The process of crystallization, basis of evolution (c1)

Before being able to address and attempt to deepen the topic of crystallization, it is necessary to clarify what is meant by this term.
The word crystallization indicates a particular condition in which what was initially changeable and fluid becomes instead static, solid, crystalline.

And if this change can refer well to a chemical-physical process (such as the crystallization of a salt), it also adapts well to our thoughts, our ways of speaking, our ideas, our desires and everything that goes on in us and which cannot be considered of a strictly physical nature.

Where we can say that life is "movement", which is expressed as vibration, crystallization can come naturally to us to define it as an absence of movement and therefore consider it as a phenomenon that apparently opposes life.
In reality, however, crystallization never appears as a total, complete and absolute immobility, just as there is no complete and absolute movement.

If, for example, we stop to observe natural crystals, we can see how they actually grow, even if very slowly, developing forms of extraordinary complexity and beauty, simply by replicating a relatively simple basic structure. All obviously with the decisive contribution of the environment, which must never be neglected. From what has been said, it is clear that the crystal is, in reality, a living and therefore dynamic structure.

And if in the analysis we go beyond the physical plane, even in the person who appears more firm and immutable in his canons of thought (we could call it mental crystallization) or emotion (astral crystallization), there is actually a certain movement, perhaps minimal and certainly imperceptible, which with the right time to manifest itself will also lead to changes that may also be visible from the outside (leaving aside for the moment the concept of the subjective perception that, of course, the others of this hypothetical person would have).

Now, since to live means to evolve, and since to evolve means - again - to move, to mutate and to change, crystallization, being also "movement", even if slow, only apparently proposes itself as a force that contrasts theevolution same.
In reality, if it is true that in the early stages it sequester and blocks, according to certain and rigid modules, elements (for example, molecules and atoms) that were previously free to move in the environment, it is also true that this phenomenon then becomes the basis for “Movements” and, therefore, more complex and evolved forms of life. So, somewhat surprisingly, we can see that at the basis of the dynamism of life, as we know it, we find the apparent stillness of a crystal.

This parallelism can then also be reported in us, in everyday life, when we realize that all our mental superstructures, illusory certainties, more or less useful or more or less harmful habits rooted in us, are nothing more. that little crystal germs on which we are slowly building something more, which will be the basis for our further growth. On the other hand, if crystallization were only stasis, and as such it was only useless not to say harmful, it would not even exist.

Thus, as in all the other "dualities" that make up reality (day-night, high-low, black-white, positive-negative, io-not me, etc.), where it is not possible to define the exact point where one begins and the other ends, if not in an arbitrary and illusory way, even in duality "crystallization / evolution“It is not possible to consider one without the other, leading to the logical conclusion that without crystallization there would be no movement, and therefore evolution, and therefore life itself as we know it.

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4 comments on “The process of crystallization, basis of evolution (c1)”

  1. Very clear. It is consoling to read that crystallization does not have a "negative" aspect but is the engine of change.

  2. I had already read this post last week. The mind struggles a bit to accept concepts such as dynamism and stillness at the same time.

  3. We hope this is really the case. The parallel with the crystal is very effective. Even what seems to have assumed a rigid and definitive form, in reality, albeit imperceptibly, changes.


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