Do not fall into dreams and illusions [IB8]

Fable of the researcher (From the book: Pandora's Box)
One day the rumor spread that it was possible to find gold in the bottoms of rivers; the voice snaked quickly among all those who aimed for wealth, so many of them, some with feigned indifference, others with enthusiasm, still others as if they were feverish, set out in search.

Some armed with shovels, some with sieves, some with complicated equipment but, unfortunately, there were more people looking for, wallowing in the river waters, than fish in the ravines… not to mention gold!

Out of a thousand who were looking for only two they found some nuggets, but they were so small that they were ashamed to show them to others, even if in their stories they quickly became as big as a fist first, as an apple then, to tend to reach the thickness of watermelons.

So those who had found nothing at all hid their disappointment by dismantling what the lucky few were saying around.
"It's not true, they are liars!" said the most ruthless.
"If I do not see I do not believe!" said the most condescending.
"But then, are we really sure it's gold and that, in their gullibility, they haven't seen fireflies for lanterns?" After all, what glitters is not necessarily gold! " said the most envious and malicious. (Scifo and Ananda)

Aware of not having the ease of eloquence of his brother Scifo and, therefore, of running the risk of making these meetings - however brief - much less lively and more boring than those of the previous cycle, I prefer not to dwell too much in the beginning, but to wait help from you immediately, a cue to be able to begin the discussion thanks to this fable; of which, perhaps, her friend Fernanda - so good on the other hand - did not consider the fact that it had not been subtitled, but indicated as an introduction. Introduction, then: but to what? Well, after having thrown this stone in the pond, we are waiting for you to give me the way to be able to speak again. Courage… I don't eat anyone! Rodolfo (when not otherwise indicated, the interventions are by Rodolfo, ed).

These that you are experiencing, dear ones, are difficult years; and not so much - as you may think - difficult from the economic point of view or from the point of view of the satisfaction of normal life, as difficult for the fact that they contemplate a passage from a state of consciousness to a higher one for much of the old race.

You know very well that every equilibrium, when it loses its condition of equilibrium, but is transformed into something else, leads to of imbalances: it is enough to observe what happens to the adolescent, who abandons his condition as a child to approach that of an adult individual.

This change of state, change of consciousness (internal in reality, as well as physiological, in this case), brings, as you can see around you daily, disturbances, difficult moments, moments of incomprehension, unexpected and often incomprehensible reactions. even to those who perform them!

This is partly the reason why your present society seems to be falling, faster and faster, into what could appear to be a return to barbarism, to a Middle Ages, to a dark period like so many have been in the past.
But even these periods of your past history, remember how dark periods, in reality marked as many leaps of the races to reach a level of awareness, of greater consciousness; they were therefore necessary to be able to access this new one evolution, to this new sensitivity.

And not only that, but they were precisely - for those who knew how to look - indications, facts that made us assume that something would change: and it is for this reason that my other brothers - in the past, when you complained about the world situation that humanity was going through - they always replied that there is no need to be afraid, but rather to be happy, because this signals a change towards what historically, in some places, is called the age of the aquarium; therefore, a better age, where no longer only desires will be the basis of life, no longer only the rational mind will be what directs the existence of humanity; but also the inner values ​​of conscience will finally be rediscovered.

In these dark periods of your historical epochs, for example the Middle Ages, it happens that what is called in various ways spreads: from occultism to mediumship, to sensitivity and so on; in short, all that kind of phenomenology that seems to be beyond everyday normality.

You can easily realize that, today, wherever groups arise, entities manifest, there are masters, there are great wizards, great psychics and so on.

This can somewhat be compared to that Pandora's box, which gave the introduction its title: every time, in fact, that humanity has to go through a state of consciousness, as we said before, it is necessary that the interiority of the individual be uncovered, of all the individuals that make up humanity; that is, that the lid of that Pandora's box that each of you carries inside is removed, full of all the problems, thoughts, desires, passions, searches and so on, that each of you knows so well: what then give a "there" to your life, to your way of being.

And together with these things that come out, there are the connections of one's unconscious, of what is boiling within the individual, of one's desires, of one's way of asserting oneself and - as you said today - of expanding your Io.

In what way, in a society that does not seem to give space to individuality, which seems to try to make everyone equal, to point everyone towards the same aims and so on, Is it possible for the individual to feel different, better, gain advantages and power in comparison to others?

By now science has uncovered all - or almost all - the possible vessels it could imagine; all branches, even if not understood, are explored; literature no longer has much to say, since everything that can be written largely echoes what has already been written; music in turn - unless there is what is called genius, which is quite rare in this field now - once again harks back to what it was in the past; he can no longer find anything truly new, nothing for which the individual can truly feel above others as an inner condition: and so in all respects.

However, there is something not yet explored, something that carries within it potential that can induce the individual to imagine that he can be - or be believed - better than what is around: this path is the way that leads to phenomena, personal powers, so-called parapsychological abilities, which, nowadays, seem to have become a common thing, the prerogative of many.

And here, then, those who feel limited by all this, can not help but try to always find new expressions that amaze others, always new ways to look better than what they are.
Yet, even this is enclosed in Pandora's box - which is a signal of what is changing - it is necessary to stimulate each of you, each individual, to confront him with new issues, to address his openings of consciousness, to make him try new ways; and then to try - in reality - to really put him in contact with others, also managing to silence his own ego.

All of you, who are close to this type of thing, pay more attention than others to this phenomenology, to this type of discourse; and it is precisely for this reason that we want to dedicate this cycle to what you may encounter about Pandora's box, of ultra-sensitivity, by examining the various figures that are present in it; and the dangers (and also the gifts) that the opening of this Pandora's box can make you encounter.

Of course, in the end, the common goal of all is gold; that gold understood, as you said, as truth: but not the individual truth, that little truth that each of you is looking for (and perhaps thinks you have found), but which is only subjective and relative. It is only a step to arrive at that Truth with a capital initial, which does not change, which is the same for everyone and which already belongs - in reality - to each of you.

We hope, with these meetings, of avoid falling into dreams, illusions, falling into the hands of those who do not care about exploiting the weaknesses of others.
We want to avoid you losing contact with your reality, your daily life; from to carry your ego on a path of exaltation, which ends up becoming an alternative dream to reality, which supplants it, which can also be valid individually, which can also have a sense, also serve the individual, but nevertheless dangerous, as it can harm other individuals.

And since all of you of the old race you are at such a point of evolution that you can no longer be unaware that you are also responsible for those around you, it is right that we also emphasize what can cause you harm to other people.

  • Readings for the interior: every day a short spiritual reading of the Cerchio Ifior and the Cerchio Firenze 77, up Whatsapp and Telegram.
  • Summary of the philosophical teaching of the Ifior Circle: HOW CONSCIOUSNESS CREATES PERSONAL REALITY, you can order here the book. If you're reading this and want support, write.

Q - I wanted to ask: why are none of the researchers satisfied with what they found, even those who found the nuggets?

There can be several explanations on this small detail: the simplest is that all researchers start their research with a sense of exaltation, driven by their ego and convinced that they will then find who knows what great goal, what great power; but, when they then come to find a crumb of the truth and become aware of how simple this truth is, and that the only power they can acquire is that over themselves, over their ego, then, at that point they are ashamed of those which were their starting intentions.

Q - Why is it said that they enlarged when they told it? First they are ashamed, then they get bigger!

It seems contrary to what was said, however, if you think about it for a moment carefully, you realize that it is not so. In fact, he who finds the truth - even partial, but true, felt - and comes to the point of being aware that what he was looking for was driven by his own ego - and therefore his truth truly shines like gold - then he cannot explain to others. this truth, because it is his truth - and he realizes it - and he remains frustrated with it.

You know that it is difficult to convey personal truth to others, to make it understood, to make it acceptable, understandable to others. Then, he does nothing but do what has been done for him; that is, to bring attention back to the search for the truth, increasing the idea of ​​what he has found so that others start searching, suffer - perhaps - the same disappointment, encounter their own little truth and then start the search again in a way different, fueled by that stimulus that the idea of ​​a great truth - found, in reality, very small - can bring to others who are listening.

It is not, therefore, a boastfulness - like that of the fisherman who makes his prey larger - but of what is or can be defined a bit like a decoy: to induce others to seek their own way, to keep the interest in research alive and indicate a direction in which to look.

It is a bit, after all, what we did in the beginning inside the Circle.
We have always said that the physical phenomena, of identification and so on were of no importance, according to us: because those who did not believe would hardly have believed (as there is always another explanation, for what happens); and those, who already believed, would certainly not have found a greater strength to believe, since believing was already to their advantage.
However, doing those phenomena served attract attention, to direct other people towards research, to bring those who had to come to us; it was therefore, also in this case, a decoy.

D - What you said made me become aware of an aspect that I had never considered, that is this red herringbone: and therefore practically all (I don't know how many, in reality) the great masters have used this thing, which could it seem, at first glance, selfish? For example, Yogananda speaks of his "scientific" way to spiritual growth; and all this, in fact, can be a decoy, to induce people to try that way.

The case of Yogananda is a rather particular case, since the meaning that he gave to the word "scientific" was particular: in the meaning that he gave to this word, his path can be considered scientific, but it is certainly not such a science. as it is commonly understood by all of you. Rodolfo

Below is Rodolfo's explanation of some disturbances in mediumistic communication (ed).

... excuse a moment ... then: we were saying that many scholars think that the idea of ​​guilt was born ... no ... You may ask: what is happening? You know that when we speak, many entities come together, attracted either by vibrations, by curiosity, by interest; and, in turn, they listen to what we say. And what I am saying at the moment - which in some way can be interpreted as an accusation against Catholicism, is not so well accepted by one of these entities (among other things, recently passed away): which, however, has a good evolution and as such a good energy, rather strong; and therefore reacts to this speech and disturbs our ability to communicate. So we'll pick up on this particular kind of talk on a next occasion; and let's go ahead and leave this poor creature in peace, who cannot free himself from what was on earth.

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3 comments on “Do not fall into dreams and illusions [IB8]”

  1. Let us hope that the present moment is a new Middle Ages, capable of bringing new understandings and an expansion of the feeling of consciousness.


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