The imperfect copies of the good-evil permanent template 4 [sf27]

To understand in more detail the consequences on the embodied individual deriving from the existence of the good/evil archetype, it is necessary to examine some other important elements that arise from its existence within the development of Reality as it is experienced by man.

If you have carefully read what we said previously, you will certainly remember that we underlined the fact that the influence of the permanent archetype has "repercussions" on man's life, identifiable in the first place in the transient archetypes which from time to time are formed and which constitute one imperfect copy of the permanent archetype of which I am the relapse.

It is a discourse difficult to explain just as, I believe, it is difficult to really understand, so I will try to shift what we are saying to the level of a transitory archetype, in order to provide you with a kind of example of what, on closer inspection, is nothing but the reappearance of a new one vibrational cycle which has its beginning within the permanent archetype, finds its resonance within consciousness of the individual who, in an attempt to adapt to it, creates, with the vibrations of his own supposed and theoretical understandings, a transitory archetype, partial and obviously insufficient image of the totality of the vibrations emitted by the permanent archetype.

The transitory archetype becomes, for the embodied man, the territory, at the level of experimentation of one's own understandings, within which the answers of the are modified feel of the individual to the solicitations of new data coming from the experience he carries out in the course of his life arriving to bring crumbs of understanding to the akasic body of each individual who moves in that spectrum of supposed exact beliefs, updating its constitution and closing the cycle vibrational with its unconscious comparison with the vibration coming from the permanent archetype which thus keeps intact its function of indicator of the path to be taken.

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[...] Let us now try to find a transitory archetype that could be considered one of the fallouts of the influence of the permanent good/evil archetype (and we limit ourselves to just one transitory archetype for simplicity, but always keep in mind that usually the repercussions are manifold).

Io I would suggest that the transitional archetype most obviously deriving from the permanent good/evil archetype is that of justice/injustice (and yes, even with regard to the transitory archetypes it is better to get used to thinking of them as a dichotomy of apparent opposites with respect to whose gradations the individual refers to in order to experience his own greater or lesser adherence to the vibrations of the permanent archetype).

You will say: couldn't the justice/injustice archetype simply be a permanent archetype? What is it that makes him acquire the attribution of "transitional" instead of "permanent"? Ombre

The concept good/evil is evidently quite different, in its quality, from that of justice/injustice: in fact the attribution good/evil is an attribution which (and this on the other hand is a peculiar characteristic of the permanent archetype) has its same validity in the whole environment of the Cosmos, to the point that one could affirm that what the permanent archetype defines as good or as evil is valid and identical on any planet inhabited by races in evolution within the entire Cosmos of which planet Earth is a part.

Certainly, as we said at the beginning, the confused perception that man has of the concept good/evil (and the consequent application in everyday life of this idea that he tries to implement) becomes, in its application by of the individual, something strictly relative which differs greatly from the vibrations emitted by the permanent archetype. But the starting point, the vibration of the permanent archetype, is always immutable and any path taken to reach it will lead to it, any being in the process of evolution.

This does not happen, however, for the attribution of justice or injustice: it (and this, as you should know by now, is a peculiar characteristic of the influence of transitory archetypes) varies not only from point to point of the Cosmos but from type from society to type of society and, even, from human being to human being.

Let us not forget, in fact, that the various civilizations, societies, brotherhoods and so on refer to the transitory archetypes which, precisely for this reason, have a limited path in time even in cases in which (see the Egyptian civilization) they cross a time period of several millennia.

To give an even simpler example and in terms more easily accessible to all of you, we could say that the substantial difference between a permanent archetype and the transitory archetypes that make up its effect on the set of elements that determine the environment in which evolution is manifested and experienced, is the same that exists between the terms "smell", "perfume" and "stink": certainly the perfume and the stench can be generically defined as odors but the opposite is not true in an absolute sense since the attribution to a smell of the qualification "stink" or "perfume" derives not from intrinsic qualities of the smell, but from intrinsic qualities to those who try to define it .

The smell of an essence, for example, can be defined as a perfume or as a stink depending on various variable factors: on the olfactory ability of the person who perceives them, for example, or on social conventions or even on any fashion whatsoever.

It can therefore be said that the transitory archetype undoubtedly turns out to be strictly dependent on relativity and, therefore, on the subjective perception of the perceiver and the fact that, perhaps, a group of perceivers define it in a certain way rather than in another different one does not for this reason it makes it less relative.

This means that, unlike the dictates of the permanent archetype, the dictates of the transitory archetypes can be overcome, forgotten or enormously transformed as the evolution of individuals proceeds along its path. Which, we repeat, neither happens nor can happen for what is "whispered" by them permanent archetypes. Vito

From the cycle Nuances of Feeling 2002-2007

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1 comment on “The imperfect copies of the good-evil permanent template 4 [sf27]”

  1. Permanent archetype, emanation of the Absolute.
    Transient archetype, the attempt of the human, relative to his understandings, to adhere to the first vibration.


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