The physiology of sexuality and homosexuality (5s)

The sexuality of the individual man is something very complex, because - like every manifestation of the individual man - it is the result of the interaction of the three bodies that make up the individual himself.
Physical, astral and mental bodies play a very important role in the manifestation of that complex of actions-reactions-emotions-thoughts that we have called sexuality.

If sexuality acted only on a physical level - and then it should no longer be called sexuality but sex - it would most likely be "periodic" as it happens in the animal world, as it would exist for the sole purpose of making the human species survive and would not cause - as it still is today, on the threshold of 2000 - of problems.

Furthermore, it is closely linked to the functioning of two endocrine glands, the epiphysis and the pituitary gland (pineal and pituitary gland). The two glands in question perform a not indifferent physiological activity. 

The first is in charge of development of the sexual characteristics of the individual, so much so that after puberty a spontaneous process of atrophy begins.

The second controls theemission of sex hormones - so to speak the gonadotropins - substances, basically, necessary for sexual arousal and for the whole mechanism that concerns sexual intercourse in itself.

Not only are the sex hormones stimulated by the aforementioned glands, but the entire hormone production of the organism is stimulated; this production, however, has its own specific laws, and the production of sex hormones is also subject to them. This means that within the hormonal balance of the healthy organism, the production of sex hormones also becomes a necessary component, which does not mean that you constantly need sexual intercourse. 

The healthy human organism therefore needs, for its maintenance, sex hormones in circulation, in order to maintain its functioning unchanged.
All this means that, under normal conditions, an individual also carries sexual hormones into the circulation which, however, do not necessarily direct him towards obtaining sexual intercourse. This means, then, that to implement the mechanism of sexual intercourse - remember that we speak in very simplified terms - at least a greater quantity of these hormones is required.

It follows, therefore, that a "quid" must enter the field which subjects the sexual glands to a surplus work and, since this "quid" cannot be found on a physical level, it follows that if sexuality were only a physical fact it would be limited to those "periods" that characterize animal sexuality, in which there would be a spontaneous and natural greater production of sexual hormones, necessary - as we have seen - to implement the mechanism of sexual intercourse.

The triggering cause lies, as you have recently been told, in the mental body of the individual; and it is from there that the stimulus to the glands responsible for controlling the secretions of the sexual glands starts.

This, of course, means that sexuality is closely related to the mental body, and you can verify this for yourself by observing yourself in your sexual reactions and trying to understand how much, when and how your mental body has affected you; or you can see it by looking at the curve that sexuality makes from its first appearance in puberty to old age.

Generally a healthy individual, and with a non-frustrated sexuality, will certainly notice a decline in sexuality in the course of life; this happens because, if sexuality is lived in a "satisfying" way, it no longer determines that bubbling of thoughts-desires, which induce the mental body to stimulate sexual awakening at every level by influencing (and undergoing the stimuli) in particular on the astral body which, as a sphere of emotions and sensations, will make arousal manifested on a physical level.

This apparently complex mechanism is nevertheless very frequent in each of you and a source of disturbance for some.
From what has just been said it can be concluded that sexuality, or better still sexual desire and all its consequences, acts above all on an astral and mental level.

But I didn't want to talk to you about this, even if the introduction I made was more than necessary to make you understand what I want to tell you. In fact, on the basis of what has been said, I want to talk to you about a particular aspect of sexuality: that aspect - considered a deviation, pain and torment of those who experience it personally, arousing disgust in some people - which is commonly called homosexuality.

Homosexuality seems to be an issue that has plagued humanity since its dawn. In fact, it cannot be said that it is a question of today, as homosexuality has always existed, even if the way of interpreting and living it has been different over the centuries.

But what is homosexuality? 

It is a sexual dimension that induces an individual to direct their sexual desire towards another individual of the same sex.
This seems to go against what is normal, also for the fact that the purpose of sexuality would seem to be the propagation of the species, to procreate, and it is clear to everyone that two individuals of the same sex cannot procreate.

However, io I am here to say that there is nothing abnormal about homosexuality; of course I am talking about individuals with homosexual tendencies but who have the sexual characteristics of one of the two sexes intact.
In fact, there are individuals who also carry the sexual characteristics of one and the other sex at the same time on a morphological and physiological level: for these individuals, therefore, the uncertainty in sexual desire is more understandable than ever if we consider the whole question of hormonal secretions. that was done in the beginning.

"But the individual who instead has a normal physical appearance, a normal physiology, should address his sexuality in an equally" normal "way" it is to be said, the fact that, however, this is not so gives, in turn, to think that there is a cause that triggers an anomalous address of one's sexuality.

The apparent and most immediate causes could be different: from childhood trauma to the "vice" that leads to experiencing sexuality in an exasperated way. However, this is certainly not sufficient to explain the complexity of the phenomenon.
The causes mentioned and all those that lie in the middle and that we have not mentioned, are also at the basis of other sexual problems, which have a more than evident psychological matrix which, as such, can be modified, "cured", changed, brought back to normal.

Even with regard to homosexuality, these causes can be found in some cases, but not always: there are clearly cases in which the cause is different.

If you ask a true homosexual (and by true I mean an individual morphologically and physiologically normal, and who finds himself living his homosexuality not for traumatic reasons or for vice) when he has discovered his own reality, he will answer that there has been no a specific moment:
“I've always been like this, since I was a child”.
This could still mean that the true homosexual is born in this way, that is, it would seem to exist - after such an affirmation - a congenital cause; but if we have said that, physically, he is an intact, normal individual, it still means that there cannot be an apparent cause.
The cause exists, it certainly exists, and it is found on the astral plane and on the mental plane. In fact, it is precisely from there that the impulses and stimuli start so that the sexual behavior of that individual falls into one sphere or another.

An external observer detects in the true homosexual - and in this case we are talking about male homosexuals also because it seems that male homosexuality has a greater importance than female homosexuality which goes much more unnoticed (and even here we would have to talk for hours and hours ) - a certain "femininity" given by a strange and unusual "sweetness" in the way of being and doing that individual.
Now the sweetness, which is by no means a female prerogative - also because there are "females" much more aggressive and harsher than "males" -, it is not an attribute of an individual's way of being that belongs to the physical plane, that is, there is nothing at the level physical that is the direct or indirect "cause" of sweetness, but sweetness, which is part of a person's character, is an attribute that sees its origin from the mental plane and the astral plane. 

This too, therefore, indirectly confirms that the origin of homosexuality lies in something that does not belong to the physical world.
I don't know how much he managed to convince you, however assuming he did, let's move on to something else.

How can it be that the cause of homosexuality re-enters the astral and mental plane, without the intervention of those stimuli that come from the Akasic plane and thanks to which the mental and astral planes are set in motion? 

You know it can't be, and indeed, the main stimulus comes from the Akasic plane, and not only that, but it is precisely here, in the Akasic plane, that the reasons can be different, depending on the individuals and their evolutionary path. 

The task of the astral plane and the mental plane seems to me quite clear at this point, as they have the function, through the sphere of desires and emotions the first, and through the mind the second, to send impulses to the physical body. to direct it and direct it in a certain way. This is quite simple to understand.

The role of the Akasic plan, on the other hand, becomes much more complex, this is because - as I said before - the motivations of the Akasic plan are different from individual to individual.
If we wanted to simplify things, we could say that the experience of a homosexual life falls within the cases of irreversible karma, necessary to make that individual understand - through an experience that, at times, can be quite painful - that something. which he did not want to understand by crossing less narrow streets.
But we don't want to simplify things, we want to try to understand what - in principle - the mechanism that induces homosexuality can be.

Let's take some examples.

  • It could be that the individuality in question has reached a good evolutionary level, a good evolutionary level that leads him to love all his brothers indiscriminately. 
    Here, however, to put his need to love to the test, the problem of sexuality arises, and here he, on a physical level, induced by the motions of the astral and mental planes, finds himself feeling sexually attracted towards an individual of the same sex; so it happens that his desire to love everyone will lead him to even painful experiences that will teach him some more nuances of his need to love, at least the one that will make him understand that loving does not necessarily mean having carnal relationships with the loved individual .
  • Another example could be that of the individuality who finds himself experimenting with homosexuality to compensate for a life of willed and exasperated asceticism, or of intolerance towards everything that comes out of normality, of the lawful.
  • Yet another example - and then we will stop here - could be that of the individuality that carries with it in a vivid and real way the legacies of a previous life, left perhaps in a traumatic and precocious way, in which it covered a physical body of the opposite sex. to the current one.
    In this case the Akasic body sends the impulses almost as if that individual were still the one from the previous life; of course it is not that the Akasic body of that individual is making confusion, or has the bricks upside down but, much more simply, some aspects of the previous experience that have remained unfinished must be completed by enriching themselves with new and different nuances.

Other examples could be given, but as I said before I prefer to stop here because I would do nothing but make a list of different situations that correspond to the different evolutionary needs of the individuals who find themselves living this experience.

So seen in this perspective - as you yourselves can consider - homosexuality has nothing abnormal, if not those behaviors that go against a purely human morality, in fact, from a spiritual point of view it must be considered as any “different” experience that the individual may encounter in the course of his own existence.

It is true that homosexuals may have, in principle, a certain emotional lability, or that they may not be, at times, serene individuals, or, again, that they may have contradictory and sometimes even provocative behaviors, but this is only a problem. psychology of individuals who are unable to accept and live their condition serenely, so much so that they are very close, in some respects, to those ladies who are dissatisfied with their "wife-mother-housewife" condition, who live their reality in a way tormented very often bordering on neurosis.

Solved the psychological problem, probably even a homosexual would be able to live his own existence in a more fluid way, with ups and downs, with the alternation of moments of suffering and joy like any other individual.

But - to conclude - I wanted to raise a question. There has been talk of homosexuality in animals, so I ask you: how can you explain it, considering that the animal - at least from what has been said by the Guides - has structured only the astral body and the mental body is only a sketch? 

To this, of course, we will respond on another occasion so I will stop here, and greet you all. Francesco

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