different from each other, end up creating a balance. Weather

On the other hand,
how would you do 
to recognize the light 
if the candle, sometimes, 
wasn't turned off? labrys

From the cycle Nuances of Feeling 2002-2007

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4 comments on “The law of balance and the return to the Eternal Present [sf2]”

  1. I have often noticed, as if in mourning, the family involved also experiences a birth.

    It seems to me that it falls within the law of equilibrium described above.

  2. It could be useful without the word "crap" replace it with "thank you" and everything changes; man must always give thanks, he doesn't know who? it doesn't matter, giving thanks is important. How can man imagine a blade of grass, have within him the life of a tree and all the fruits, and the animals we love and feed on. How many wonders await us. Thank you, thank you, thank you


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