Do not make acts of forced love towards others

It's easy to dedicate a day to love, it's easy to force yourself for a day to bury your own inside yourself. Io to show others the mask of the masks. That mask that has the smile, the eyes, the face of love but which, in reality, is only a cold painted on your true facade.

Of course, Christmas, symbolically, is one of the most allegorically beautiful recurrences that can exist, precisely because Christ is perhaps among the great men of the past the one who most represents and embodies that transport, that feeling, that real sweetness, which is defined love; however, also remember that love is not love if it is an imposed attitude.
Love, to be truly transport, to be truly sweetness, to be feel to help others, to heal, to be soothing for those who suffer, to be able to give where no one has, it must be felt, otherwise, wherever it lands it melts like a piece of ice in the sun and no trace remains of him if not a false humility.

So try, children, in these coming days not to disguise yourself as people full of love, perhaps take advantage of these days when you will perhaps have a few moments of pause, a few moments more time to observe yourself, and to take advantage of those moments next to you. to the people you love most and who make up the most the gym of yourself, to understand your shortcomings, your defects, and seek through acceptance, observation, understanding of them to reclaim your interiority.

I therefore ask you, children, of do not do acts of forced love towards others but to try to do this great act of love towards yourself, because remember that only by passing through love for oneself is stabilized, stopped, enclosed, loved, caressed within , only in this way can you bring out what you have inside and then yes, truly, with love, with transport, love others. Weather

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4 comments on “Do not do acts of forced love towards others”

  1. What to say .... sacrosanct.
    Yet impregnated with formalisms it is so difficult for us to remain honest in words and gestures!

  2. A constant reminder of the truth of who one is. Only constant observation, acceptance of limits, honesty in the inner search can help us not to deceive ourselves. Long work and not without “temptations”. Moto's words stimulated me to pursue the Way.


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