Spiritual handbook for the elderly [sf16]

[…] How easy it is to hear you say: “I no longer have the energy I had when I was young! Except that 10 years ago I was able to do things that now I would no longer be able to do ”. Nonsense! This is a mental attitude due to some lack of understanding on your part! 

Think of the energies, creatures; the energies pass through your physical body, but their source is not part of the physical body; the physical body, at most, it may succeed by deterioration in leading the energies to a greater or lesser extent flowing through you but, in reality, the energies flowing through you have the same intensity as they did when you were a child.

Io I guarantee you that nothing inside your XNUMX+ body has less energy than it did twenty years ago; what makes the difference is the way you approach life.

Because, you see, when one begins to lose the attention of others, when one begins to think, say, that one's working life begins to be towards the end, when one begins to glimpse the approaching moment of goodbye to the physical world, something clicks immediately in any individual.
What is this thing that clicks for everyone and makes you act like you're a little moron many times? (in a good way, of course)

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  • Summary of the philosophical teaching of the Ifior Circle: HOW CONSCIOUSNESS CREATES PERSONAL REALITY, you can order here the book. If you're reading this and want support, write.

Something we talked about a long time ago: the fear of death! Oh yes, creatures, because although you are in contact with death every 15 days, in reality, after almost thirty years of contact you are still afraid of it!

Men and women of little faith, if you truly understood what we are saying to you, your fear would melt like snow in the sun and you would have no reason to fear abandonment of the physical plane; and, if you did not have this fear, many of the energies that you hold back, that you hide, that you sometimes oppress to bask in your victimhood, in your complacency, could be used by all of you in a more useful and fruitful way, you could be more active, you could - as was said before - truly live your life again. Scifo

All spiritual qualities are intact

Is your ability to love, to be sensitive, to suffer or to rejoice different from what you had twenty years ago? Does the pain no longer haunt you as it did in the past? Perhaps a moment of happiness does not make you more cheerful or carefree; Doesn't that make a seemingly empty day seem like a day worth remembering? 

However, your ability to have emotions and feelings remains intact despite the passage of time on the physical plane; this is because it comes from your astral body and your astral body does not age, but it continues to react to what happens to you. If your reactions do not come to manifest themselves in the right way on the physical plane it is only because you block them. Rodolfo

And your thoughts, creatures? All of you will say: "But as I get older, I forget the words"; or again: "As I get older, I am no longer able to do the same reasoning as I once did"; or again: "Under stress I can no longer be consistent and sometimes I get lost in the void" and you do not understand that your ability to think, to reason, has remained unchanged and that these apparent shortcomings that you manifest in living your life are they due to what?

To your inability, little will to continue keep this ability in training; because, remember: whatever abilities each of you possess will atrophy if not used!

Look around you, observe people even much older than you who, too, are brilliant, still manage to lead an interesting intellectual life. In many ways - beyond what is the obvious physical age - sometimes they seem younger than you, and you look old in comparison to them!

It is not due to who knows what particular alchemy of the individual, but it is due to the fact that that person or that other person knew how to keep their interests alive, and therefore stimulate their desires; they knew how to express their needs, they knew how to think about what they thought was important, they knew how to get inside themselves and continue to work, they did not stand still waiting for the moment of the word "end" to arrive. 

This is important, creatures! Don't crystallize, do not stop, think that what we have taught you in recent years about crystallization if it was valid when we talked to you about observing and knowing yourself, and you were still young, it is even more valid when this speech is addressed to you , conditioned from the idea of ​​old age that is exposed around you!

Reject this idea; remember that it is not the age that counts, but the true age that counts is that which is not years old and is that of conscience, that of the spirit; and if you keep yourself in contact with your spirit, your conscience, if you keep intact the bonds you have created with it over time, you will be "alive" beyond what your physical body may want or seem to demonstrate . Scifo

Nutrition: becoming a vegetarian?

One of the problems of those who reach a certain age concerns nutrition. Who among you is not afraid to eat certain things, is undecided whether this can eat it or cannot eat it, and so on? I think everyone. You all worry, perhaps - in my opinion - beyond measure, about what is good for you or what is bad for you. Certainly there is no need to overeat during the day, but why deny yourself those things that can please you? For fear of a little stomach ache? But if you eat something with pleasure, most of the time the stomach ache doesn't come.

What is the best diet for older people? Becoming a vegetarian? But man's nature is not vegetarian; the nature of man is like that of the pig, it is omnivorous; and, if he is omnivorous, there will be a reason; and you know that everything that happens happens by its own logic, its own rightness; therefore, if man has the capacity of him to digest, synthesize any type of food, this has been preordained because there are different substances that the individual must assimilate.

This means that - even if to a greater or lesser extent - even with the progress of age the individual, even if elderly, must arrive to assimilate, to introduce a bit of all the substances into his organism. Of course, with advancing age, and therefore less physical work, animal proteins are perhaps no longer necessary as before, but from there it is a long step to become totally vegetarian; they are not necessary as before but, to some extent, they are still necessary.

So try to consider your diet as a sort of test of yourself; a test bench that allows you to adapt yourself to who you are, in such a way as to find that right balance which, unique, can guarantee the best functionality of your whole body over time. I don't know

Try to understand what you really want

In short, creatures, the main problem underlying the idea of ​​old age is the fact that nnot being able to have a right, adequate image of yourself. There are those who remember being the young, athletic and cheerful and, therefore, they still remember this way and cannot detach themselves from that image; there are those who see themselves as an individual sadly on the way to decline and then adapt to this image, ending up transforming themselves as much as possible in this direction. Try to be objective with yourself; look at your reality, look at the real image of yourself: but it is not what you think! Try to understand what it really is! 

The man of a certain age who turns to look at a beautiful girl, maybe at 85, at 90, and those around him look at him, and there are those who smile, there are those who giggle, there are those is annoyed. Why, creatures? Does the idea of ​​beauty, within the individual, no longer exist only because the person is 85 years old? 

Of course, what is important is not the fact of looking at the beautiful girl or (excuse the women) the beautiful boy, but the "way" in which this observation is carried out.

Because if you look at a beautiful painting even at the age of 90 and you say: "How beautiful this painting" no one finds fault, but if you look at a beautiful boy, a beautiful girl, and you say: "How beautiful this girl" (or this boy) many find fault with it ?! Don't let yourself be conditioned by what others want from you; by now, after decades of living on the physical plane, you should have learned to understand that what you want is what is best and useful for you; that others can, yes, give you their opinions, but then it is you who must lead your life forward.

So do at least now, now that you have far fewer time problems than you had before, what you were unable to do at a younger age; try to understand what you really want.
Make your last years or decades of life truly come to an end that makes your life worth living, and not just the desire to leave a good memory, a good nest egg or a good work for others to remember. of you; because, remember creatures: when you abandon the physical plane, one, two, five, ten, twenty, fifty years will pass, and then, who will remember you?

Even if someone remembers you, what will be remembered is not what you were, but what others thought, imagined or elaborated about you. What then is left of your physical plane life? One thing only: what you have managed to do for yourself! 

And you don't have to believe that since you have reached a certain age you are exempt yourself from knowing yourself; indeed, with the experience you have accumulated over the years, your responsibilities, when you do not want to see yourself, are even greater than they were before. Scifo

From the cycle Nuances of Feeling 2002-2007

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2 comments on “Spiritual handbook for the elderly [sf16]”

  1. A multi-faceted topic. I partially agree with the guides. If I look at my mother she is the example of longevity because thanks to her interests she has a vitality far superior to mine in terms of commitments and occupations.
    It is true that being alone is a big problem for her. She cannot do otherwise, she must seek company. And this is a limit: not knowing how to accept that there are seasons. Then there are also the extreme cases of Berlusconi. In short, a topic to be discussed.

  2. This theme falls precisely in the moment when I feel more stressed than usual and I realize that I am saying more and more often, it will be the age.

    Scifo's words come to me like a slap and urge me not to amuse myself in a sort of resignation.

    Crystallizations are also evident in many ways, which we take for granted.

    Instead everything can be questioned. We must doubt everything and have the courage to dare.


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