An adequate diet for the western population

The human body is certainly the most complex and extraordinary mechanism that you can know, so much so that its extraordinary nature appears evident despite, after all, the total knowledge of its functioning and of the complex dynamics between the various organs that compose it is still largely unknown part.
It is an evident fact that the common man has a tendency to imagine the physical clothing that constitutes the pivot of his existence within matter as a single whole in which there are, at most, some organs particularly worthy of attention and of specific treatments.
These organs (so-called "vital") usually take on importance in the eyes of man almost always and only when they cause obstacles in the performance of his daily activities. This is how the man suffering from asthma, to give an example, realizes that he has bronchi and lungs every time he is seized by an asthmatic access and then reacts, imposing great privations on himself under the pressure of fear, anxiety and physical discomfort.
But it is enough for the attack to cease for a sufficiently reassuring time for the individual to usually forget the organs he was so worried about, resuming his usual life and, with it, the unhealthy habits that had led him to that situation. of bronchial and pulmonary effort that had caused him intense physical discomfort.
If you were able to truly realize what complex mechanism each of you constitutes, you would certainly be able to pay greater attention to what you do, to the efforts you undergo, to the imbalances in which you bask and to food imbalances, in particular. you usually indulge in.
Of course, in making this simple speech of mine, I will speak only of the physiological aspect of the question, because if I were to speak also of the psychological one (and which is basically the main one, because it is what drives us to implement wrong behaviors) certainly not enough hours and hours of speeches. What, in my opinion, is absurd and also serious is the fact that, very often, in your age, food is exploited for economic purposes to favor certain industrial products, rather than being used, instead, as an optimal tool to contribute to physical well-being of the individual through the disclosure and, therefore, the prevention of common mistakes.

It has not long been the fashion to abound with synthetic meals in place of normal meals in order to get a fast body slimming. I recommend you, my brothers: do not let yourselves be influenced by advertising slogans or by the mirages of slender and well-built bodies, because I assure you that all these foods - so-called "low-calorie" - are really more harmful than anything else. Of course, weight loss can be achieved: but at what price!
The stomach and intestines suffer a considerable backlash; especially as regards the bacterial flora, the liver, spleen and pancreas suddenly find themselves having to work on unusual substances (because they are largely synthetic) without the help of the usual microorganisms present in natural food; the musculature is in constant tension and the expenditure of energy, not adequately compensated, affects the individual's nervous balance in a negative way, then reflected in various ways - depending on the basic predisposition - on the person's health.
Clearly, as I said before, weight loss is achieved. But is it really a slimming of fats and, in particular, of cellulite, or does the slimming happen at the expense of other substances that are not useless and surplus, but irreplaceable and necessary? I can assure you that the second case is true and that, in the end, with these diets the fat person has lost only a minimal part of fat while, on the other hand, he has mainly eliminated other substances (for example nitrogen) whose deficiency is it certainly will feel subsequently.
This is certainly not knowing and taking care of one's body, brothers, just as it is not working according to conscience - but rather carrying out a real crime - the behavior of the industrialists who sell these products and that of governments who, instead of protecting health public, authorize the trade of these products while knowing the dangers, concerned only with keeping the balance of power and their bank accounts intact.
Of course there are particular cases in which these diets can be indicated and have effects, but generalizing them to anyone who wants to use them or has weight problems (often more imaginary than real) would be like proposing gastric lavage as a daily and healthy norm, based on the assumption that, in cases of intoxication, gastric lavage has beneficial results.
Some of you might object that what I have said up to this point, even if it is right, is of little use, because it says what not to do but does not say what to do.
The fact is, my brothers, that every man - however physiologically similar to another may seem - is actually a standing. Or rather: it certainly has physiological parameters similar to those possessed by others but, within its own body it has its own balances, personal hormonal proportions, relationships between nerve communications practically unique, so that there are not many suggestions that can be given and that can be applied universally and in a healthy way by anyone.
And I offer this consideration - I repeat it again - only by observing pure and simple human physiology, as an effect of physiological relationships and balances; imagine, therefore, how the diversity of physiological balance between man and man is divided even more considering the influence of the psyche on these balances and the variations it brings to the bases on which they rest. And think that splitting becomes unimaginable if we remember the influence that the spiritual part and the various bodies of the planes other than the physical have on the material body of each incarnate.
No doubt you will remember that once, speaking of the human body, I said that it too - and not just the corporate and family environment - is not acquired by chance at the moment of incarnation, but responds to certain needs of experience by to be done by those in that body who find themselves having to live on the physical plane.
Think (to return to the example of overweight people) of the cases in which it is not possible, if not for a short time at the most, to reduce obesity to normal values: this happens because those people need - for evolutionary reasons - to understand something through that kind of experience, so that nothing and no cure will have a lasting slimming effect on them, at least until the people in question have reached that understanding that the experience they were having tended to make them understand.

Returning to what to do concretely for your body, io I would say that there is a very important first rule which, if it were always followed, would lead to significant physical benefits or to the improvement of physiological functions: banish excess.
And I am not referring only to overeating, but to excess in general, such as sleeping too much or sleeping too little, or doing years and years of athletic inactivity and then suddenly throwing yourself into a period of super activity.
It is certain that the human body possesses great skills of adapting to the most stressful situations, but an excess of any kind - especially if implemented in an abrupt way - even if it can be absorbed and compensated in some way quite quickly, nevertheless it overtaxes and wears the organs subjected to stress, wearing them out ahead of time and often giving rise to organic reactions apparently not related to the efforts made but, in reality, strictly dependent on them.
We had already seen that the human body is adapting to the current environmental conditions in which pollution is increasingly relevant, in such a way as to limit and - almost - cancel all its harmful effects. But do you think that this would have been possible, and without dramatic consequences, if the pollution of the planet, instead of taking place slowly and gradually, had been sudden and abrupt? Certainly not. Remember that it is possible to immunize even the most powerful of poisons (which is known and implemented in previous eras), taking daily and gradually small doses of the poison in question, thus giving the body the possibility of creating a new balance that takes into account this substance which was not included in the previous equilibrium.
Hence, banishing excesses, dear brothers, is the first step to take, a step that is universally applicable with salutary effects.

I would say that the nutrition of the human being who lives this historical period of humanity is largely wrong, because it is not adequate for the type of life he leads.
However, according to my point of view, it is difficult to make a general discourse with precise rules that can embrace the food need of all individuals: you must take into account, my brothers, that every individual (even physically and not only spiritually) has particular needs that belong only to him and that only minimally match the needs of other people.
So it would be more correct, then, to follow that path that certain currents have tried to follow with a "personalized" diet from individual to individual.
Many, these days, out of a certain disgust due to food-related scandals, have a tendency to turn to food from other countries and, in particular, from Eastern countries. Here the discussion becomes very complex: there would be many things to say and, in reality, almost all against these exotic feedings.
You keep in mind that these diets have been created for populations who live in an environment, not only cultural but also physiological, largely different from the Western one; keep in mind that, for example, the physiology of the Chinese people, after centuries of particular diet due to specific substances found in the foods of those lands, has some differences with respect to the physiology of the Western population, so that a diet that can be good for those peoples, in reality, brought to the West, may not go well but, on the contrary, it may collide with particular food needs typical of Westerners.
Also keep in mind another factor: very often, at the base of these "exotic" diets there is a rather profound "spiritual" theory that arises from cultural reasons of the people in question, dating back perhaps to millennia ago.
Consider then that these populations have lived a particular history that is not at all similar to that of the Western population: they are populations, usually, lived in territories that are not very rich (neither as agricultural productivity nor as productivity, in particular, fauna) and here it is therefore that the wise men who have tried to improve the conditions of those populations have directed these people towards particular diets poor in animal proteins, also and precisely because farming or hunting was not such as to guarantee the food needs of these people.
This factor is not found in the Western people, in which there is a high use of animal proteins given the happy faunal situation of these lands.
On the other hand, to see how good and effective these diets can be, consider for a moment the physical situation of the populations they come from. Many times you - hearing about, for example, "macrobiotics" or other diets of the kind - are led to believe, only because they come from the East, that they must be carriers of panacea, balanced and so on; but this is not at all true, so much so that medicine knows very well that the human body also needs certain animal proteins, and eliminate all or most of animal proteins according to certain spiritual ideas (in some points also questionable, everything summed up) causes rather evident organic imbalances that affect especially young people, children, that is, those who in particular need the energy that the animal protein can provide.
Returning for a moment at philosophical conceptions errors that can be found at the basis of certain diets, there are many elements that appear clearly absurd, to those who know well how to observe.
There are, for example, oriental dietary conceptions that completely reject meat, milk, eggs and any product coming from a living being, because they believe that the spirit, in this way, not feeding on "living" product may become lighter, more spiritual.
Look, my brothers, this is a completely absurd conception and, to understand this, it is enough to think that every individual, every person, in reality continuously absorbs thousands and thousands of living beings through the atmosphere and, therefore, it would certainly not be enough to give up the meat to renounce the intake of animal matter and should at least, as a minimum, also renounce breathing.
On the other hand, what is living matter? Making a distinction between living animal matter and other living matter is basically quite absurd, and it is even more absurd in these doctrines that consider the theory of the uniqueness of the Whole as certain: if the Whole is a homogeneous whole then, as the Guides affirm , life can be found not only in animal matter, but also in vegetable matter, even in the air you breathe, in the water you drink and so on; and then one would have to refuse to eat everything in order not to "become burdened" with this type of "material" energies.
These are many of the absurd points that can be found in the philosophies of these diets (alongside, of course, very right things), which can be fine in certain cases when there are particular physiological situations, particular burdens of the organs they have to undergo, for a certain period, a lightening of their functions.
So, okay: you can do, for a certain period, maybe a few months, a diet, for example, macrobiotic, however - in the long run - such a diet, taken to excess, continuously, leads to the establishment of inevitable imbalances within the body, so that it would be better to alternate with as many months in which the diet involves the intake of substances not present in the diet of the previous months.
This is because, always remember, health and disease, in reality, are nothing but balance and imbalance of the organism. Therefore, when this balance is disturbed in some way, the organism inevitably suffers; if the body needs certain substances, it must be given to it, not denied it, because otherwise the body reacts and symptoms and diseases arise. Andrea

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9 comments on “An adequate diet for the western population”

  1. The topics covered are very interesting. If it is true, as it is true, that proper nutrition is the basis of health, of the balance of our ecosystem and therefore of our economy, how useful it would be to give correct information on these issues, starting, for example. from schools?

  2. Honestly, there are no real indications, the right concept of moderation is repeated, very agree, but are we sure we know the concept of moderation? Based on what parameters? What and how moderate is it? We are talking about a Western, macrobiotic, exotic diet, but one is right and one is wrong or unbalanced? And again we talk that everything is "living" absolutely agree, but the carmic weight of killing a horse or a microbe is the same? I read common sense but not very indicative and applicable concepts. I will give you an example of applicability: the pig in some religions is forbidden, very superficially some say because it is fat, in reality it is not said, while it is true, according to recent studies, that it could disturb our immune system due to its very meat. similar to ours, for what I feel I recognize in the pig a certain important development of the mental body, it is extremely intelligent and in my hearing killing a pig does not differ from killing a dog, I do not feel like eating it!

    • I share your basic perplexity.
      Regarding abuse / moderation it is clear that there cannot be a single and valid criterion for everyone: each one, listening to himself, making a mistake, being good or bad, finds his measure.
      Regarding the western / exotic, I think he says something balanced: living at a certain latitude involves immersion in a very vast culture, of which nutrition is part, functional to the consciences that are incarnated at that latitude.
      With regard to animal nutrition, I believe that his analysis does not have the necessary breath and I share with you the sensitivity according to which it is crucial to consider what internal animal organization we are dealing with.
      Of course, whether we eat a carrot, a clam, a chicken, or a pig, however we are co-responsible for an interrupted life: this, in itself, may not be a problem for many, since every being feeds on other beings. and this is the plan that life has foreseen.
      The order of nature also makes us infinitely responsible, or should make us so.
      I understand who feeds on advanced animals, but my sensitivity leads me to avoid it.
      In truth, even when I eat fish I am uncomfortable because I am aware of that life that is given to me, given without voluntary intention: I keep my discomfort and I remember that we are in this complex balance that sees us dependent on each other.
      If we go to the bottom, I do not see beings who give themselves to other beings for mutual support: I see beings who take, from the abundance of life available, what is necessary for themselves.
      It seems to me that the greatest of human limitations is to go beyond the withdrawal of the necessary.
      But it is not only this: the interior experience of the communion of all beings leads to a substantial respect and, I believe, in some, also to the possibility of discerning food from food, having as a criterion that of the interior organization / evolution of this. .
      Would I ever kill a horse to feed myself? I strongly doubt.
      Having made my life available to me multiple alternative food sources, could I take my life, or delegate someone to do so, to such a complex being?
      Would I move, by killing him, a karmic cause? I imagine so, having understood the inner life of that being, and having alternatives, my gesture would be configured as conditioned by selfishness.

  3. The interventions are interesting and shareable, considerations that I have made and rethought and discussed several times.
    The nutritionist just prescribed me a few days ago to eat more protein.
    Not eating meat, he suggested that I eat fish.
    I tried, but even that doesn't go down well ... maybe simply because I've lost the habit of eating meat ... meat in general ...
    From what I experience, from discussions with friends who eat / do not eat meat, I understand that the topic of nutrition is complex, involving much more than the concept of "feeding".
    Often, discussing how "we should eat" is more heated than talking about politics!
    For a long time, I have not labeled myself "vegetarian" and, while avoiding meat, at the table I eat what there is, what I find and I no longer want to discuss my choices with other people, perhaps for an increased tolerance, perhaps for laziness.
    At the same time, I find it interesting not to be rigid.
    A few nights ago, at a friend's house, a person saw me eating a piece of cheese pizza where the cook had also put some diced ham.
    So this person exclaimed “Ah! But then you are not a true vegetarian! "
    And I was very happy to answer: How beautiful! I'm not a vegetarian, one less label!


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