A definition of 'crystallisation' [A7]

I have heard someone say: «There is however the improper and misleading use of the term «crystallization», because – as far as I know io the person who always reacts in the same way to an event is defined as "crystallized" (in a given sector); therefore the one who does not change his ego and continues to make the same mistakes. »

I am realizing that accurately understanding the teaching terminology is not always easy, subjected as it is, like anything subjected to individual subjective perception, to personal interpretation. Many times, in fact, you show that you know the teaching, but some particular fact always escapes you which, in some way, leads you to distort your acquisition of the concepts.

Let's take the sentence I just quoted: everything is fine except for one point: «… the person who always reacts in the same way to an event is defined as «crystallized» (in a given sector); therefore he who does not change his ego and continues to make the same mistakes.'

In fact, crystallization cannot be identified with certainty from the behavior that the "crystallized" exhibits with its reactions: different reactions on the physical plane can correspond to the same crystallization (and this is what complicates life for those who try to identify it).

This happens because the consequence of crystallization is never pure, but undergoes the influence, in its manifestation in the action on the physical plane, of all the other elements that contribute to its manifestation on the physical plane: from the understandings, from the thrusts of an ego that changes continuously, from the diversified and complex stimuli that each experience presents and so on.

I would say that the crystallization it can only be defined by the inner drive: it is the blockage of a part of the flow that cannot flow and blend with the rest of the individual's interiority, a basis that remains constant until the vibratory circle that feeds it is interrupted or altered from the achievement of partial or total understanding that modifies the vibratory nucleus of crystallization.

So the response on the physical plane can be different (even opposite) despite being the effect of the same crystallization. Georgei

2008-2017 Annals

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